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  1. One more question for Raw: How do Spanish speaking people who drive cars in America know when it's time to add GRAVY to their car's engine?
  2. Seems about like the person who once said: Yes. Drunk Driving is alive. People go to parties, drunk too much beer and drive drunk. I guess this is just one more reason to stay away from 16 oz red plastic SOLO cups. I never have understood the draw of it to begin with. Quit going to parties where beer is served in 16oz red plastic SOLO cups and you'll be subjected to a lot less comments that make you question humanity. There is not one thing I am missing in life by not going to these type of parties. I would highly recommend it. Afterall, the best way to stop racism and discrimination is to look the other way and avoid places where you might witness it first hand. Well stated. WTF are you babbling about? My comments were about the waste of time and energy that is Twitter. Nowhere did I indicated that ignoring the problem makes it go away. But if you're going to troll for racist comments on twitter, you're going to find plenty and it will give you a skewed sense of how pervasive the issue is. Might wanna stop by the mechanic and have em look at that thingy that controls comprehension. JJ: "Yes, racism is still alive. It's bad enough when it targets an adult but seems much worse when directed at a young boy like this. I guess this is just one more reason to stay away from Twitter and tweets." JJ: "My comments were about the waste of time and energy that is Twitter." Sorry JJ. I thought your comments were about "racism" being "still alive" and that "is just one more reason to stay away from Twitter". I have no idea where I got that idea.
  3. Good point. How could anyone safely drive without a good command of English. If you can't read english, how will you know what these signs mean? I mean, seriously: Stop and think for a second
  4. The projected deficit over the next 10 years, according to the REPUBLICAN Senate numbers that the article links to, projects either a 6.3 trillion or 7.0 trillion deficit in the next 10 years. If the article was fair and balanced it might read this way: "$4 trillion? Try $6.65 trillion, the average of the 2 estimates. That’s $6,650,000,000,000. Even the lowest, extremely conservative estimate comes in at $6.3 trillion; the highest is over $7 trillion." If the article overstates that GAP between WH and GOP estimated deficits by 4400% (that is 44 times more than the actual gap is) then the FACTUAL data should soften the statement below, since the challenge is 44 times less difficult that origninally assumed. UPDATE: Fiscal YTD number show a 26% reduction in the projected deficit this year. If those numbers hold, we would need a 4.X Trillion solution to stop the deficit. Yes, if you only look at the first ten year period of the GOP deficit projection, the apples to apples numbers are about $4T to $6T or $7T. the way the article presented the information is a little dishonest in that regard. However, I will stick by the statement that we face a stiffer challenge than what the CBO is predicting and what the Obama WH seems to be relying on. $4T up to $6.5T is still a huge increase and large difference. 163% or $2,500,000,000.00 machts nicht, I don't think those figures are anything to poo poo under the rug. I also still stand by the thought that these bozos in DC should be using a longer timeline than ten years. The anticipated Medicare increases and large numbers of new retirees will have a detrimental effect on the deficit and much of this starts being realized after that initial ten year window. If we know it's coming, why cut off projections at only ten years and use that partial information as a basis for spending more money than we have? A trillion dollars is almost impossible to comprehend. When you are looking at having to cut $4T or $7T or $100T, I do not believe you can start on that process soon enough. Those are just unfathomable numbers. As I stated, the Fiscal YTD numbers out this week show that the deficit for this year is running 26% below what was projected. If you lower the tainted, bias Republican Senate projections by 26%, you will see that the SPECIFIC CUTS/CHANGES offered by the White House are almost bring the 10 year projected deficit to $0. Yet I don't see you endorsing the either the White House plan, or any other plan. Rather, you seem content to complain that leaders would govern.
  5. I try to vote for the best candidate. What party they are with isn't a major concern. I can't think of the last general election where I voted for candidates from just one party.
  6. Hard to believe. In KS, they tried to say federal gun laws don't apply. No 2nd Ammendment?
  7. Seems about like the person who once said: Yes. Drunk Driving is alive. People go to parties, drunk too much beer and drive drunk. I guess this is just one more reason to stay away from 16 oz red plastic SOLO cups. I never have understood the draw of it to begin with. Quit going to parties where beer is served in 16oz red plastic SOLO cups and you'll be subjected to a lot less comments that make you question humanity. There is not one thing I am missing in life by not going to these type of parties. I would highly recommend it. Afterall, the best way to stop racism and discrimination is to look the other way and avoid places where you might witness it first hand. Well stated.
  8. I would bet you Trayvon did something to Zimmerman that would've made him pull out his gun. Too many young kids have an attitude these days. And therefore, he deserved to die?
  9. Talked to a CPA today. He has a client that pays 80% of health insurance for his 30 employees (all full time). The client is pissed about Obamacare and believes that he is not going to be able to afford paying 80% next year. The CPA has explained that it is unlikely that Obamacare will actually effect what it costs to insure his employees next year. Further, because he is the owner he has a high net worth but keeps his taxable income low, which means he will actually quality for a $1000 a month tax credit from Obamacare. The business owner is still just as mad and just a confused.
