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Posts posted by Archy1221

  1. 42 minutes ago, admo said:

    Agreed.  I'm expecting Joseph (and Whipple) to help with more efficient WR routes.  Some of the problems, in addition to slow decision making, and late throws, I feel were slow crossing routes (short mid range).  Thompson will get rid of quick, but we could use better routes imo.

    Yep on all

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  2. 3 hours ago, BigRedBuster said:

    This addition, along with other skill players are exciting and positive changes for next year.  However, the O line remains the area where I believe we need the biggest improvement on offense.  If they remain as bad as they were this last year, the addition of Thompson will result in limited improvement.  

    I believe we have added some guys (along with the new coach) that gives them a chance to be a lot better.  But, they have to put it together on the field.

    The addition of Thompson throwing the ball on time will help the offense in general and the offensive line in particular. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, commando said:

    and this is why the republicans have been fighting covid response as much as they have.  they want it to continue as long as possible so they can weaponize it against the dems.......like archy is doing here.

    :laughpoundJennifer Rubin is in the media.  Used to be the self proclaimed Republican commentator for WAPO.  

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  4. 43 minutes ago, Guy Chamberlin said:


    Are you honestly going to blame the rise of alt right candidates like Greene, Bobert, Gaetz and Cawthorne on the national media, rather than the people who voted them into office over less insane Republicans, and the CPAC conventions and Mar-a-Lago events that treat them like superstars? 

    There are over 200 Republican Congresspeople, yet they get all the oxygen from national news.  Why is that.  They get more press than McCarthy.  Why is that?   

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  5. 40 minutes ago, Guy Chamberlin said:


    Can you think of anything that compares to a President calling Secretaries of State in swing states and asking them to "find votes" however possible, convening party stalwarts and lawyers to hatch a plan for not certifying a legal election, urging followers to attack the Capitol to further prevent this process, and making The Big Lie the centerpiece of a loyalty test that currently dominates GOP candidates and narratives? JFC....that was a straight up coup attempt, and it's still going. 

    If you don’t consider a President spying on and trying to derail a future Presidents campaign as something close to that then I don’t know what to tell you.  Not to mention a two year campaign afterwords to try and impeach a President because the spying didn’t work out so well.  So yep there’s that.  


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  6. 6 minutes ago, Guy Chamberlin said:


    Huge f#&%ing difference between "remembering" the incongruities of the 2000 and 2016 elections, and making the totally unfounded claims of a stolen 2020 election the defining litmus test of your party. The Big Lie features a President who tried to subvert the Democratic process in the ugliest ways imaginable, and might still get away with it. It's not even close. 


    You're in the party that currently stars Donald Trump, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Madison Cawthorne, Laurene Bobert, and Louie Gohmert among some of the most willfully stupid Americans ever to hold office. In 21 years, you will still owe America an apology. 

    Nice spin.  You should run for office.


    the Congresspeople you mentioned get all the attention and oxygen because the national media gives it to them. And you of a people understand why.  

    Some of those same Dem’s crying a river about not verifying an election are the same ones who voted to not certify an election in years past.  Sometimes multiple times.  Hmmmmm….


    in 21 years, God willing I’m still alive, I won’t have s#!t to apologize for regarding any votes.   But it will be fun thinking about how much you wish it so.  

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  7. 1 minute ago, Guy Chamberlin said:


    Eh, in 2000 it came down to a few electoral votes in a Republican controlled Florida, and a Supreme Court decision that ruled on partisan lines to elect George Bush president despite him losing the popular vote. But when that wrangling was over, there was no orchestrated effort to fight Bush's legitimacy. Some of us blamed Clinton-fatigue and Gore's charisma deficit. Most Democrats moved quickly to opposing Bush's actions, not his legitimacy. 


    In 2004, the typically accurate exit polls showed Kerry surging, but the final tally did not reflect that. Word had it that the Republican founder of Diebold, the company that made the voting machines, had promised to deliver Ohio to Bush. The conspiracy theory got a bit of traction, but it dissipated quickly. There were plenty of more believable reasons why John Kerry lost the election. But there was every bit as much evidence of electoral malfeasance as there was in 2020. Which is to say almost none. Democrats moved on. Their guy lost. 


