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Everything posted by cornographic

  1. Really, yo're comparing Beatles and Elvis to "Butchered Babies" and Marilyn Manson?
  2. Opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one and some people seem to have an endless supply of ridiculous ones. There are some positive sides to metal. For one, it's like getting a little slice of Hell while you are still alive and kicking on the Earth, so, with such exposure, maybe you will get back to the straight and narrow such that you don't end up in that place where Metal is playing 24/7 for Eternity--i.e., Hell. Secondly, Metal is a great, nay necessary, part of any torture kit. Throw a guy in a small room with no windows. Feed one small bowl of rice and cup of water/day. Blast nonstop Metallica 24/7 as loud as possible for a week or so, combined with constant strobing white lights and screaming images of Metal's biggest fans: Skinheads. Stop torture, no more needed, the guy is toast. Thirdly, Metal gives stupid, untalented people a "music" genre in which to express themselves with massive amplification and if they keep at it long enough maybe someday they will realize there are other instruments within the musical family of instruments(trumpets, saxophones, pianos, for e.g.) than just frenetic, screaming, blasting, distorted guitars and stupid, repetitive thunder rock back beats. Metal gives would-be below average musicians and genre in which they need only learn handful of the most basic chord progressions which they can repeat over and over endlessly and call each repetition a "new song". Fourth, excellent choice for extremely rebellious adolescents--say ages 12-15--who want to grow up and be serial killers someday. Fifth, Metal is good for war, seems to be the choice for "theme" music for those state sponsored pro killers. That's about all the positives I can think of re: Metal. Are you one of those dips$&ts that stand outside concerts with the signs about Satan and yells scripture? Naw, not a Bible thumper, for one, and I wouldn't want to risk contracting a communicable disease from the meth heads in the crowd. I have said this before about you and I will say it again. You are one odd dude. I'm sure that gives you a sense of pride to say that. But, that's right, I'm odd, Metal isn't odd. Marylin Manson is normal, great role model. People said the same exact thing about Alice Cooper...the same Alice Cooper that also has a law degree and raises tons of money for charity. I think what helps is realizing most of these guys/girls are playing a role or a part... Good for him he gives to charity, but Alice Cooper is odd and his music and shows were odd. I could give a crap about his law degree. Mur'can mass culture has pretty much gone down the tubes in a big way, anyway, so whatevs. All the fantastic music and culture that actually is happening has FTMP been pushed "underground" or to the margins in the USA. How is an old retired guy that spends most of his time with his family and/or golfing odd? His music and shows were odd, so, I suspect somewhere inside his head, there is oddness, since he invented his music and shows. He maybe an odd old-ish dude as well, who knows. Anyway, AC is back when I was 15 or so, haven't thought much about him since.
  3. Look @ these wicked awesome fireworks @ a Metal Show, so wicked awesome, dude!
  4. Well, I'm not a tax guy, k, but if you are making ~$270K/yr as a single person, you're supposed to be paying 33% Fed income tax, which seems to be about in the range of what you are paying. As to Bernie, again, you'd have to ask him or his acc't or someone else on here who is a tax guy. He's obviously working the deductions angle.
  5. Do you suffer from OCD? No. Do you suffer from willful blindness? Funny, after reading your posts, I was going to suggest this for you. Especially when you fail to provide citations that back up your willfully myopic beliefs and Cornographic has gone above and beyond to debunk yours with citations. Thanks, VV,
  6. Could you like screw off? Would be much appreciated. I may continue to freely express my opinion about Metal, I dunno, not sure, thanks for asking, though. You are aware of the iggy fx, right?
  7. You ever see some of these "baby Daddy" families where the mom and dad listen to Metal and Rap all day at home? Their kids basically look like they have PTSD. Good way to destroy young minds--older minds too. Just doin' a social service here, folks, don't mind me....
