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Everything posted by MNBigRedNorth

  1. Time to put this thread to bed! Mueller Blockade is now over. Fake investigations by committee members will not delay what is about to be unleashed. Spying on a sitting POTUS is now on full on! Jail Bar Barr will eventually get to the bottom of this corruption of first spying on a campaign and then on a sitting POTUS!
  2. I'd like to know where his facts are! They do matter!
  3. Have fun reading the report. No Collusion and No Obstruction according to people far smarter than us! But I know Our Very Special and Honorable POTUS will be tarred and feathered for the 1000th time by people that think they know more than the Special Council Robert Mueller and his 12 angry Democrat Lawyers. Boy what a hideous bunch of non partisan people to conduct an investigation that has any sense of fairness and objectivity to it. I guess if you think he obstructed justice, I think he defended himself against a coup attempt by the special council! Now defending one's self is called obstruction of Justice. But seriously have a good day, because it will be fun watching! Don't ask for comments from me, since this is all I'm going to say on the matter!
  4. Go ahead and believe the hyped up Washington (Bezos) Post with their use of the word potential . That paper would be out of business if Bezos wasn't pumping money into it each month! It is worth having in the out house. I can't wait for the the release.
  5. Why would he do that. Those guys leaked and tried to take him down and totally destroyed a very good man, General Flynn. You don't thank people like that!
  6. I highly doubt Mueller is even in the building! And if Mueller didn't like the summary, he would have been out in the public already. He knew he had nothing about a month or two after he was on the job!
  7. You can believe what every you want to believe. Have a good day!
  8. My answer to you is that Politifact is useless. You know it's ALL opinion based on their view things from the MSM. Please tell me what political reporting in the MSM is useful today. Lies are told by the MSM so that the FBI can use that lie to obtain a FISA warrant. Go figure! Anyone that thinks MSM reporting is based on facts needs to rethink that whole paradigm.
  9. I can't help it that you believe they are assine. That's your problem! People that rely on sites like Politifact are actually being lazy and not looking deep enough, but then again it doesn't surprise me. Any thing that fit their needs. Again you believe what you want to believe and so will I. I would truly like our nation not to be divided, but remember Rules for Radicals by Sauk Alinisky likes division. That is the gift Barack Hussein Obama left with our nation!
  10. Politifact! Really? http://www.varight.com/news/politifact-exposed-great-take-down-of-this-left-wing-farce/ They are nothing more than a left wing talking point creator!
  11. Beautiful Golden there. I take it it's a young male with the bow-tie. We have a 12 year old beautiful Golden girl. Still very healthy. Now to your post. The media just can't help themselves with stepping in it on a daily basis. Read this article, on how the media lied about Trumps visit Emmanuel Marcron last year to Mount Vernon. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2019/04/10/busted-mount-vernon-debunks-politicos-fake-news-story-about-trumps-visit-to-wa-n2544609 As Rush Limbaugh said a long time ago, place a bag of manure in the middle of a parking and a liberal will eventually find his way to it and then the rest will follow suit each getting into the thick of it all on their own.
  12. Oh it will come back to that later today, trust me! Being relatively new here, sorry it has happened, We'll be back to the Russian/CIA/FBI spy scandal on the Trump Campaign soon!
  13. Have you ever heard of supply and demand? If his properties are in great demand, they are then more valuable and are forced to raise prices. If it was corrupt he would be hiding it. This is nothing more than sour grapes because you don't like him. His whole business while president has been turned over to some Trust of banking lawyers and his sons. He doesn't make those decisions today. This is no different than having money invested in the Stock Market and the president using good economic policy to help the Stock Market grow. If that were the case you'd all upset about that too! There is NO BLATENT corruption, just a talking point used by the left!
  14. Insanity? Not hardly, any time politics are discussed threads evolve and topics wander.
  15. That is exactly what I like about him, but the left hates this because then in order to deal with Trump they might have to do the same to counter him. This dynamic of Trump speaking his mind openly drives the left crazy and in effect has unclothed them completely as to what their real agenda is. Right now they are pushing socialism, the new green deal, abortion after birth and on and on it goes. Now the things they really stand for are coming out. The fight back on PRESIDENT TRUMP, is nothing more than chatter by a dying ideology!
