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Found 6 results

  1. Hello all, The following is an updated and summarized guideline of Huskerboard’s policy surrounding politically-themed content, specifically in areas outside of the Politics & Religion (P&R) sub forum, though not exclusively. If you have questions or concerns, please comment below or send a private message to a board moderator or admin. No politically-themed content in status updates Please do not share news or commentary related to politics, policies, elected officials, the president, or topics that would fall under the political umbrella. The P&R forum is the only place to share these opinions and discuss a candidate, elected official, or policy. No politically-themed content in Huskerboard user profiles This limitation extends to profile avatars, user names, signatures, and other forward-facing aspects of user profiles including those featured in posts and updates. Moderator/admin discretion will determine what is acceptable and what isn't. Deference will not be given to ambiguity If a mod or admin believes some element of a user profile violates any of the above, that user will be required to remove the violation. Refusal to do so in a timely fashion may result in the account being moderated and/or suspended until the violation is corrected. The account may also face a ban if the violation is deemed intentional, the user has a history of abusing this policy, or at moderator/admin discretion. Only members with a minimum of 250 posts will be granted access to the Politics & Religion sub-forum The limit is in place to prevent abuse of the P&R sub-forum, however, Board Guidelines will still be enforced to the fullest extent once a member is granted access. If a moderator/admin believes a member with less than 250 posts is trying to improperly increase their post count in order to access the sub-forum, the member in question may face penalties up to and including a Huskerboard account ban. Actions that may be considered improper include, but are not limited to, multiple and repeated posts in the 'Last to Post Wins' thread, multiple posts in a thread when a single post would've sufficed, or multiple posts across several threads that appear to be of no real value. If this behavior is uncovered posthumously, after a member is granted access to the P&R sub-forum, that member may still be held accountable for their actions up to and including a Huskerboard account ban. Why such a hardline stance against politics? Most users come here for the primary reason of discussing Husker sports. The board has experienced situations in the past where political debates made their way into other forums outside of P&R. These debates often featured personal attacks or other board violations. Some members have also complained the political spillover into other parts of the board is a turn off. Keeping political discussions inside the P&R forum gives users a specific place they can go to discuss these topics. As always, any political comments made in the P&R section must adhere to our Board Rules. Thank you, Huskerboard's Leadership Team
  2. I have a little Trump fatigue and wanted to change the topic a little. Just a harmless anonymous poll to get some discussion going... (you can choose more than one because.... why not?) And BTW, this is not some elaborate way to proselytize, although after I read it, it kind-of looks like that. I'm just genuinely curious about what people believe.
  3. Ok, fans of politics and religion, let me begin this discussion with the assumption that Gawd* does, in fact, exist. As an agnostic**, I know, I know, it's a stretch, and stay with me oh ye' fans of Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and the late, great Chris Hitchens(R.I.P.), but I assume the existence of Gawd since so many millions and billions of the human family swear He/She does exist and I can't make my argument w/o such admission. You know, during this campaign season, so much back and forth about taxes and the efficacy thereof and then there's the renewed topic of so-called "religious freedom", you know, that's where religious people can be free to hate whomever their respective holy books say they are allowed to hate, e.g., gays, infidels, goyim, adulterous women, dark skinned people, etc. Well, I think religious people should be allowed the freedom to hate in any way they feel comfortable about and I also think they should be free to accept the blowback/social consequences thereof. But what I really want to talk about here is the fact that all the various holy rollers and their Gawds somehow feel their freedom includes living off the dole of society at large. