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Everything posted by HuskerShark

  1. If only everyone actually used that practice.
  2. Well...if you think about it he fixed his marriage problems. Bill and his Husband just live a total lie. So.....he was/is a slime ball that cheated on his wife and only after Ivana blew up and filed for divorce did he "fix his marriage". But, he somehow thinks it's noble to attack another woman who has a slime ball for a husband. Interesting. Trump views marriage like buying cars. Buy a younger model every few years. Not perfect but IMO, better than treating a marriage like a political stepping stone. Like Trump is doing by bringing up other people's marriages? If you were him, would you not?
  3. Well...if you think about it he fixed his marriage problems. Bill and his Husband just live a total lie. So.....he was/is a slime ball that cheated on his wife and only after Ivana blew up and filed for divorce did he "fix his marriage". But, he somehow thinks it's noble to attack another woman who has a slime ball for a husband. Interesting. Trump views marriage like buying cars. Buy a younger model every few years. Not perfect but IMO, better than treating a marriage like a political stepping stone.
  4. You can't build a business (which the US economy is, by the way) without taking risk. Employees simply don't understand. So when people talk about Trump bankrupting 4 companies as a reason why he's inept all I can do is roll my eyes and laugh. The reason most people don't go bankrupt is because they never do anything of significance. They clock in and clock out day after day at a job they don't like (but try to convince themselves and others that they do) and then try to tell everyone else how to run their lives. Sorry if you perceive this as "hoop jumping." I realize Trump isn't perfect. I realize the things he's planning on doing are somewhat risky. But what's the alternative? Continuing to be a doormat in the world with trade, education, economy, immigration, etc.? Count me out on that one. On the current path, America is on track for total collapse, and Trump is the only one who's planning to do anything about it. Sorry if he doesn't tip-toe around like the politicians that so many people on this board seem to adore, but so many of the things that he's proposing have been desperately needed in this country for decades now. Have fun living in Canada. So what is he "planning on doing"? Other than say he's the greatest and he has awesome plans - what has he actually said he will do? He speaks with ZERO content other than to spew hatred and bigotry. He's an embarrassment to this country. You speak of his bankruptcies as badges of honor because he tried. He impacted millions of people with each of those filings, which he admits he made out well financially by doing so. These are our fellow americans, you and I who are trying to work to feed ourselves and our families. Once, is a mistake - two, three and four more is just greed, poor business planning and strategy, and absolute selfishness. Look into his promises to the folks in the communities in Scotland, and in Jersey City as well as other spots where he's done business. It's indicative of what we're up for if he gets a place in government. False promises that he can't deliver on. ZERO CONTENT. He's a buffoon. You must not be a woman or have a wife, or more specifically a daughter. Would you be ok with him alluding to her to get on her knees to earn his business support? With him belittling her professional skills by calling her a bimbo? Once again, you have no idea about anything business related. I'd like to see you go out and try to build a 10 billion dollar empire and see how many companies you bankrupt. I bet it will be more than 4. Much, much more. "I'd like to see you do better" is hardly a stellar defense of Trump. And that seems needlessly inflammatory. All I'm trying to say is that everybody acts like it's so easy and have absolutely no clue. And if he would have stepped back after his first bankruptcy he never would have built the enormous empire he did. People can try to discredit him by saying he started with a lot so it was easy, but people who say that are morons, honestly. And moraine, sorry, but I don't subscribe to the PC culture BS. Sometimes there's a right side and a wrong side, and this is one of those times. Matter of opinion on the right and wrong side HuskerShark - those who can't respect that people can have differences of opinions without belittling them and calling them names are the ones proving themselves to be uneducated and simple minded. With your comments here it's obvious that you represent the exact population that Trump has taken advantage of. God help us. L. O. L. Wow.
