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Everything posted by GIGEM27

  1. They are not used to not getting their way. They forget they sucked when the Big 12 was formed. A&M was the dominate team in Texas, and had been for a decade. Yeah, we've been not good lately, but it hasn't always been like that. tu has destroyed two conferences, and this one twice.
  2. I'm pretty sure we are gone, unless the legislature does something. Nice move waiting until the last minute to move the Board of Regents meeting up (requires 72 hrs notice), running a sweep around the political forces of the tsips, baylor, and those inbreds on the llano estacado. A lot of A&M fans wanted to leave when you guys did. Believe me, we're more tired of tu than yall were. I'm thinking tu's arrogance will finally do them in. I don't think they will do as well as an independant. I think the Notre Dame/Texas conference is a pipe dream, ND won't put up with Texas' shenanigans. They've already spurned down the PAC, plus the Longhorn Network thing would need to go. I'm hoping you guys had enough of them in the Big 12 to put the kibosh on any Texas to Big 10 move. And follow us to the SEC? tu would NEVER do that. Zero U and Okie Lite, Missouri, and probably those Lubbock idiots will be able to find a decent conference. Probably KU also, with their basketball prowness. KSU, ISU, and especially Baylor will be hurting. The tipping point seemed to be the publication of the agreement between ESPN and tu about the longhorn network, revealing the deceit tu was engaged in to the other Big 12 members. Now, they have been trying to strongarm lubbock into agreeing go put their game on the network. And Dodd's puppet Beebe has said the future of the league depends on tu, not A&M. No matter what happens, should be an even more brutal than usual game on thanksgiving with them this year. Best of luck this season in the Big 10! Gig'em!
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