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Everything posted by Sub-Husker

  1. Yer just upset that our game didn't make the list!
  2. Good pick by that expert. The coin I flipped said Nebraska.
  3. It is good to see that I am not the only American that reads the foreign press! Have you lived in any other countries?
  4. A conventional missile strike on Damona would be as effective as firing a nuke.
  5. I saw it yesterday on Haaretz, Debka, Al Jazeera and Russia Today. Sorry... I won't go to those sights from here at work.
  6. This is correct. Iran has achieved mutually assured destruction with Isreal in the form of 10,000 plus missiles that can be equipped with very advanced biological weapons. Russia has sold Iran some very good radars, and I wouldn't be surprised to see that Iran has some S300 batteries (one confirmed from Belarus). In addition, Hiz b'Allah in Lebanon has one of the most powerful missile arsenals in the world, and Hamas has alot of ex-Libyan weapons including bio and chemical weapons. Should Israel attack Iran, the response would destroy Israel and a good portion of Saudi Arabia and gulf allies, and shut down the flow of oil. That, and our troops in Irag and Afghanistan would be sitting ducks. And if Israel were to be likely to fire its nukes, Russia, China and India are down wind of the radiation... something that they might attempt to deter. Lastly, nobody is sure what Egypt or Turkey do. The Turks do have NATO nukes on their soil that they have control over.
  7. I was going by this statement. They are not separate issues, they are very closely linked with each other. That stranglehold is getting continually tighter and tighter as corporate citizens gain power and We the People have our constitutional freedoms chipped away at. Campaign finance has become a joke, the wealthiest flat out buy candidates with their influence, and the media outlets they own only publicize their candidates. Impediments have been put in the way of voting for our youngest and our minority voters, and roadblocks are being put in the way of third parties from succeeding (see David Sirota, The Uprising). You are correct in that most Americans have not been paying attention while things were going well, and most are still not. What is even more pathetic is that we are not paying attention to the plights of the peoples we occupy, bomb and blockade. I disagree with you very strongly on this, many more people are getting poorer, entering poverty, and losing everything including their health. The only thing that keeps the average income up is the rate of growth at the top.
  8. Good for you, that you haven't been subject to economic injustice. That your job hasn't been outsourced, and that you have not lost your savings, your health care, or your home. However many people have lost those things, and see the control that the wealthy have over our politicians and the laws and regulations they have pushed for. In addition I see our hawkish foreign policy as another outcome of the wealthy owning our government. As a former member of the automotive industry, I got hit pretty hard a few years ago. In October of 2008, I started laying off 2-3 people every month. In December, I was told that my number would likely be coming soon. By January, I was laid off. While I was gone, the company stopped the pension program and the 401K match. Is it ok if my opinion is different than yours? I left automotive in 2006, we continually had to do the impossible with less people. The previous two companies I had worked for moved to China and Brazil, and my last company started oursoursing more work to India, China and S Korea... along with moving the entire operation to western Tennessee. I was told to make life unbearable for six of my engineers so they would quit before the layoff happend, and I refused. There is alot more to what happened, but I was laid off a few months later. I was doing fine, and started doing contract work for a few companies, including some defense work. When the economy showed signs of collapse late in 2008 (all but one of my contracts were to lapse), I took another full time position. I had been doing very well then, and am doing fine now. My wife also has a great job. Despite putting three children through college (one graduated, one's a senior, one's a junior) and having two newer cars, the only debt we have is a mortgage. But it is not my situation that concerns me, it is that of my neighbors and of the unemployed people I used to work with. I have great health care, a nice home, savings, etc... but that is not the case with a growing segment of our population.
  9. Obama... definitely not. But OWS is calling for people to take their money out of the larger banks (such as BoA and Citi) and move it elsewhere. While there is no direct correlation that can be proven, it had come after the OWS call.
  10. These are the quotes I have on my Facebook page:
  11. We definitely do this. We are definitely not the first. Ok let me rephrase that, "on this scale" did it happen in other societies? Sure...but I'm not sure it was encouraged to the extent that it is in modern America. We are probably the most militarily and economically dominant nation this planet has every historically recorded with detail. We have institutionalized greed, see my post below:
  12. I believe that we are saying the same thing. We can define what a Christian is, but we should not be judging others to that set of criteria.
  13. I watched every moment of that game like a deer staring into high beams. It stopped hurting in the third quarter... the beer did its intended job.
  14. Last season's Holiday Bowl. Fortunately I had an operation earlier that day and was on morphine.
  15. Good for you, that you haven't been subject to economic injustice. That your job hasn't been outsourced, and that you have not lost your savings, your health care, or your home. However many people have lost those things, and see the control that the wealthy have over our politicians and the laws and regulations they have pushed for. In addition I see our hawkish foreign policy as another outcome of the wealthy owning our government.
  16. Kain Coulter makes Taylor Martinez look like Payton Manning.
  17. I remember watching that game... and being upset with each Sooner score.
  18. I agree with you... the single face palm was not appropriate...
  19. There was alot of violence in the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation, but none really in the New Testament gospels and epistles. Regarding the Crusades, their justifications were based on the teachings of Saint Augustine nearly four centuries later.
  20. Good, you have defined what your faith means to you. It seems as though you have selected some passages from the Gospel of John and the Epistles of Paul to base it upon.
  21. Pretty much the same thing... I'll go with Bernie Sanders' take on it: http://sanders.senate.gov/newsroom/news/?id=A22D4543-33E7-4680-9702-1F0B9F827B71
  22. No, that's not what I was suggesting... but it is a part of it. The Tea party will accelerate the growth of the wealth gap, and will further do damage to the middle class, and will continue voter suppression. However the real driver for violence (my prediction) will be the complete lack of good choices in 2012.
  23. Unfortunately this type of post is not uncommon at HuskerMax...
  24. In my very humble opinion... the three Synoptics and John tell the story of a different Jesus, not of the same Jesus for a different audience. How many time in the Synoptics does Jesus claim to be God? John was the most polically interested of the apostles, and preferred the Pharasital philosophy, and was heavily interested in Greek culture. Read some Socrates, then read John chapter 3. I agree with what you have said about creeds, that everyone has their own. Yet we are called to profess our faith out loud every week at church. How many people have actually put the time in to define their faith rather than to have a rather amorphous belief that there is a god, and just attend church when convenient and profess in unison with the others who are doing likewise?
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