    2008? Well you could say the birther movement against Obama helped spawn the Tea Party, the rise of Donald Trump and an unprecedented run on guns and ammunition.


    2016? Donald Trump declared the election totally fraudulent prior to election day.  Then he unexpectedly won via the electoral college. Then claimed his 3 million vote deficit to Hillary Clinton was the result of 3 million illegal alien voting illegally. Basically, he could claim whatever he wanted, and his devotees would run with it. 


    And now having tested the local, state and national mechanisms for over-turning any election they don't like, we have a Republican Party that has won only one Presidency by popular vote this century, and is determined to rule even as a minority. 


    Don't pretend both parties have handled this the same way. 

    Don’t pretend Democrats quickly moved on.   They didn’t.  Unless you think 6 years and still playing the illegitimate card, still blaming the Supreme Court 22 years later, is “quickly moving on”.   I mean, if that’s the case, we still have 21 more years to blame ballot harvesting for the 2020 election.  

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  8. 34 minutes ago, Guy Chamberlin said:


    No s#!t.


    We touched on this before, and in all seriousness the attempted "prosecutions" of Trump have generally followed the organized crime formula, where the Feds have enough to make a RICO case, but the mob lawyers have enough layers of plausible deniability to keep the godfathers out of jail. 


    And let's face it, some lower-level guys did get nabbed. It's not like the whole thing was a hoax. 


    But the impeachments and Reports rarely rose to a legal level. They may not have been enough to put Donald Trump in jail, but they revealed a chronically corrupt man you should never, ever do business with. Some choose to celebrate that as innocence. 



    You may not have realized this, but the top men in the mob either went to jail or got “whacked”.  RICO actually did get “the Godfather’s.”


    As far as the hoax goes, what exactly did those lower level guys get nabbed for?  

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  9. 45 minutes ago, Guy Chamberlin said:


    Was it political theater for d!(k and Liz Cheney to show up?


    I think they both have a host of sins to atone for, but who are they playing to?


    People like me appreciate them standing up to their own party, but I will never embrace them, vote for them, or buy their book.


    And they are almost literally standing alone against their own party, which has viciously attacked Liz and dis-invited her from every party. Her principled stance has essentially doomed her reelection.  Guys like Archy mock her for trying. 


    Along with the Mitt Romney's and Karl Roves and Bush's, they may be playing to a Republican base that fears Trump's takeover of the party, but remains cowed into silence and invisibility in moments like these. Moderate Republicans have had a lot of chances to rise up over the past six years, but they don't. 


    This is a particularly ugly moment in an age of ugly moments. 

    d!(k and Liz are hoping their past sins of wishing to nuke the Middle East will be glossed over because of this.  Serves a good purpose for them. 

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  10. 4 minutes ago, Guy Chamberlin said:


    I believe that while the Mueller Report could not confirm collusion, it listed serious concerns that exceeded the scope of the investigation.  It was also pretty clear that the Trump administration was neck deep in obstruction of justice (something most innocent people don't do) but again, the investigation was limited in what it could pursue. 


    Rachel Maddow's breathless nightly coverage of Russian subterfuge got people to mistake over-reach for innocence. The Mueller Report basically opens by saying the findings do not exonerate the President. Once again, everyone gets to believe what they want to believe. 




    If there is any there there, well then one would assume the current DOJ would be all over it:dunno

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  11. 10 minutes ago, Guy Chamberlin said:


    The one thing we can all agree on is that if the situation had been reversed --- the exact same charges and exact same evidence against Hillary Clinton — the Republicans and the conservative media would never ever ever have granted an ounce of legitimacy to her Presidency. 


    As I recall, they were willing to grind the country to a halt over Benghazi.


    And, you know, Obama's birth certificate.


    I have no doubt you would be correct here.  

    Ever since 2000 it’s what political parties have done every election but 2012.  

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  12. 31 minutes ago, 84HuskerLaw said:

    Not unusual to see a return pop thru after an unplanned delay or hesitation by the returner, especially if the return ends up on the opposite side of the field.  Of course, more often he gets buried and a fair catch would have been the advisable thing.  Lol. Great players sometimes turn a bad play into a good one.  

