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Everything posted by Smac07

  1. A Title IX suit was filed, settled 2 years later with the school paying her $50,000, and Peter/Redmond settling for an undisclosed amount of money out of court. Tom Osborne also apologized to Redding later on, reconciled, and has had her speak to past football teams about violence against women. He wasn't convicted of rape by a jury, but his hands are obviously very very far from clean. Phrasing!!!!! DO YOU WANT ANTS? Because THAT's how you get ANTS?
  2. Just because you fail to see the point does not make it pointless. Furthermore, you have unequivocally misunderstood what others are telling you. You're speculating, putting words in people's mouth and throwing garbage around wildly when you know absolutely nothing, and then demand to be told the "facts." Not very classy, either. The "fact" is there is no criminal charge. The "fact" is most people will forget about this save a minority in the future. There were rape accusations from decades past that have all but been forgotten and this scenario will likely become one of those. Are you kidding? People haven't seemed to forget Christian Peters alleged issues, or Incogneto I guess you just forgot about that? Allegations for Sexual assault are serious and should be treated as such. You are living in a fantasy world if you think Alleged Sex Assault just is forgotten and with this handy dandy Inter-web it sure can follow you quite easily! I Speculated on multiple views all which are viable and possible! The Facts you point out are interesting and all, but the most important fact is that the lack of pressing charges is not due to anyone being found innocent or guilty of anything. If that doesn't cause any effect on you than I am a bit surprised. Sexual assault impacts all of us. In regards to Christian Peter, the situation was very different to this one; and, I bet you could poll every college football fan across the country and a significant portion (likely even a majority) would have no idea who Christian Peter is or what he was accused of. And I don't think regular college football fans are actively googling the alleged/actual transgressions of former Huskers. The facts are it doesn't matter what you or I believe or think. No criminal charges have been pressed. End of story. The police and attorneys, the people charged with protecting us and dealing with criminals every day, have determined that there is not enough evidence to prove anyone did anything wrong. Innocent until proven guilty, my friend. I'm not going to go on a head hunt, and I suggest you don't either, to try to defame any of the parties involved here when legally there's nothing to be done. I certainly don't intend to head hunt by any means and I do apologize if it came off that way, Hard to convey context through text sadly, was simply looking at the situation and saw many societal issues in play that I thought might lead to a pleasant discussion. Which I will say came to fruition. If anything actually does come of this situation I would like to see these types of situations handled better by the media, as well as improving the process for everyone involved.
  3. I never assumed he raped anyone. But he's an a-hole for lots of other reasons. Why are you so focused on false accusations? There are way more unreported rapes than there are false reports. You should find a different cause. Well I agree the guy is an a complete tool and terrible human, and you haven't read a lot of what I have said. My cause is not Just False Accusation. My cause is I would really like to have a more definitive clarification as opposed to the Vague announcement of no charges to be filed because we cant prove the alleged took place. I very much agree with another user who said all allegations should be kept confidential until an actual reason to note it.
  4. Lack of evidence and falsely accusing are not one in the same either. This ^^^ I work in the criminal justice system and I pray that this young woman seeks out the help she needs, you see too many times a woman who feels that she wasn't done justice turn to the wrong things to cope. Unless nothing criminal happened and she tried to make it look like it did. How about those who may have been falsely accused and have had their futures put in peril? It can go both ways. I don't know who is right or wrong, but wish I knew more facts about what happened. Something should happen one way or the other IMO. How though, exactly? There's not enough evidence to proceed with criminal charges, but that doesn't mean a crime never happened. This woman could very well not remember the incident and 100% believe she's a victim. If that's the case, she should not be vilified. I think everyone here should just stop suggesting what should or shouldn't happen. I feel the woman needs to be given a polygraph in cases of 'he said, she said' as far as rape is concerned. If she fails, then no charges should be filed and no report publicly made of anything about the entire matter. Keep things totally quiet until she passes the test. Then the police should approach the accused and proceed vigorously, but confidentially, to corroberate the crime. Release the names, places and times and so on ONCE the events are relatively well substantiated by the lie detector test, the accused has had an opportunity to provide his or her side of the story, allibi, etc. Anyone accused of a felony should be given a reasonable opportunity to clear him or herself before the publication of the arrest or formal criminal charges are filed. Far too many people assume based on the mere fact of charges being filed, that the accused is guilty! This is NOT true. Sadly, however, juries are certainly very heavily leaning for the prosecution and the presumption of innocense is all but ignored. Any accused who fails to affirmatively provide evidence on innocense will likely be convicted with very flimsy minimal evidence. Testimony of just one witness is often all that is required to convict of serious felony offenses. Even murder. If you are ever involved in the criminal justice system, you will become aware of how difficult your chances are of winning an acquittal. 90% plus of cases end in convictions. The defense attorney has a long, uphill battle in almost any case! Fantastic!!!