  5. You can't build a business (which the US economy is, by the way) without taking risk. Employees simply don't understand. So when people talk about Trump bankrupting 4 companies as a reason why he's inept all I can do is roll my eyes and laugh. The reason most people don't go bankrupt is because they never do anything of significance. They clock in and clock out day after day at a job they don't like (but try to convince themselves and others that they do) and then try to tell everyone else how to run their lives. Sorry if you perceive this as "hoop jumping." I realize Trump isn't perfect. I realize the things he's planning on doing are somewhat risky. But what's the alternative? Continuing to be a doormat in the world with trade, education, economy, immigration, etc.? Count me out on that one. On the current path, America is on track for total collapse, and Trump is the only one who's planning to do anything about it. Sorry if he doesn't tip-toe around like the politicians that so many people on this board seem to adore, but so many of the things that he's proposing have been desperately needed in this country for decades now. Have fun living in Canada. So what is he "planning on doing"? Other than say he's the greatest and he has awesome plans - what has he actually said he will do? He speaks with ZERO content other than to spew hatred and bigotry. He's an embarrassment to this country. You speak of his bankruptcies as badges of honor because he tried. He impacted millions of people with each of those filings, which he admits he made out well financially by doing so. These are our fellow americans, you and I who are trying to work to feed ourselves and our families. Once, is a mistake - two, three and four more is just greed, poor business planning and strategy, and absolute selfishness. Look into his promises to the folks in the communities in Scotland, and in Jersey City as well as other spots where he's done business. It's indicative of what we're up for if he gets a place in government. False promises that he can't deliver on. ZERO CONTENT. He's a buffoon. You must not be a woman or have a wife, or more specifically a daughter. Would you be ok with him alluding to her to get on her knees to earn his business support? With him belittling her professional skills by calling her a bimbo? Once again, you have no idea about anything business related. I'd like to see you go out and try to build a 10 billion dollar empire and see how many companies you bankrupt. I bet it will be more than 4. Much, much more. "I'd like to see you do better" is hardly a stellar defense of Trump. And that seems needlessly inflammatory. All I'm trying to say is that everybody acts like it's so easy and have absolutely no clue. And if he would have stepped back after his first bankruptcy he never would have built the enormous empire he did. People can try to discredit him by saying he started with a lot so it was easy, but people who say that are morons, honestly. And moraine, sorry, but I don't subscribe to the PC culture BS. Sometimes there's a right side and a wrong side, and this is one of those times.
  6. You can't build a business (which the US economy is, by the way) without taking risk. Employees simply don't understand. So when people talk about Trump bankrupting 4 companies as a reason why he's inept all I can do is roll my eyes and laugh. The reason most people don't go bankrupt is because they never do anything of significance. They clock in and clock out day after day at a job they don't like (but try to convince themselves and others that they do) and then try to tell everyone else how to run their lives. Sorry if you perceive this as "hoop jumping." I realize Trump isn't perfect. I realize the things he's planning on doing are somewhat risky. But what's the alternative? Continuing to be a doormat in the world with trade, education, economy, immigration, etc.? Count me out on that one. On the current path, America is on track for total collapse, and Trump is the only one who's planning to do anything about it. Sorry if he doesn't tip-toe around like the politicians that so many people on this board seem to adore, but so many of the things that he's proposing have been desperately needed in this country for decades now. Have fun living in Canada. So what is he "planning on doing"? Other than say he's the greatest and he has awesome plans - what has he actually said he will do? He speaks with ZERO content other than to spew hatred and bigotry. He's an embarrassment to this country. You speak of his bankruptcies as badges of honor because he tried. He impacted millions of people with each of those filings, which he admits he made out well financially by doing so. These are our fellow americans, you and I who are trying to work to feed ourselves and our families. Once, is a mistake - two, three and four more is just greed, poor business planning and strategy, and absolute selfishness. Look into his promises to the folks in the communities in Scotland, and in Jersey City as well as other spots where he's done business. It's indicative of what we're up for if he gets a place in government. False promises that he can't deliver on. ZERO CONTENT. He's a buffoon. You must not be a woman or have a wife, or more specifically a daughter. Would you be ok with him alluding to her to get on her knees to earn his business support? With him belittling her professional skills by calling her a bimbo? Once again, you have no idea about anything business related. I'd like to see you go out and try to build a 10 billion dollar empire and see how many companies you bankrupt. I bet it will be more than 4. Much, much more.
