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  1. No one said this wasn't wrong. Just a question, is it acceptable for a native American to call a random stranger a "bitch" in his first encounter? Did I call you or someone else a 'bitch'? I may have said that about your mother, but just to make an angry point. Still, if so, I apologize profusely and profoundly. I must have been extremely angry. That is quite unusual and I do sincerely apologize. I will try to do better. Do you have turrets? Thanks for telling me where you live, you know, just in case i want to come shake your hand. I did have turrets. But I sold the castle in France and the turrets were sold with it. I re-read my posts, and I do sincerely apologize. It can be difficult sometimes. Living in Florida now, very few people think I am Native American. Instead of Sioux, they all think I am Mexican or Puerto Rican. The word you were looking for is Tourette Syndrome. I do not think I have it, but my wife and son might vehemently disagree. They hear enough cussing from me that I wouldn't be surprised. Mostly when that SON OF A BITCH won't do the DAMN DISHES. Apologies and thanks. I hope something good comes of all this. Flood, you don't have to apologize or keep explaining yourself...I agree with what you are conveying here and I believe the plight of the Native Americans in our country is one of the most over-looked and troubling issues in the history of America. You were the native people here on this land and were brutalized, raped, inflicted with various diseases and killed. And then to top it all off, you were segregated into parcels of land called reservations and everything your people were accustomed to was taken away. It's so incredibly sad and if I was Native, I would have a tough time looking at the American Flag without some contempt or bias. Can you blame everything that Natives are experiencing today on our country's history? YES, you can. For those posters who disagree, read up on your history and not the edited, white-washed versions we see in our schools. This topic started with some black Huskers players protesting our national anthem for racial discrimination and people expressing their outrage for this. Natives have the same sad history. Black people are racially targeted in our country because they were brought over here to be SLAVES, not as equal human beings. And that stigma still sticks in our country and around the world. It's awful, sad, disheartening and parallels the treatment of our Natives. As I have said before in my other post, I am as white as you can be with German ancestors, but I can't disagree more with anyone who blames Native or African Americans for standing up in what they believe in and protesting the hundreds of years of inequality and racial bias. I think it's great that we live in a country where people can voice their desire to be treated equally, regardless of their skin color. Let the quote-hate begin...
  2. Long-time lurker, first time poster as this subject is just driving me nuts and felt compelled to post my opinion. So here it goes... Who the fu&% cares if someone kneels or protests the national anthem during a sports event. The over-reaction to this is so mind-boggling. My first question is this, what the hell does the american flag or national anthem have to do with sports, especially professional sports like the NFL? Watching millionaire athletes pound the crap out of each other for 4 hours is patriotic or part of why we have freedom in this country? Seriously? The national anthem is fitting for politics, swearing in of new US citizens, the olympics and the 4th of July and that's about it. We get so hung up on some of our traditions that no one stops and thinks about what the true meaning really is. Running down a field and catching a ball is patriotic? Yes, we have freedom and playing sports is a part of that but if that's the case, then why don't we sing the anthem before you eat breakfast, or fill your car up with gas, or brush your teeth, or play a round of golf or watch Game of Thrones. Think about it... And guess what, racism is alive and well in our country, we reek of it. I am as white as you can get, grew up in Nebraska and now live in Arizona but I see it everyday. I could walk in any neighborhood in Phoenix with a hoodie on and no one would care. If a black guy did the same thing, neighbors would call the police in 10 seconds. Kudos to our players for standing up for their beliefs and actually caring about something besides football. And to the people who think this is anti-american or pathetic or you want them kicked off the team ... grow the fu&$ up!
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