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Twinkletoes Flintstone

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Everything posted by Twinkletoes Flintstone

  1. Just a thought. I read that the team is gonna be practicing at night for fall camp. Will they conduct some of those in the stadium so needed the lights up now?
  2. Didn't turn out too bad. Looks like they are starting the general seating iron work on the south end?
  3. I was wondering if this ment they won't put the balcony until after this season is over. Yeah, same question here. Looks like they put the lights on the front of where the general seating area is gonna go. Is this just temporary for the first couple of games? I can't imagine they would stop all the iron work now as they will need to get the cranes out of there sooner rather than later you would think.
  4. An update over at Haymarket Now. A caption on one of the pictures reads: Pretty cool that along with that we can start expecting to see the main exterior going up soon and start getting an idea of what it will look like.
  5. Almost 100% sure that is just paint over the thermal layer.
  6. thought they would go a little higher but it looks pretty close to being topped out Rest assured that once all the facade is up and finished it will look monstrous compared to what was there. I think it does now anyway but the whole perspective will change once you are looking at a completed structure.
  7. That's the way I am seeing it. The peaks on the columns and the general seating/lighting iron is the last of it. Then just need to work on the facade. I doubt the facade is done by opening week but who knows. I am heading up for the MN game so luckily I shuld be seeing essentially a finished product on the outside. Knapplc, thanks again for taking the time to head out and take these as it's the only way I have been able to follow the stadium expansion. I jones for this kind of stuff so thanks man!
  8. Just noticed on the webcam at the Haymarket Now site that the precast appears to have been started. If you look at the live webcam look to the far left at the bottom of all the steel construction.
  9. So are both correct? I like both! Very George Jetson-y! No, the second one is more correct than the first. I can't remember which committee requested changes from the initial but there were suggestions made. One in particular that I remember was more windows on the front side. From the latest video it appears (as blackshirts007 pointed out) that the design has been tweaked a bit more. Personally I like aspects of both. I prefer the most recent design but wish it looked a little more like brick as the initial design does.
  10. I +1 all of your pic updates, for what it's worth. Thanks, man. I live for the +1s, you know. Knappic, I don't necesarrily comment every time you post photos but I come here all the time looking for updates. It's appreciated.
  11. Thanks for the pics. Looks like the only iron work left is to cap off the four columns and then the general seating.
  12. I agree with most of what you're saying. Too much frivolous junk filling up time. IMO, keep it to some honors every now and then and replays of the last play. That's all that's really needed. Even the tunnel walk has become stale. And the penis envy big screen is just unnecessary especially with the four on the old stadium columns.
  13. Sometimes big is just too big. No need for anything larger IMO. In fact, I could do without the one in the north end.
  14. Very nice updates. Would be cool, after looking at that second picture of the west side if they could have done it a bit more like the east side. That is, half brick and concrete with an outside balcony overlooking from outside.
  15. I wasnt aware they were doing such an expansion. Nor did I know they had the demand for that much luxury seating. I guess if you're to watch crappy football, might as well do it somewhere nice. Being a KSU alum (but in no way a KSU fan) it's the first thing they have done right with that stadium IMO. Very nice looking addition that architecturally speaks to the rest of campus.
  16. BTW, gonna harp on this again. Very frustrating that Kansas State has a webcam for their expansion but NU can't figure out how to get one up for us.
  17. Most Pro stadiums are this high and the seats are just fine, I don't see why it would be a problem at Memorial. I agree it could have been handled better with an upper deck instead. I agree. The real blunder here was the original endzone expansions. They did nothing architecturally to make it fit with the history and look of east and west stadium. IMO, the endzones really detract from the overall stadium, it's a shame. One reason why I look forward to the east expansion so much in that it will actually help balance the stadium and not make it look so endzone heavy.
  18. Have you ever been on FieldTurf? It's pretty nice. Don't get me wrong, if we are going with the fake stuff this is the way to go. As a fan, just like the look and smell of real grass better. Like seeing the players in the trenches getting all the grass stains and all. Just part of the look and feel that's cool to me.
  19. Honestly, I wish they would just go to grass, I know it won't happen but that would be my preference.
  20. According to their website the original installation in 99 had an 8 year warranty. And IIRC the current field has been down since 05 or the latest 06. So I can't see them going much further. It seems logical that it will be replaced after this season.
  21. Love the mutli-colored, heck no @ red endzones. However, I think if we install new turf soon we should make the multi-color pattern symmetrical, ala Oregon: This is a crude mockup but something like this (picture the block N at midfield and the correct font, this was the closest I could find). Disagree on the symetrical thing as well. It's bad enough we kind of copied Oregon in the first place, this keeps it a little bit separate.
  22. I like it but wish the contrast was a little more subtle. And, RED ENDZONES please! White "CORNHUSKERS" in one end and white "NEBRASKA" in the other.
  23. The field that is down now is not new. I don't think, or at least, haven't heard of any plans to replace the field this year. My guess is they will do it next year when the expansion is done.
  24. It would be a waste to update the stadium if we can't sell the tickets, so I guess we are just going to have to work on filling it up. my parents tried to request tickets and they are already sold out. They have not made it public that the seats are sold, but they are. They are and they aren't. Current ticket holders have an option to move first, before any new tickets are sold. Once those requests are made and accomplished, then newcomers have an option. Of course, all you have to do to get tickets this year is donate enough moolah. Tickets are awarded on a points basis, and I think you get one point per every one hundred dollars you donate. Just drop about ten grand on the Athletic Department and you'll get seats. Pretty good ones, probably. *checking my pocket for that $10,000 bill that keeps moving around*...ah, there it is! And I've got two of them! Does that put me on the 50 about 30 rows up? Thanks for the photos, very cool to see. Without researching, what's the completion date? Will be open for the start of the 2013 season. Both the arena and the stadium.
  25. Are they replacing the bleachers in east stadium? Looks like something is going on but I can't quite tell what.
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