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  1. Pelini admitted he was wrong and apologized. That's something most younger adults don't see much of these days. Mostly it's "I didn't do anything worse than so and so" or "Anyone in my shoes would have done the same." (Seen a lot of THAT as of late) There is also Pelini as an example of what NOT to do, and a close up view of this whole mess is a lesson from which the team can learn. I admit I had fun lampooning the whole incident in the "Would the Mods ban Pelini?" thread, but an apology is good enough for me. Seriously. Next time it might be me. Best Pelini's attention not be divided between this and the team. Criticisms about an overly complicated defense are still valid debating material, though. I am ok with forgiving the man; but how many won't? I am just saying the thing that makes this messy to me is his character as a man.
  2. I read the first 14 pages last night and haven't read the remaining yet. But I still haven't seen anyone point out Bo's hypocrisy. He cites being pissed off at the fans for leaving and booing, and then he goes on to say ""Our crowd. What a bunch of ****ing fair-weather ****ing—they can all kiss my ass out the ****ing door. 'Cause the day is ****ing coming now. We'll see what they can do when I'm ****ing gone. " So he's pissed off and cites them leaving because things were down, and then he points out how he's going to leave the program. That's hypocrisy in it's finest moment. The whole thing shines a bright light on the man's character. The below quotes are from this recent article: http://www.omaha.com...SKERS/130729340 “It's important to realize, more than ever, that kids are looking for role models,” Osborne said. Osborne referenced consistency in everything you do, such as poise on the sideline “when things are falling apart.” And if you're looking for good character and principles in your athletes, you'd better show it in your own personal life and day-to-day actions. “You have to model the behavior that you want,” Osborne said. Grant Teaff said that trickle-down effect can go beyond those inside the walls of the program. He recalled how his Baylor team was treated with respect during a visit to Memorial Stadium, which moved him to write a letter to the Lincoln newspaper the following week. “I have always believed fans are a reflection of a team's coach,” he said. This isn't about how this was a low-blow releasing it at this time; it's not his use of the foul language; it's about his moral character and seeing what's on the inside of the man. Integrity is about doing the right thing when no one is looking, and that especially holds true when you are a mentor, a teacher, and a coach at Nebraska.
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