  10. When the original article wants to score political points instead of being truthful and factual, people sometime make false assumptions about what it is saying. Here are some facts that are missing from the article. The "president’s position that $4 trillion in deficit reduction would basically solve the problem for now" comment is refering proposed deficit reduction over the next 10 years. The projected deficit over the next 10 years, according to the REPUBLICAN Senate numbers that the article links to, projects either a 6.3 trillion or 7.0 trillion deficit in the next 10 years. If the article was fair and balanced it might read this way: "$4 trillion? Try $6.65 trillion, the average of the 2 estimates. That’s $6,650,000,000,000. Even the lowest, extremely conservative estimate comes in at $6.3 trillion; the highest is over $7 trillion." If the article overstates that GAP between WH and GOP estimated deficits by 4400% (that is 44 times more than the actual gap is) then the FACTUAL data should soften the statement below, since the challenge is 44 times less difficult that origninally assumed. UPDATE: Fiscal YTD number show a 26% reduction in the projected deficit this year. If those numbers hold, we would need a 4.X Trillion solution to stop the deficit.
  11. This thread leaves be wondering which is worse: 1. When a President reaches out and involve young innocent victims of discrimination or violence or abuse in an effort to recongnize and end their plight. 2. When people discount forms of discrimination harm children by refering to them as a "politic position". If as JJ said, the current laws "violates a persons right to life, liberty, and happiness"--in this case, the persons denied these rights are these kids parents, then perhaps it is time we show compassion for the children as victims in the same way we do when the President meets with families from Sandyhook or Katrina or 9/11.
  12. Not sure what to think. It'll be interesting to see what evidence is presented. But from where I sit now, I'm not sure how they can do to prove what happened without any witnesses (that I'm aware of) to help. It turns out there was a witness that might be able to substaniate everything Zimmerman claims. Unfortunately, Zimmerman shot and killed that witness.
  13. Did I stutter? Is there something you don't understand?
  14. Factual Errors: 1. It's not an OP-ED. 2. Hell is still hot and pigs remain grounded. In other words, your HYPERBOLE doesn't jive with the facts. There have been OP-ED pieces in the NY Times that are critical of Obama before. Google "The legal machinations Mr. Obama has used to justify war without Congressional consent set a troubling precedent" if you need an example of one. 1. What do you mean my link isn't an OP-ED: From the Link Editorial President Obama’s Dragnet By THE EDITORIAL BOARD 2. Someone - you are way tooooo sensitive. Lighten up - Exaggeration to make a point - Of course the NYT has been critical at times - but they are more known for caring Obama's water than not. Perhaps with all of these 'scandals' they are recognizing the need to be more objective. 1. "An op-ed, abbreviated from opposite the editorial page[1] (though often mistaken for opinion-editorial), is a newspaper article that expresses the opinions of a named writer who is usually unaffiliated with the newspaper's editorial board. These are different from editorials (which are usually unsigned and written by editorial board members) and letters to the editor (which are submitted by readers of the journal or newspaper)." Better luck next time. 2. You seem to be ok with exagerations and hyperbole. Is that the reason you refer to Obamacare as a 'scandal'? When do facts matter and when do they not?
  15. I would disagree with that law. If you are always fleeing because you feel threatened then the shady people start coming cause no one is ever standing up to them. The police can't be everywhere and only a fool would rely on the police 24/7 to protect them from every danger. Like Trayvon?
  16. Jury selection has started. IYHO, is he innocent or guilty? If guilty, what SHOULD be the charges: 1st degree? 2nd? 3rd? Stupidity?
  17. Here is a list of people who have died in the past 10 years and never received healthcare in their life: Did I miss anyone?
  18. And the bat sh#t crazy trend continues... "Sadly, what is happening to Sarah is only the start of what we will see happen to our health care system under Obamacare. Government red-tape will override the expertise of our doctors, and soon we will all be at the mercy of death panels run by Kathleen Sebelius and other un-elected bureaucrats." http://www.lifenews.com/2013/06/10/the-obamacare-death-panels-have-begun-for-disabled-children/
  19. Why do they use an average from 1961-1990? By doing a graph like that, it is automatically going to appear that everything after 1990 is above the line and everything before that period is below that line. What years do you want to see graphed?
  20. Youtube comments claiming them to be racist. Note the apparently in the title. 'Nobody' is right. ADS: The comments on YouTube didn't call Cheerios racist. They were racist remarks made by racist people attacking General Mills for including a mixed race family. Better thread title: "Cheerios ad causes negative reaction from racist viewers."
  21. You didn't. You said: "I would tell her..." And then you asked: "So.....he needs to figure out how to support her simply because..." It sounds to me like you have some thoughts as it if she is worthy of the love and support my friend has for his wife. You are free to make the judgement, however, I choose not to make judgements like that. That's all. Sounds to me like you're putting judgments on BRB's post in much the same fashion you're accusing him of doing. You are right of course. All BRB wrote was "I would tell her where to go" and that in no way could suggest any editorializing as to how BRB might make a difference choice than my buddy's decision to love and support his wife.
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