  8. Hey look, it's a "normal" Metal fan! Hey, it's "Butcher Babies"! What could be cooler than the idea of butchering babies? Don't worry, it's just a persona, ttly harmless, nothing abnormal about it, in fact, let's take the kids to their next show!
  9. Opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one and some people seem to have an endless supply of ridiculous ones. There are some positive sides to metal. For one, it's like getting a little slice of Hell while you are still alive and kicking on the Earth, so, with such exposure, maybe you will get back to the straight and narrow such that you don't end up in that place where Metal is playing 24/7 for Eternity--i.e., Hell. Secondly, Metal is a great, nay necessary, part of any torture kit. Throw a guy in a small room with no windows. Feed one small bowl of rice and cup of water/day. Blast nonstop Metallica 24/7 as loud as possible for a week or so, combined with constant strobing white lights and screaming images of Metal's biggest fans: Skinheads. Stop torture, no more needed, the guy is toast. Thirdly, Metal gives stupid, untalented people a "music" genre in which to express themselves with massive amplification and if they keep at it long enough maybe someday they will realize there are other instruments within the musical family of instruments(trumpets, saxophones, pianos, for e.g.) than just frenetic, screaming, blasting, distorted guitars and stupid, repetitive thunder rock back beats. Metal gives would-be below average musicians and genre in which they need only learn handful of the most basic chord progressions which they can repeat over and over endlessly and call each repetition a "new song". Fourth, excellent choice for extremely rebellious adolescents--say ages 12-15--who want to grow up and be serial killers someday. Fifth, Metal is good for war, seems to be the choice for "theme" music for those state sponsored pro killers. That's about all the positives I can think of re: Metal. Are you one of those dips$&ts that stand outside concerts with the signs about Satan and yells scripture? Naw, not a Bible thumper, for one, and I wouldn't want to risk contracting a communicable disease from the meth heads in the crowd. I have said this before about you and I will say it again. You are one odd dude. I'm sure that gives you a sense of pride to say that. But, that's right, I'm odd, Metal isn't odd. Marylin Manson is normal, great role model. People said the same exact thing about Alice Cooper...the same Alice Cooper that also has a law degree and raises tons of money for charity. I think what helps is realizing most of these guys/girls are playing a role or a part... Good for him he gives to charity, but Alice Cooper is odd and his music and shows were odd. I could give a crap about his law degree. Mur'can mass culture has pretty much gone down the tubes in a big way, anyway, so whatevs. All the fantastic music and culture that actually is happening has FTMP been pushed "underground" or to the margins in the USA.
  10. Kids are loving it. It was kind of Adidas' version of suede Pro Keds, back in the day. Heavy and clunky. Fashion recycled, like eyeglasses, now the big librarian glasses are back in voque, in a few years they'll bring back the small rimless ones, pants are tapered now, with brown shoes w dark suits(80s?), a few years they'll go back to flared pants, etc!
  11. That Adidas sneaker above is just a throwback to one of their earliest designs, and it's been back around for at least a few years now. What's the big deal?
  12. Opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one and some people seem to have an endless supply of ridiculous ones. There are some positive sides to metal. For one, it's like getting a little slice of Hell while you are still alive and kicking on the Earth, so, with such exposure, maybe you will get back to the straight and narrow such that you don't end up in that place where Metal is playing 24/7 for Eternity--i.e., Hell. Secondly, Metal is a great, nay necessary, part of any torture kit. Throw a guy in a small room with no windows. Feed one small bowl of rice and cup of water/day. Blast nonstop Metallica 24/7 as loud as possible for a week or so, combined with constant strobing white lights and screaming images of Metal's biggest fans: Skinheads. Stop torture, no more needed, the guy is toast. Thirdly, Metal gives stupid, untalented people a "music" genre in which to express themselves with massive amplification and if they keep at it long enough maybe someday they will realize there are other instruments within the musical family of instruments(trumpets, saxophones, pianos, for e.g.) than just frenetic, screaming, blasting, distorted guitars and stupid, repetitive thunder rock back beats. Metal gives would-be below average musicians and genre in which they need only learn handful of the most basic chord progressions which they can repeat over and over endlessly and call each repetition a "new song". Fourth, excellent choice for extremely rebellious adolescents--say ages 12-15--who want to grow up and be serial killers someday. Fifth, Metal is good for war, seems to be the choice for "theme" music for those state sponsored pro killers. That's about all the positives I can think of re: Metal. Are you one of those dips$&ts that stand outside concerts with the signs about Satan and yells scripture? Naw, not a Bible thumper, for one, and I wouldn't want to risk contracting a communicable disease from the meth heads in the crowd. I have said this before about you and I will say it again. You are one odd dude. I'm sure that gives you a sense of pride to say that. But, that's right, I'm odd, Metal isn't odd. Marylin Manson is normal, great role model.