  5. Which will likely remain internal/private unless they decide to punish someone for something. Even then, would they have an obligation to tell anyone? Also, do we know for a fact there is a Title IX investigation ongoing, or is it an assumption that one is happening and still ongoing? Mainly out of curiosity as I know very little about Title IX except surface details of what it is. Yes Title IX investigation takes place for any Sexual assault allegation. And I know for a fact that All UNL athletes have to go through a training discussing this information.
  6. Just because you fail to see the point does not make it pointless. Furthermore, you have unequivocally misunderstood what others are telling you. You're speculating, putting words in people's mouth and throwing garbage around wildly when you know absolutely nothing, and then demand to be told the "facts." Not very classy, either. The "fact" is there is no criminal charge. The "fact" is most people will forget about this save a minority in the future. There were rape accusations from decades past that have all but been forgotten and this scenario will likely become one of those. Are you kidding? People haven't seemed to forget Christian Peters alleged issues, or Incogneto I guess you just forgot about that? Allegations for Sexual assault are serious and should be treated as such. You are living in a fantasy world if you think Alleged Sex Assault just is forgotten and with this handy dandy Inter-web it sure can follow you quite easily! I Speculated on multiple views all which are viable and possible! The Facts you point out are interesting and all, but the most important fact is that the lack of pressing charges is not due to anyone being found innocent or guilty of anything. If that doesn't cause any effect on you than I am a bit surprised.
  7. Title IX has 60 days if I remember correctly. As a male it sucks to see the double standard of She accuses rape and is automatically the Victim, and is automatically to be true because it is incredibly difficult to prove without evidence that can not be determined from a Rape Kit! As a male with a proper upbringing it sucks even more to see sexual assault occurs at all. As a law abiding citizen I am also sick and tired of seeing "public figures" being treated differently from the rest of us. No one is above the law yet sadly the system sure allows for it! For those clowns shocked by my statement of making an example of her if she was falsifying the claim; you apparently feel people should be able to cause an incredible amount of damage to someone else by lying about it? Classy! This happens quite often so yes an example of someone lying about such a serious offense should be treated harshly to set a precedent that doing such a thing is not in your best interest. Make no mistake if this is a case of rape then may the offender receive the justice they rightfully deserve. My only point on this issue is this. That "Press Conference" was beyond pointless as it gave very little facts about anything, which creates more of a media storm of pure conjecture and this assumption of either guilt or innocence dependent upon, who you root for and what your personal bias may be. This type of irresponsible release of vagueness did nothing to clear anything and in no way will be forgotten. If you think it will just look at Shamus Winston or any other case that sticks with the Program and the persons involved. Unless facts are revealed that unequivocally exonerate Westy and T.A. this will be something that will tarnish their reputation and character, it also makes me as a Nebraska Alum embarrassed by the fact that there may or may not be these types of people on the team that represents the University, and its alumni as well as fans!
  8. Qmany You are absolutely correct sir and I agree 100% which is the only reason I was hoping for a more substantiation of Facts from this whole thing, because no matter what this will be brought up and stay with the program.
  9. And if this was a case of this woman deciding she made a mistake after the fact, this needs to be dealt with harshly because all of these False Rape accusations can and do destroy peoples lives.
  10. As a Husker fan I would like t think that the players are innocent here, but Lack of evidence for a Legal Case and being Innocent are not one in the same!
  11. Look I am simply saying if the woman was False Accusing someone she needs to be Vilified, the players will now be the ones seen by anyone without a Husker Bias, as guilty.
  12. I truly wonder what happened then, Facts need to be released here because now the court of Public opinion is really going to look on this very negatively!
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