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  1. Gaffes? Really, libs talking about pub gaffes? Obama campaigned in 57 states, the military has corpse-men (as in dead people), the stuttering, stammering, and incoherent thoughts when he's without a teleprompter and don't even get me started on Biden.
  2. You may have an opinion that he is an idiot, despite being a rocket scientist. However, do you have a link that has factual information about monetary settlements? A severance package isn't a monetary settlement as you have stated.
  3. I wonder if those that think because a couple women make an accusation means Cain is guilty also think making back-to-back complaints atf jobs makes her accusations less credible?
  4. Sorry about that... in seeing some old names I regressed back a bit in my posting to where feces flinging in a monkey cage was the accepted norm. . From what I have read Hamas does not recognize Israel because it does not recognize its current borders as legitimate. Have you watched any of the Doha Debates? In addition, which Arabs "want a return to "X year's borders" and that year pre-dates the creation of Israel"? . Israel does not recognize Palestine's right to exist... as evidenced by their military occupation and blockade of Gaza an open air concentration camp. If you had the authority to settle the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, how whould you do that? . Did you approve of the invasion of Lebanon in 2006, Operation Cast Lead against Gaza in 2008, and the blockade of Gaza that has been ongoing since?
  5. Good post Yos, and it's nice to see you again. While I would agree that we have hundreds of contingencies for the use of battlefield nukes that would be known by officers to the MSgt level, but what is going on in Iran is not worth the potential blowback. And no way in heck do we launch a surface to surface missile. Good informative thread. But, I have to ask Sub a question since he made the accusation. Is it nice to see Yos or not. Apparently, when he didn't agree with you you had a different opinion. See your quote below. Sub~ "Yossarian shows up, and conversational tones start to go down hill." Exactly, how I described you in an earlier post. If you don't agree with someone the tone goes down hill!
  6. Not really sure that has any bearing on the situation. No, but it was part of the story when reported in the media and I didn't see it mentioned on thread. It's as relevant as which flavor of ice cream she prefers, isn't it? Aren't all the facts listed in the media report somewhat relevant? I didn't see where they mentioned her preference on ice cream. If she was retarded and didn't know right from wrong would that be as relevant that she liked butter pecan ice cream? Would that make the story worse, irrelevant or better in your mind?
  7. So...telling the teacher is your method of winning arguments? Stick to your 15 page threads arguing the existence of God and leave political humor, sarcasm, and satire to the rest of us. Spot on, Yos.
  8. Let's be clear. HM posters would say the same about you. The difference between you, Yos, JR20 and me is you annoy everyone. Every board I've seen you on ends in you whining about how everyone else brings a thread down, convienently only when they disagree with you and provide ample sources. Might want to look at the common denominator.
  9. I don't know about the government but the dems certainly made sure bums, felons, homeless, unregistered voters, illegals and anyone else who wanted a warm ride were transported to the polls for free.
  10. And more Frankins would be a good thing. If you want to ruin this country. And stealing a seat is not a good thing no matter how noble the cause. Al Frankin is one of the few good guys in the Senate, along with Sherrod Brown and the two guys from my state. It was too bad that Norm Coleman pulled a Sore/Loserman and dragged his lost election through the courts.
  11. It's human nature... they will all include bias. And I'll take Maddow's opinions, they are based in reality and backed by facts. yeah right you keep thinking that, WOW!! I have watched her and Oberman and they slant the little bit of truth they uncover so much that it is like a propaganda show for the liberal progressives!! That Maddow guy is about 50% truth. Check her out at www.politifact.com
  12. Not really sure that has any bearing on the situation. No, but it was part of the story when reported in the media and I didn't see it mentioned on thread.
  13. You cannot assassinate what is not there. So someone you disagree with politically has NO character? Overstate much? This is exactly the kind of political rhetoric which convinced me to become Independent. Yikes. What makes you think I am not an Independent...or a Libertarian? I gave some examples of why I believe Barack Obama has no character. Give me some examples to the contrary. I'l give you some.. he is the most transparent preside.......ah wait......... he is going to heal the racial divide and make this nation..........ah wait a minute..........He will stop the hateful rhetoric like using the term tea baggers..................ah wait a minute he will cut wastefull spending under his adm. and cut the deficit in half in his first two years................ah wait a minute............. what did he do in office his first three years? Oh yeah I remember now; he spent and spent and spent and spent but I don't think that was one of his campaign promises, was it!?!?!!?!? JR, you da man. Nailed it.
  14. What we do know is that people in the Obama administration have been sending weapons to Mexico - weapons that end up killing Americans...and law-abiding Mexicans. Just like the Bush administration in Operation Wide Receiver? Hardly seems like a partisan issue. I never once heard about guns being sent over by the Bush administration being used to kill a border agent. Did you? Besides, if the Bush administration jumped off a bridge, would you? This might send Eric Holder packing - turning a blind eye to voter intimidation didn't get him thrown under the bus, but this might. One thing is for sure, it will be an issue in the coming Presidential election. Welp, there's your proof right there. 4 guns get sent over the border during President Obama's term of office? DOOOM! 1 gun was sent over the border during President Bush's term of office? Who cares? Sums up the hypocrisy of the Obama haters rather well. Holy crap carlfense you're dealing with YOS, you better bring your A game. What up YOS?
  15. Has anyone mentioned that she is has a disability? She suffers from a rare type of palsy. FYI
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