  13. Do you do stand up? I tried stand up few times, but they kept telling me to "sit down".
  14. They were going to do a tribute to the 10 best Metal bands the other day, but they couldn't find any.
  15. It's ok, I've done my civic duty and stated my pc re: Metal, you Metal kids go right back to it....
  16. Opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one and some people seem to have an endless supply of ridiculous ones. There are some positive sides to metal. For one, it's like getting a little slice of Hell while you are still alive and kicking on the Earth, so, with such exposure, maybe you will get back to the straight and narrow such that you don't end up in that place where Metal is playing 24/7 for Eternity--i.e., Hell. Secondly, Metal is a great, nay necessary, part of any torture kit. Throw a guy in a small room with no windows. Feed one small bowl of rice and cup of water/day. Blast nonstop Metallica 24/7 as loud as possible for a week or so, combined with constant strobing white lights and screaming images of Metal's biggest fans: Skinheads. Stop torture, no more needed, the guy is toast. Thirdly, Metal gives stupid, untalented people a "music" genre in which to express themselves with massive amplification and if they keep at it long enough maybe someday they will realize there are other instruments within the musical family of instruments(trumpets, saxophones, pianos, for e.g.) than just frenetic, screaming, blasting, distorted guitars and stupid, repetitive thunder rock back beats. Metal gives would-be below average musicians and genre in which they need only learn handful of the most basic chord progressions which they can repeat over and over endlessly and call each repetition a "new song". Fourth, excellent choice for extremely rebellious adolescents--say ages 12-15--who want to grow up and be serial killers someday. Fifth, Metal is good for war, seems to be the choice for "theme" music for those state sponsored pro killers. That's about all the positives I can think of re: Metal. Are you one of those dips$&ts that stand outside concerts with the signs about Satan and yells scripture? Naw, not a Bible thumper, for one, and I wouldn't want to risk contracting a communicable disease from the meth heads in the crowd.
  17. Just when I thought we were going to get along. Hmmm, could be a deal breaker, yeah....
  18. Opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one and some people seem to have an endless supply of ridiculous ones. There are some positive sides to metal. For one, it's like getting a little slice of Hell while you are still alive and kicking on the Earth, so, with such exposure, maybe you will get back to the straight and narrow such that you don't end up in that place where Metal is playing 24/7 for Eternity--i.e., Hell. Secondly, Metal is a great, nay necessary, part of any torture kit. Throw a guy in a small room with no windows. Feed one small bowl of rice and cup of water/day. Blast nonstop Metallica 24/7 as loud as possible for a week or so, combined with constant strobing white lights and screaming images of Metal's biggest fans: Skinheads. Stop torture, no more needed, the guy is toast. Thirdly, Metal gives lesser, untalented, unhinged people a chance to scream alot within a "music" genre in which to express themselves with massive amplification and if they keep at it long enough maybe someday they will realize there are other instruments within the musical family of instruments(trumpets, saxophones, pianos, for e.g.) than just frenetic, screaming, blasting, distorted guitars and stupid, repetitive thunder rock back beats. Metal gives would-be below average "musicians" a genre in which they need only learn a handful of the most basic chord progressions which they can repeat over and over endlessly and call each repetition a "new song". Fourth, excellent choice for extremely rebellious adolescents--say ages 12-15--who want to grow up and be serial killers someday. Fifth, Metal is good for war, seems to be the choice for "theme" music for those state sponsored pro killers. That's about all the positives I can think of re: Metal. JMHO
  19. Right, like can they locate, say, Iraq, on a map. How many states in the USA? Is a nuclear bomb dangerous? What State is the Secretary of State the secretary of? What's the difference between a "lobbyist" and a "madame"? In which country is Mt Rushmore located? What is a "Mur'can".