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about: the free ride, free lunch, that is, the avoidance of all tax responsibility to the communities and society at large that serves them so faithfully: Gawd should stop livin' off the dadgum dole, rrrrgh! Check it out, kind reader. All your dadgum religious institutions basically pay zip in taxes to anyone, anywhere. No property tax, no income tax, no tax on any investments, no tax on any donations, basically no tax at all, save maybe some sales tax on the grape juice and crackers or marshmellow jello and finger sandwiches and Koolaid they offer up on the cheap every other Sunday or so. A the same time, the community provides the normal public services availed to any business or institution--utilities, fire services, public schools for much of their congregations, police protection, etc. You know, there's the ongoing vicious attack on the poor receiving the meager social services availed to them so as they not starve and be homeless in the capitalistic socioeconomic order, the constant call for hungry children to exhibit more "market discipline" while corporate welfare abounds. But you never hear a blip about Gawd and his innumerable "houses" living of the same dole, or worse. I mean, how much property do these holy rollers own? They say the Catholic Church is one of the biggest land/property holders in the world, pays zip in property taxes, yet the Pope and all his robe clad buddies live around some of the most opulent material wealth on the planet. We can extrapolate this phenomenon to the millions of other churches, synagogues, mosques, ashrams, monasteries, summer youth camps, big box Bible beating arenas, or religious based schools like Yale and Harvard. Yale, was founded by wealthy land/slave owning clergy and businessmen as a school to train clergymen and part of the deal was they would never pay property or income tax. Well, a couple hundred years later and Yale is the biggest property owner in New Haven and to this day have yet to pay 1 penny in property tax, yet are a massive burden on the local tax payers and public services provided thereof, in part, causing New Haven to be one of the newly poorest cities in the country--except for Yale. Why is Gawd so dadgum cheap?! I thought Gawd made everything and therefore, at least tacitly, owns everything, which means Gawd owns money, and if He/She owns money, why the heck can't Gawd and His/Her followers pitch in and carry their significant weight in relation to the rest of society--especially to those of us who don't particularly believe in Him/Her? This is a call to more religious freedom! That is, more freedom for the religious to pitch into the tax pool and stop being subsidized by everybody else! I mean, what does Gawd and all His followers give to the rest of us other than some useless, imaginary thoughts called prayers, or some crazy, illogical, fantastical, fairy tale books and stories to read? And the aforementioned prejudice at every turn. Seriously, I, for one, am sick and tired of giving Gawd and His Peeps a free ride. And since when has Gawd ever protected anybody? Like, never, just ask the Charleston 9, oh wait, they aren't here to talk about it. Jeebus, we could probably pay off the national debt, or pay for lots of cool stuff, like free college tuition for all, health care for all, with all the revenue generated if we just taxed Gawd like everybody else. But no, Gawd and His holy rollers want their religious freedom to hate gays or women wanting choices and stuff, while gays and women have to help pay for their free ride. So, when all you holy roller, "goodly" Christian(or otherwise) "souls" out there start griping about this and that "entitlement", and "why is the golldang gub'ment stealin' from me?", yada yada yada, all I can say is, "speak to the Hand", the Hand of Gawd, that is, and tell that Hand to stop taking a hand out and start payin' His/Her fair share to the rest of his so-called creation. Tell your Gawd to stop livin' off the dadgum dole! (*Gawd: Mur'can Deep South pronunciation of the term, "God", the alleged all creative, all knowing, all powerful Being of the Universe) (**Agnostic: an honest person that neither believes or disbelieves in the existence of Gawd, since the latter has never been unequivocally shown to either exist or not exist. An agnostic admits to not knowing.)
  4. Dudeist Brethren, let us begin with a recitation of the Dudeist Affirmation: Whatever. So, maybe you haven't heard, The Church of the Latter Day Dude is set up to become the kingpin of up and coming religions, and, given the dire state of the planet, it comes with little time to spare: Oh, you think I'm joking? But devotees of sleeping in late, shirking work, wearing a bathrobe past noon, dropping acid, doobies and bongs, Black Russians, Taoism for Dummies, peace, love, good samaritanism and a general distain for the Law, are replicating themselves on the global scene faster than bunny rabbits in springtime. Visit their website( http://dudeism.com/ ), fill out the 'form', and within a few brief moments you too can become an official member of the movement: Once you're on the inside, you can become a 'Dudeist Freedom Fighter' and conduct counterinsurgent extreme bowling ops against radical Jihadism, global banksters, the corporate plutocracy, carbon taxes, Angela Merkel, Jeb Bush, Sean Hannity, Dr. Drew, the Caitlyn Jenner Saga, The Disney Channel, Shark Tank Nation, ponzi scammers, 'reality' tv in general, and child abusers: To name just a few... As you 'move up the ranks' of Dudeist indoctrination, you may gain insight into the mysteries of the universe, if you are not too stoned, that is: So, take the 1st step, and the next step, and after that, take another step, you'll be happy you did--we need you, the world needs you, and most of all the Dude needs and ABIDES by YOU!
  5. So you know that question about what would you say to God if you met him at the pearly gates? Stephen Fry has a pretty cogent answer.
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