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Posts posted by Army_Allen

  1. I think yearly mental health exams need to be mandatory for all registered gun owners because s#!t happens in peoples lives that can mess you up, and if getting one done yearly is too much for you then you probably shouldn't own a gun to begin with. And AR-15s still don't need to be available to the general public. We wouldn't hold a stone throws chance of beating our or any military with them anyways so there's no logical bear arms excuse for having them. You can hunt, shoot for sport, and protect your home with many weapons like pistols, shotguns, machetes, tasers, etc that wouldn't be nearly as effective in the case of mass shootings.

    • Plus1 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Landlord said:

    thoughts and prayers


    thoughts and prayers


    thoughts and prayers


    thoughts and prayers


    thoughts and prayers


    thoughts and prayers


    +1 this post for thoughts and prayers

    Really?  Come on, man.


    This is just another tragedy in a long line of tragedies showing that the availability of guns equates to more mass shootings. The data is there no matter whether there were 8 shootings at schools so far or 18. Other 1st world countries don't have this problem. Other countries have way stricter gun laws. It's plain as day and the sooner we disallow fully and semi automatic weapons from the public, and enforce stronger gun control policies is the day we'll see the effects of doing so. I enjoy shooting, but would gladly never touch, own, or shoot a gun again if it meant that kids or anyone for that matter, were safer. 

    • Plus1 2
  3. 54 minutes ago, Making Chimichangas said:


    Not "spinning" anything.  


    Late Add: Isn't it an actual crime to make a threat on someone's life, regardless?


    Anyway, thanks for the clarification.  I'm out.

    If executed was the word used, it's not really a threat on a life in the same sense as saying you want to murder him. While not explicitly used in court, execution generally refers to legally killing someone who has done something horrendous like blowing up kids hospitals, serial killing, molestation of young children. I don't think Teach said he plans to kill Vassar. I think that Teach believes what Vassar did is nonredeemable and the legal system should see fit that he can never do anything like that again in the most permanent way possible.

  4. Loved Parks and Rec. Was never able to get into The Office. But I hated Leslie Knope. She was always cringy rather than funny to me. But then again I've had a distaste for Amy Poehler since SNL. Her funny always seemed so try hard-ish compared to Tina Fey. But P&R as a whole was great. Ben has the best stare on television, Aziz and Donna were a good combo (#TreatYoSelf), Ron is Ron,  and April/Johnny Karate are the cutest office space couple ever, hands down.

  5. 1 minute ago, Head Coach Scott Frost said:

    If you ignore the teams this is a really good game.

    Both offenses have abysmal passing games. If both teams had qbs that could hit open guys consistently this would be a Washington state- UCF type game. 

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