  16. Landlord that is your opinion, just like I could stand just about anything Obama did. To me Obama was a huge radical that set up an avenue to making our country a socialist nation, just what the deep state, new world order, US Chamber of Commerce wanted. This is not what our country has ever wanted, yet Obama drove it right down our throats. See that's how a huge part of our country felt about him, where did your stand? I ask because I don't know!
  17. I'm sure that talking point came right off a leftist funded website. Do you know how much past presidents took time off. Difference is Trump works were ever he is at and usually does the business of the nation at his properties. You can certainly have your opinion, your mind is made up, I just see it as anything he does, good or bad, it sour grapes to many people. A MAJORITY of people have no problem with how President Trump is performing. And yes we should look back. We need an accurate view of the past, which we are still trying to get about what happened with the spying on the Trump Campaign from 2015 and later the Trump Administration into 2017 by rouge elements left over from the Obama Administration. Who gave the orders and directions to attempt this coup of taking down a duly elected POTUS. I think many in government and the DC swamp have the full story, and the next 6 months should be quite reveling and surprising to many!
  18. I know that. The request that president Trump was that NATO countries sped the 2% of their own GDP on their OWN defense. The whole reason this is important is that when these countries don't do that, then NATO is exposed when they have defense needs which NATO by treaty is obligated to help with their defense. By making the individual countries stronger NATO is not as exposed and never are the it's members. To me Germany and Italy are slackers at this point.
  19. Of course, but they need to do this to show their commitment to their defense. Look at Germany and Italy. They should be there. It's those nations that tic me off. The smaller nations I kind of understand.
  20. Well you see lies, I don't. Is every politician a saint? I don't know one that is. Now that is just an observation of politics in general. Trump does like to have his say, just like Obama, Bush and Clinton did. I just don't see much difference in any of them. Trump is just more effect and gets under the skin of his detractors more than presidents in the past, so they see lies and jump at ever little bitty thing they can and the fact that he is not from the swamp gets to them. Does anyone here think that Washington DC is a swamp of corruption and deceit? Is it odd to you that politician go to DC with no money and come out millionaires for the most part? President Trump is the anti to this paradigm. So everyone there hates this, because the gravy train is in jeopardy. He wants to drain the swamp. Do you want the swamp to remain? I ask these questions to anyone on the board. This isn't directed to you alone Nebfanatic.
  21. My wording should have been better. My fault. I knew others were paying, but now were on the same page with this item. I'm not so concerned that we are spending what we are, I just want others spend what they should, so we can take care of our own first, and not be relied on solely to care of others. We are basically in agreement on this.
  22. Well that's your opinion and hey I'm fine with that, I just don't see it, when comparing what our country went through with Obama. In retrospect, I'm not real happy with Bush either at this point. Although 911 happened of which I don't fault him for that, I wish he would have just gone all out and cleaned that hen house out completely and not left the void of power. The after math of War is always the most costly part. (Not to down play the lose of life fighting the war.) It was the filling the power void and rebuilding lives and nations and the half a$$ way that was done! Hey I know Trump is rough around the edges and he's not afraid to duke it out, but you know what, I kind of like it. Why the heck do our leaders have to lead in the old paradigm of the corrupt PC world.
  23. Did you decided he had no credit ability the second he had the R behind his name? I say it's refreshing to see so many African Americans walk away from the party that has depressed them for so long. He had about 8% of the vote in the election and polling now shows he has 18% support and it's also refreshing to see that the latest polling showing that 48% of the Latino's in our country now support President Trump and that has about doubled from 2016. You wondering why this is so? Well it's called good paying jobs and also the fact that wages are actually growing at a faster pace than inflation. Real jobs growth and real wage growth. But then again many don't know that because the MSM refuses to report it! This next election is going to be a Trump win in a huge landslide! You may not, but a vast majority in American vote with their pocket book and since Trump has been elected my personal wage growth has been near $10,000 over the last two years, not to say that my retirement fund is growing far faster than I could have imagined!
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