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Posts posted by SandhillshuskerW

  1. 28 minutes ago, Nebfanatic said:

    Or they'd just finally be able to impeach him since the republicans won't care anymore. If Trump switched sides his presidency would end swiftly.

    Could be, but they might also try to use them to push their agenda. It could get interesting.

  2. 27 minutes ago, funhusker said:

    Any "dem" that would automatically support him are just as stupid as the "repubs" that support him just because of his party affiliation.


    In the wise words of Forrest Gump: "Stupid is as stupid does..."

    That's politicians in a nutshell. They only go with people when it fits their agenda. If Trump would switch over to the Dems, they would all just complain at first and try to use it to their advantage in the end.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, sho said:


    Imagine all the Repubs that have been defending him now despising him because he's got that giant D next to his name.  Now wonder how many dems would change their tune and try to excuse his actions because now he's on their team.   It would be glorious to see the hypocrisy  

    Exactly, there would be a lot of flipping. I could just see him pulling the move just because that's the way he is. 

  4. I was telling my wife the other day that, if he does get reelected, I can see him changing his affiliation to the Democratic party just because that's something he would do. It would create quite the stir if he pulled something like that.

    • Haha 2
  5. 21 minutes ago, Roundball Shaman said:

    ndobney: “The best option would have been staying in the big 12.”

    Big 12... This is the Big-OklaTex-Conference and they aren’t inviting anyone else to sit at the big table.

    Big 10/14... Good for just the money but little else and a poor fit. Lousy rivalries.

    Pac... Huskers mixed with Sexy Oregon and California and Southern California? Nah.

    Best future... SEC. Get into league with the real big boys of college football. There’s no shame in finishing .500 in this league. And, you’ll always get into a decent bowl game. Plus, great road trips to Florida and Louisiana and the Southeast when Midwestern weather turns foul. Already got a brother in the SEC with Missou. And a contiguous geographic fit with Arkansas.

    Plus, this high-profile league will be good for recruiting for the Big Red. Not everyone can make the Alabama roster. Good Southern players who want to play in the SEC will look to Nebraska and Frost’s offense to thrive. SEC gets major network TV priority.

    And plant some palm trees around Memorial Stadium.... seriously. They’ll grow if you have below ground heating elements. Some like that seen around Missouri.

    I can just hear it ringing through Memorial Stadium...SEC, SEC, SEC! I would have to be a hard no on this.

  6. 3 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

    Trump isn't the one preventing it from even being voted on in the Senate.  And Republicans have been against anything like this for much longer than Trump being in office.

    I'm aware of that, I was pointing out that it's the same with Democrats as a whole being against some things that Republicans bring to the table. It's the way politics are in this country, and it really needs to change.


    If you reply, I'll try to reply tomorrow. I've got teacher back to school function tonight and won't be back on the site.

    • Plus1 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

    But, it's not just Trump.  It's all the Republicans at the top like Moscow Mitch.

    In my opinion, I see things changing with that. I could be wrong, but it seems like there are a lot of stubborn politicians that are just against legislation because someone from the other side has brought it forward. It happens on both sides. 

    • Plus1 1
  8. I'm sorry, I've been at school and in meetings so I haven't had time to respond. First of all, most of us that are gun owners are all for stricter background checks. The guys that I hunt with and shoot with talk about it all the time. The main problem that we have is that most of the anti-gun people tend to lump all gun owners in to one big group. We also all have the thought that banning guns alone will not solve this mass shooting issue. If we don't look at the mental health of the people of our nation, we are failing in this process. I just get upset when anyone responds to what I say, because most of you just want to blame the guns and not look at the people using the gun. I don't need data to tell me that most mass shooters have some mental issues. 


    @BigRedBuster, I have no idea why Trump is against background checks. I'm a Republican, but I really don't lump Trump in to the Republican party. Trump is his own special kind of president. I'm not a Trump fan, although I do agree with some of the things he is trying to do. On the other side, I was also not a big fan of Obama but I did agree with some things that he did.


    I'm sorry if I didn't answer everyone, I'm taking a quick break from my teacher meeting to type this.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

    Just because we are disagreeing with you on your list, doesn’t mean we are only blaming guns. However, I firmly believe guns in the wrong hands are the biggest problem. 


    And MORE guns are not the solution. 

    When did I say that MORE guns are the solution? I have agreed with all of you that there does need to be a ban on certain guns. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, ZRod said:

    Uh... Dude I hate to break it to ya, but movies have had violence since forever. WWII movies showing people being killed were being made during the war. Movies of the 70s and 80s we're just as violent and gory as today, if not more so. Video games with violence have been around since the 90s. All of these things have been around for decades, there is no correlation between them and increased mass shootings, none. 

    Ok, I can see that everyone just wants to blame guns and guns alone. Once again, I'm all for a ban on certain guns but I feel sorry for everyone that is just blaming guns for all of this. If they finally do ban some guns, please be ready to justify why there is still these crimes occurring in our country. I'll be in the football and basketball forums. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, NM11046 said:

    Thanks - I agree all of these are issues here.  I don't think that other nations escape them though.  I have a sibling that teaches overseas and he faces challenges similar to what he faced in FL when he taught here.  Are there data out there that show figured on US vs other countries on any of this?  I know when I watch Parliment the bickering an debate is worse than here, or at least more direct.  They're itneresting points, I just don't know that any of them are different here than elsewhere.

    I have no idea how much data is out there. The only data that I have about students in our country is the fact that I have been in education for so long. I'm sure that Parliment does bicker and debate, out government is a little different with how they fight each other tough IMO.

