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Georgia Husker

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Status Updates posted by Georgia Husker

  1. Ossoff has spent over $47 million since January for this Congressional seat, which is the most money spent on a House race ever. 93 percent of the donations came from CA, NY and MA. This is a pure desperation move by Democrats for a win, a seat that will last a year since this seat is up for election in 2018. It's sad I'm rooting for Handel, who is no peach. However, I don't like my district being bought by Californians and New Yorkers.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. zoogs


      ...whether or not it was the right one.)

    3. Georgia Husker
    4. Hoosker


      Refreshing to see an intelligent and informative political conversation play out. Nicely done, you guys.

  2. Are any of you Modest Mouse fans?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Georgia Husker

      Georgia Husker

      They were at the Pinewood? I'm beyond jealous you saw that

    3. The Dude
    4. Hoosker


      It was pretty great. They played Dramamine towards the end of the show. I was stoked.

  3. Trump/Clinton were trash candidates. Dewitt is rooting for vindication. Zoogs,zrod,knapplc,stpaulhusker,hoosker,red five and many others want impeachment. Who is rooting for America?

    1. ZRod


      We are. America is better than Trump or Clinton. It's better than this partisan bs.

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