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Everything posted by Sub-Husker

  1. Last year after the Tea Party won the mid-term elections, I predicted that the violence would start in Spring of 2012 as people would be fed up by terrible govermnent and no good outlooks on the horizon. What has encouraged me, not that violence will be avoided, but by the prospect of OWC candidates winning local and state elections.
  2. Penn State will keep it low scoring and close for the first half, but they have no viable offense.
  3. Rival fans of different teams on internet message boards never forget... bring on Michigan... we're still fighting 1997 !!!
  4. That happened last weekend... we don't need anything else from Sparty. So if Michigan and NU both lose another game, who wins the division? I don't want charity... if we don't win... we shouldn't be the champs if another team wins more. A championship should go to the best team, and we are in a good conference.
  5. Q) Why are all the churches in Scotland round? A) So you can't hide in the corner when the collection plate is passed around.
  6. Here are two very different definitions of what one might use to describe what a Christian should believe. I'm going to leave out behavior, because that is subjective and subject to judgement by people who still have a "plank in their eye". 1) From their Faith, a Christian believes in the creed (which is a version of the Nicene Creed) as professed by their denonination/congregation. 2) They have read the three Synoptic Gospels, and strive to live their lives per the teachings of Jesus. Those two definitions are very different, but not mutually exclusive. I follow one of those two and not the other... anyone care to guess which one?
  7. Mayor Quan needs to order a full investigation into the police violence, and the bottle/rock throwing by a few of the demonstrators. Without the crackdown she ordered, there would have been no riot. In addition... interim police chief Johnson should be fired ASAP.
  8. Really... it wasn't my fault! I believe that half the Unitarian fellowship I attend is part of the Occupy movement. The main demonstrations are Occupy Albany, but we have had a few small occupations in my home town. The organizers are doing a great job in keeping the fringe (violent) elements out, and have kept out Democrat Party plants who want to piggyback their pro-Obama message with ours.
  9. Likely due to the (unsubstantiated) rumored situation with Brion, who's have some trouble with the playbook. I hope to be able to refrain from calling coaching decisions stupid, and would prefer that we use words such as unusual or questionable since they know alot more than we do.
  10. I will speak for myself on this. 1) I would prefer to go to the CCG with a 7-1 record and not have to rely on anyone else losing. 2) We still only have one loss and four games to go. It seems wussy to me to hope that some other team chokes, just to give us insurance if we can't do what we need to do. 3) I would rather go to the CCG at 6-2 than stay home. But with the pride I have in the Huskers, I would rather beat another one loss top ten-ish team to get there than all unranked or marginally ranked teams.
  11. That happened last weekend... we don't need anything else from Sparty.
  12. Pops; please keep us up to date with your trip to The Ukraine.
  13. As been said before... if we want to rely on having lesser competition to make it to a championship game when we aren't that good ourself, then we should have joined the Big East.
  14. This is by far the best reasoning I've read yet as to why a Husker fan would root for Michigan in this game, and I'm not even being sarcastic. Make sure to have the flowers, chocolate, and wine ready for when Nebraska knocks the snot out of Michigan. She still does not like Zack Bowman.
  15. To start, Rex will get pre-season Heisman recognition next season. And with the way our offensive line is improving, things are looking good. But Rex cannot get serious Heisman consideration until we can pass on offense with at least mediocrity... teams will continue to play eight and nive defenders at the line.
  16. Faking an injury is like holding... if done properly it won'be get noticed or be flagged.
  17. It was good that (mostly) peaceful demonstrations led to more equitable civil rights and helped end US involvement in Southeast Asia. The police were responsible for only a few deaths, as most of those killed protesting civil rights were murdered by reactionaries on the other side of progress. I pray for the full recovery of Scott Olson, whose head injury was totally uncalled for. While I cannot protest myself, we have sent money and supplies to a local organizer.
  18. My wife is a Michigan fan, and it is in my best interest to see her in a good mood!
  19. If Texas goes to the Rose Bowl... will the game be televised on the Bevo network?
  20. Heck no. But in 1999 we should have played Free Shoes for the national championship.
  21. Did the NCAA ever adopt the 'Husker Clause'... that prevents a team that did not win its division or conference from playing for the MNC?
  22. "Good Bye Cruel World" Sheesh... nobody welcomed me...
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