  7. You can't build a business (which the US economy is, by the way) without taking risk. Employees simply don't understand. So when people talk about Trump bankrupting 4 companies as a reason why he's inept all I can do is roll my eyes and laugh. The reason most people don't go bankrupt is because they never do anything of significance. They clock in and clock out day after day at a job they don't like (but try to convince themselves and others that they do) and then try to tell everyone else how to run their lives. Sorry if you perceive this as "hoop jumping." I realize Trump isn't perfect. I realize the things he's planning on doing are somewhat risky. But what's the alternative? Continuing to be a doormat in the world with trade, education, economy, immigration, etc.? Count me out on that one. On the current path, America is on track for total collapse, and Trump is the only one who's planning to do anything about it. Sorry if he doesn't tip-toe around like the politicians that so many people on this board seem to adore, but so many of the things that he's proposing have been desperately needed in this country for decades now. Have fun living in Canada. And you're calling us poorly educated. Wow. What part of what i said do you perceive as incorrect?
  8. You can't build a business (which the US economy is, by the way) without taking risk. Employees simply don't understand. So when people talk about Trump bankrupting 4 companies as a reason why he's inept all I can do is roll my eyes and laugh. The reason most people don't go bankrupt is because they never do anything of significance. They clock in and clock out day after day at a job they don't like (but try to convince themselves and others that they do) and then try to tell everyone else how to run their lives. Sorry if you perceive this as "hoop jumping." I realize Trump isn't perfect. I realize the things he's planning on doing are somewhat risky. But what's the alternative? Continuing to be a doormat in the world with trade, education, economy, immigration, etc.? Count me out on that one. On the current path, America is on track for total collapse, and Trump is the only one who's planning to do anything about it. Sorry if he doesn't tip-toe around like the politicians that so many people on this board seem to adore, but so many of the things that he's proposing have been desperately needed in this country for decades now. Have fun living in Canada.
  9. That's what people said about the primary.He will be running against someone who might as well be sitting in federal prison. Something tells me he will have plenty of ammunition. Don't forget there are a lot of poorly educated people out there with the power to vote... And there are a lot of poorly educated people in this thread who have no idea about anything but still bashing Trump. Dogs don't bark at parked cars.
  10. That's what people said about the primary. He will be running against someone who might as well be sitting in federal prison. Something tells me he will have plenty of ammunition.
  11. Jeb won't support Trump? What a surprise. Trump was the one that exposed Jeb for being a pushover. As far as the debt issue, too many people read Dave Ramsey books. It will be impossible to crawl out of the massive hole that the past few decades of politicians have gotten us into without incurring some massive debt.
  12. That is absolutely sickening... What is it about Trump that you (or anyone else) dislikes so much? I'd love to see a list.
  13. Speaking from the millenial crowd, I'd say the perspective is less about being lazy and more about the following: 1) We all see our grandparents and parents working dead-end jobs (degree or not) and aren't able to financially retire like they were promised, and we don't want that for our lives. 2) Many millenials are live-for-the-moment types who don't care so much about tomorrow and would rather live for today instead. 3) Once we look inside ourselves, spending 35-40 years living for the weekends, working more, and making less than most are worth doesn't sound appealing whatsoever. I think that sums up my generation's feelings about jobs more than simply being lazy.
  14. Agreed. I'm hopeful that Trump will win, but it wouldn't surprise me to see Kasich take NE
  15. Would you want your son or daughter to work a job like that? I know I have much higher goals for my kids than trading their whole lives away working in a factory. Whose sons and daughters are going to work at all these factories that Trump will bring back? If not "ours" then it must be "theirs", but if "theirs" aren't allowed past "the wall" then it shall be "ours". If it was "our" sons and daughters doing these jobs, Nickerson most likely would have approved the plant. This facility would have paid better than the local gas station. It would have paid better then the waitress at the bar. It would have paid better than most hourly positions in the entire community. Not to mention the dozens of management and skilled labor jobs that are adequate for "our" children. So what's your point? That since I am voting for Trump that I don't have perspective on these types of things? I'd say that the "jobs" part of Trump's campaign is one of the least important in my mind. IMO, we need more people going out creating jobs and opportunities for others, and less people looking & training for jobs. Technology has the ability to replace every cashier in the country if we wanted it to. I say let it, especially if McDonald's employees think they need $15/hr. ^^^The red is my point. A company was going to create 1100 jobs, but because they aren't "good enough" jobs we don't want them. I didn't mean to necessarily single you out, I just know that you are outspoken about your Trump support. A lot of Trump supporters I've talked to like him because he says he will keep manufacturing jobs in America and get rid of illegals. Well, if we keep all our "crappy" manufacturing jobs and get rid of all the people willing to work them, I just don't see how that works.... I gotcha. I wouldn't consider myself in that camp that you describe, but I get your point. I'm not so much about jobs as trade and national safety.