  20. Your hatred for those who don't share your outlook is noted but there are many charitable/aid organizations that provide help around the world that are not faith-based. Imagine trying to help your fellow man because its the right thing to do rather than for getting a gold star from your deity.Wow, a voice of reason, amazing! You can post on my threads anytime You two need to get a room ...and binge watch the rest of Breaking Bad I have yet to watch any Breaking Bad, but I am meanin' to. And while we're on the subject of tv and religious charity, in my fav show, The Americans, good ol' Pastor Tim(and his wife) prlly wish the daughter of Soviet spies never set foot in their congregation and spilled the beans to them as they are about to get "amscrayed" in a big way by mommy and daddy spy. Sometimes preaching can be a tough gig, real tough.
  21. Your hatred for those who don't share your outlook is noted but there are many charitable/aid organizations that provide help around the world that are not faith-based. Imagine trying to help your fellow man because its the right thing to do rather than for getting a gold star from your deity. Wow, a voice of reason, amazing! You can post on my threads anytime
  22. Somebody has to go over the top, otherwise sh#t gets boring. You make some good points. Guess what, a person doesn't need Gawd or religion or any philosophy to act upon his/her natural, inborn altruism. But, I guess alotta folk need a reason. And, I take all the charitable aspects of religious organizations to heart, all good stuff, albeit thrifty, but something's better than nothing. Mother Teresa's Calcutta "hospitals" were basically a death sentence for any who were unfortunate to be picked up off the street by her nuns. They were horrible, unkempt places, where dying people were basically lying around dying with little to no treatment. Mother Teresa was too busy hob nobbing like Hillary Clinton with the rich and famous and powerful, living large and collecting huge $ for her "foundation", little, of which, she spent @ her hospitals. And what has relgion ever done to confront the cause of poverty and suffering inhernet in the capitalistic system in the 1st place? Basically nothing, but thank Jesus we now have a socialist Pope who actually seems to be walking the talk. But let's mention some of the horror part and parcel to religious institutions, shall we? How about all the millions upon millions of people that have been killed over the centuries in the name of religion, that is, one religion fighting another? They don't like to talk about that @ church. So, evidently, there's a trade off with religion. Crusades, ring a bell? Holocaust? Sunni/Shia/ISIS? George Dubya claimed to hear voices from Jesus telling him he should "smote Sadam". Guess, what, the US population is still paying for Dubyas f'ing "voices". Well, no need to go on here, you get the picture. Anyway, as to elaborate architecture of the ornate variety, that's some fabulous stuff, I wish they built cathedrals like that in modern times--not enough master masons anymore, I spose, plus they take 100 yrs or more to construct, the old fashioned way. But they could be utilized as art museums and/or concert halls--some of the best acoustics--or huge buffet halls. Well, that's what the Spanish anarchists/socialists used em for when they took over Barcelona/Catelonia back in the day. Which reminds me, how is it that the Catholic Church owns one of the largest and most valuable art collections on the planet? Why did the Catholic Church help so many Nazis escape, are the 2 related? Things that make ya go, "hmmmm...." Anyway, I still think the various religions should be taxed and stop livin' on the social dole: at least tax their property. I refer back to the Carlin quote above ^^^^^.
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