  12. 13 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

    I don’t think there is anything on your list that isn’t in other countries. 

    Hollywood is in California and I will guarantee you that social media is a bigger problem in our schools than a lot of other countries. I will also be willing to bet that our government is a much differently run than a lot of other countries. Not wanting to admit any of this is a problem as well.

    • Plus1 1
  13. 35 minutes ago, NM11046 said:

    Appreciating your contributions to the discussion here Sandhills.


    You mention that "nobody has the problems we have here".  True I guess, but help me understand what you mean.  The "troubles" we have here, in the greatest country on earth are small potatos compared to what others face, if it's due to level of issues I'd expect higher numbers in places lik Africa, Ukraine etc.  And I'd also expect places like Norway and Australia to be in line with us, as we have similar "problems". 

    The problems that we have here that I was referring to would be:


    1) Hollywood: we just can't ignore the fact that movies and tv are getting more and more violent and therefore leading to more kids thinking violence is a part of life.


    2) The increase use of social media with cyberbullying becoming more and more common. I'm not saying that there isn't bullying in other countries, but it's way more rampant in our nation. I'm going in to my 19th year teaching and we deal with it more today than we ever did when I started teaching. 


    3) Hate in our government. I know that Trump is a big part of this problem, but Republicans and Democrats are all getting worse and bicker with each other so much. When our elected officials can't even get along, it makes it tougher for citizens to do the same.


    None of this is probably making any kind of sense, but we can't just focus on banning guns. We have a lot of work to do in our country and I'm afraid we always will.

    • Plus1 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, knapplc said:


    Gun culture. Misinformation and propaganda from the NRA, including paying to block research. Republicans in congress who refuse to vote on legislation to even study the problem.

    I don't necessarily agree with all of that, but I'll respect your opinion. Last thing I'll say before I take my kids to the pool and I've said this already, I really hope that they do pass legislation and ban the guns that people do want to ban. When that day comes, I will once again come in here to see what people are blaming if these shootings are still happening. 

  15. Just now, knapplc said:


    I. Am. Not. Saying. That.




    You can convince yourself of anything. A discerning mind requires evidence. There is no evidence of the things you're claiming.

    Your two statements are contradicting. If You. Are. Not. Saying. That., then what other issues are there besides guns?

    • Plus1 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, knapplc said:


    There are no studies that link mental health to these shootings. No studies that link video games to this gun violence. These are all deflections.


    Where are you hearing that video games are an issue? Where are you hearing that movie violence is an issue? Are these the same people who told us listening to naughty rock music would turn us all into degenerates? The same people who told us playing Dungeons & Dragons would turn us into Satan worshipers?

    Ok, I'm out with this. I'm never going to convince you that guns aren't  the only issue here. Once again, I hope that they do ban certain guns and I really hope that all shootings will stop. 

  17. 1 minute ago, knapplc said:


    You're not hearing me, then. I'm saying the gun culture is a huge problem. Said it several times.



    I didn't go back and read this whole thread, so you're also on board with banning movies with gun violence and video games and tv shows?

  18. 1 minute ago, knapplc said:

    Again, there is no study that shows these people are diagnosably mentally ill. So if you can't diagnose it, you can't treat it, and you can't fix it.


    The "mental health" thing is a distraction. We are not the only country that has mentally ill people. We are the only 1st world nation where mass shootings like this happen to this extent. We also have the most guns per capita of any 1st world nation.


    This is simple logic. 


    Literally no one is saying that.



    You are to a degree. What if we changed mental health to saying that we are desensitized to violence in our country? In addition to banning certain guns, which I am ok with, let's also ban so much violence in our movies, video games and tv. 

    • Plus1 2
  19. Just now, commando said:

    that's the problem.   anytime anyone talks about some common sense gun laws everyone hears "ban all guns"

    Once again, I never said that people are wanting all guns banned. I'm simply trying to get everyone to understand that guns are not the only problem here. Like teach said, if we ignore the fact that there is a mental health issue here too, we are crazy.

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  20. 6 minutes ago, teachercd said:

    People can't be foolish enough to think these people that do mass shootings are not crazy.  Just because it doesn't fit into some nice box that some therapist created or just because it doesn't fit into the box of a definition of "crazy' doesn't mean they aren't' crazy.  If you take a gun into a store and start shooting people for fun/revenger whatever...you are a nutbar...period.  


    People need to realize that you totally can be sane and insane.  You can be "normal" and "crazy".  

    Exactly, if we ignore this then we are just plain foolish.

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  21. 2 minutes ago, commando said:

    where did knap talk about banning all guns?

    I never said that he did, I said once all of the guns have been banned that people want banned. That doesn't mean all guns, that means the ones that people want banned.

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  22. 10 minutes ago, knapplc said:


    Clearly ALL guns can't be illegal. We need to hunt to control animal populations all over the country.


    What we need is common sense, and to get away from the current gun culture in this country.


    Almost every other nation has figured this out.

    I agree with the common sense, but not the other part. Like I have said, I'm big in to hunting and other activities. I have been around countless people that are carrying guns and I've never feared for my life or been worried about being shot. I agree that there are certain guns that have no place in our society, but to just blame guns in all of this is ridiculous. Once all of the guns have been banned that people want banned, what are you going to blame for any shooting that occurs? It's easy to blame guns, and once again I do agree that there are some guns that should be banned, but guns are not the only issue here. Failure to admit this will keep our country going down this destructive path. 

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