  16. Would you want your son or daughter to work a job like that? I know I have much higher goals for my kids than trading their whole lives away working in a factory. Whose sons and daughters are going to work at all these factories that Trump will bring back? If not "ours" then it must be "theirs", but if "theirs" aren't allowed past "the wall" then it shall be "ours". If it was "our" sons and daughters doing these jobs, Nickerson most likely would have approved the plant. This facility would have paid better than the local gas station. It would have paid better then the waitress at the bar. It would have paid better than most hourly positions in the entire community. Not to mention the dozens of management and skilled labor jobs that are adequate for "our" children. So what's your point? That since I am voting for Trump that I don't have perspective on these types of things? I'd say that the "jobs" part of Trump's campaign is one of the least important in my mind. IMO, we need more people going out creating jobs and opportunities for others, and less people looking & training for jobs. Technology has the ability to replace every cashier in the country if we wanted it to. I say let it, especially if McDonald's employees think they need $15/hr.
  17. Would you want your son or daughter to work a job like that? I know I have much higher goals for my kids than trading their whole lives away working in a factory.
  18. My fault on the math. Friday brain. Correction - $3000 per person.
  19. If you redistribute the $1 trillion, each American would receive approximately $3... The topic is paying $20-30K to every adult... Yeah, lots more government spending.
  20. The Warriors are so incredibly fun to watch. That is all.

  21. As opposed to the current system which does a pretty good job of demotivating people from achievement? I actually really agree with you on that. But if you're talking lesser of two evils, I'll take our current system over shelling out a bunch of money to everyone who didn't earn it.What if it actually saves you money by doing this over the current system?It's not the budget I'm worried about. We're talking about total collapse of our economy potentially. There's no evidence that such a basic income, which would replace other forms of welfare (and social security), would collapse our economy. I highly recommend reading the article. There's also no evidence that it wouldn't, so what's your point. Actually, there's evidence based on limited implemtation similar programs that it actually leads to more productivity overall, even if a small % of individuals are less productive. But, my bigger issue is that we know the system isn't working today. Why keep it the same? I agree with you, but shelling out $30k to everyone isn't the answer IMO
  22. As opposed to the current system which does a pretty good job of demotivating people from achievement? I actually really agree with you on that. But if you're talking lesser of two evils, I'll take our current system over shelling out a bunch of money to everyone who didn't earn it. What if it actually saves you money by doing this over the current system? It's not the budget I'm worried about. We're talking about total collapse of our economy potentially. There's no evidence that such a basic income, which would replace other forms of welfare (and social security), would collapse our economy. I highly recommend reading the article. There's also no evidence that it wouldn't, so what's your point.
  23. As opposed to the current system which does a pretty good job of demotivating people from achievement? I actually really agree with you on that. But if you're talking lesser of two evils, I'll take our current system over shelling out a bunch of money to everyone who didn't earn it. What if it actually saves you money by doing this over the current system? It's not the budget I'm worried about. We're talking about total collapse of our economy potentially.
  24. Because believe it or not, there are jobs that can not afford to have a certain position paid $30,000. I know that's hard for some people to grasp. But, it's reality. Heck, if we have the government pay everyone $30,000, could we do away with the minimum wage? You're correct. It should go away and people should be hired to be however marginally more productive that they can be at whatever price they are willing to exchange for their productivity. I'm with you. It's one more thing the government wouldn't have to monitor and have their hands in either.
  25. As opposed to the current system which does a pretty good job of demotivating people from achievement? I actually really agree with you on that. But if you're talking lesser of two evils, I'll take our current system over shelling out a bunch of money to everyone who didn't earn it.
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