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Everything posted by Blackshirt

  1. Wow, sounded like it was going to be like shooting effing hillbillies ina barrel for Norvell. I know theres always more than meets the eye, but that just seems strange that the only 2 guys interviewed were told "no thanks". Presumably it was b/c of the "vibe" the AD got from them, opposed to their resume/coaching philosophies -- b/c those things can be assessed from afar. But who does the AD have to compare to? I dont know about them, but if I found out that both myself and a 1 legged guy lost an ass kicking contest... to a hypothetical no legged guy - I'd feel like a big Cbox. He clearly has someone else in mind... perhaps someone will get on AIR STEVE afterall and he can drop him off in LAmes.
  2. I think its safe to say little Danny Hawkins got OWN3D by Hawksker. Saw this quote on the denverpost board which sums it up nicely.. Posted: 11/22/06 7:39 am Re: CU football coach Dan Hawkins "CU has themselves yet another moronic head coach with an inferiority complex bigger than life itself. They’ve gained nothing from dumping Barnett and hiring this fool. Barnett couldn’t keep from degrading the CU by opening his big mouth and it looks like Hawkins is stepping in without missing a beat. When will CU wise up and hire a head coach with some class. Hawkins makes the third rube in a row that will further bury CU in a quagmire of shame that is marked by the worst fans in the Big 12, if not the country, and a low rent football program that exemplifies mediocrity. Why is it that CU’s jealousy for the Husker football program forces them to continually embarrass their own program by making ridiculous public statements? The worst day of a Buff is better than the best day of a Husker; I think not."
  3. I just noticed the link to the rules on the top of the board is gone, so Im posting it here for reference. http://www.huskerboard.com/rules.htm Please contact a Mod or Admin with any questions. Thanks for everyones cooperation with keeping this board the classiest around.
  4. Homie19 has also been awarded 5 pts for his efforts in the design contest.
  5. This poll should have been closed on Sunday but I forgot, so the entry with the most votes at midnight on Sunday was E, designed by Nigel87, who won 10 huskerboard points. Since entry P also seemed to be popular, I'll also award homie19 5 pts for his efforts, and we will use both for board logos, since they are both very slick yet different from each other. Thanks to all for your contributions, it was obviously a tough decision for our members - you guys are very talented!
  6. Congrats to Nigel87 for winning the logo contest. 10 huskerboard pts have been added to his name above.
  7. I just got the official word, my wife has given me permission to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lame, yes, I know, but I am going. At this point you look for any victory possible. We will be meeting up. Yessur. details to come.....
  8. Thanks guys. BRI, I have a Pocket PC from Sprint - where I used to work, so got a good deal. Its a *good* phone, average camera, and very good most everything else.
  9. Yep, definitely. Not sure on the price, but its usually around $20 for the Ghriefs games. The pass simply gets you a spot in a reserved lot in the shadows of the stadium.
  10. Well its not much less, but Tickethippo has them for $47. http://tickethippo.com/ResultsTicket.aspx?evtid=304167 Sales from tickethippo supports the board (we earn about 10%), so if you dont have a cheaper alternative, just know that we do appreciate it.
  11. Our beaches are about to become much more popular......
  12. I hear ya, I wish it wasnt like that. Will look into it....
  13. Im slowly getting all the old threads moved to the new forums, to keep this forum more organized & easier to find stuff. So please begin posting all new topics in teh appropriate forums above. Thanks!
  14. Like the photos, these were also taken from my phone, so are kinda weak, but still cool to have. *Doesnt really capture the mind bending SWAY tradition like I was hoping it would, but you can still hear how freakin loud they are - and this was just in b/t quarters when they sing the fight song *Was pissed b/c I ran out of video as I was filming this, so only got a short segment - but you get an idea of the absolute free4all that ensued. And if you watch closely, you'll one of the dudes that dryloved and dashed on me, leave the screen right at the end. N my life one second, out the next - probably never to cross paths again, but we will share that ambiguously GAY (the sooper happy version) moment in Husker history forever!
  15. Finally got around to uploading my A&M Game pics. These were taken from my phone so arent the best quality, but are pretty decent overall. 2006 NU-A&M Gameday Pics
  16. As youve noticed, Im reorganizing this forum, per THE PEOPLES VOTE. Please begin posting in the individual forums. I moved a bunch of the more recent stuff, and I'll get the other threads moved to their proper forums over the next few days. Unless one of our talented & ambitious mods is itching for something to do.
  17. For those that didn’t get my email, please see this note and reply here or via email: Hey guys, For those that don’t know, the current trading deadline is this Friday -- which means no more trades will be allowed the rest of the season. I’ve had a couple requests to extend the deadline, and since our season doesn’t end for several weeks, I think it’s worth consideration. The options would be the following: A) Keep deadline for this Friday B) Extended to Nov 24 C) Extended to Dec 1 D) No deadline at all Pls respond with your preference. If I don’t receive a response from you by tomorrow night, I'll cast your vote for the middle option/C. The majority selection will then be instituted. I'll let you know. Thanks, Chad - Blackshirt
  18. Outstanding, hawksker. limited time or not, that was one of my favorites youve done this season. the music & video had a great rhythm. and loved how you cut up some of the segments to give it a choppy effect. FYI, the default video starts on Mizzou when you visit your site.
  19. Since we had so many great vids for the A&M game and the CU game is a week off (sorry Ag04), I wanted to put together a central place to find all of them easily. HawkSker huskeraddict Pillen08 eliot1171 "THE DRIVE" GREAT work fellas. you are a talented bunch. oh and Zac Taylors pretty good too.
  20. Thanks for nothing ETR. Now Im sitting here at 11:44 PM with adrenaline coarsing through my veins and a sick urge to find and kiss a fat guy wearing red. effing Pavlov.
  21. HH, Yes, they sure do. You can view the Package-Deal options in the right-column on the home-page here: http://www.huskervideos.com The games that have already been played will ship immediately, and the subsequent games will ship within 1 day after. Just let me know if you have any other questions. Makes a great holiday gift!!
  22. haha. good question... is that for the mailbag or me? j/p ... Ive sent a request to Drew, who may have gotten busier with schoolwork than he expected - will let you guys know if it looks like he'll have time or not. So we may need some help from some other ambitious HuskerWeekliers!!
  23. Thoughts and deepest sympathies for the family & friends of your fallen classmates, Ag. I'll be sure to keep them in my thoughts this week. They arent forgotten.
  24. that would be under the thread titled "**Vote for new board logo!!**", which did in fact meet your "deadline" http://www.huskerboard.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12912
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