    True, but He outran to two angles which was kinda impressive though 

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  13. 3 hours ago, Lorewarn said:


    Alright then conceptually there is no point in making an emphasis that Russia didn't change individual votes if they did pick a candidate they wanted to win and then acted towards that goal. The only point of conversation is whether they succeeded, and the conclusion isn't based on whether they succeeded in Trump winning, but whether they succeeded in influencing the results.





    Here's a few things that are factually true and/or in the Mueller report.


    • The Mueller Report spent hundreds of pages detailing numerous links between Trump's campaign and the Russian government


    • The report found that “a Russian entity carried out a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.”


    • The report found that "a Russian intelligence service conducted computer-intrusion operations” against Clinton's campaign, and released stolen documents


    • The report found that "the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts.”


    • The report found that Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner met with Russian nationals in Trump Tower in New York June 2016 for the purpose of receiving disparaging information about Clinton as part of “Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump,”


    • The report found that Russia interfered in the 2016 election in “sweeping and systematic fashion.”


    • Russians probed at least 21 state voter databases for insecurities, stole voter's personal information, hacked Hilary's campaign and the DNC and shared tens of thousands of emails with Wikileaks,  tried to hack the RNC, spread propaganda across social media via troll farms, and staged rallies in at least two states featuring things such as a hired American actress dressed as Clinton in a prison jumpsuit.


    • The Senate Intelligence Committee found that Russia “were able to gain access to restricted elements of election infrastructure” and “were in a position to, at a minimum, alter or delete voter registration data.”



    Now I'm not trying to claim or get you to agree that Trump was an illegitimate President. But I think you can probably at least agree that with this amount of concerted and explicit effort, at the very least, as a starting point, Russia was successful in influencing the election. 


    Did the Mueller report conclude that Russia influenced the outcome of the election?


    Did the FBI do a forensic analysis of the DNC servers? Or were they not allowed to?  If not why? 

    Is $200,000 in Facebook ads a “social media campaign?”


    The” Russian government believed it would benefit from a Trump Presidency” and worked to  get that outcome.   Sounds similar to what the IC’s said about China and Iran for Biden and Russia for Trump in 2020.   Wonder why no 2020 Mueller report.


    HRC’s campaign manager was phished like a moron.  None of the emails released on Wikileaks were false or with misleading information.  

    HRC lost because she didn’t campaign in the rust belt.  But Russia must have made her not go there I guess. 

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  14. 8 minutes ago, Lorewarn said:





    Do we change votes when we influence foreign elections? 

    Look at the wording of the Mueller report.  I believe (possible I may be mistaken) it says Russia tried to influence the 2016 election.  It does not say they did influence the election.  I’m pretty sure they were confident Russia had no bearing on our election outcome.   

    Do you honestly think 2016 is the first election Russia tried to influence?  

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  15. 1 hour ago, NM11046 said:

    Just confused cuz the most recent topic on the thread was about ads by a conservative publisher - I still am unclear why you jumped to this.


    If you watch the clip you posted on Biden from more than 3 years ago, its a woman in the audience that says she feels Trump is illegitimate president due to Russian involvement in the election, and she also says it's up to the MOC to investigate and determine impeachment.  Joe responds jokingly, "will you be my VP?  Then says he agrees.  Conveniently your video stops there.  But he went on to talk about the investigations being done by congress about outside influences and etc.


    The old Kamala video too talks about how can a president be duly elected if its known that outside countries like Russia interfered with our election.  She references her position on the Senate Intelligence Committee and the information shared by our own intelligence agencies as well as others from around the world proved that Russia interfered.  Again, at that point your video conveniently stops.


    So I don't know what the rest of their conversations entailed - your sources cut them out.  But do you agree that no other country should have impact our our USA Elections?  If they do, does that impact your view of the legitimacy of the person to hold that office?


    And to answer you - yeah, I do think that if it's proven by multiple agencies that another country did impact our election outcome, and the popular vote was significantly different than the electoral college, I'd probably agree he was not legitimately elected BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE.  But did I or other Dems make a big deal about contesting the election?  Did Obama refuse to hand over power?  Nope, Hilary conceded pretty darn quick.  Obamas welcomed them into the WH, gave debriefs and his staff gave ongoing plans to the incoming adminstration etc.  


    But to come back to my first question - why you and the members of your party are continuing to try and regurgitate old talking points like this from years ago and make a big deal out of them shows your desperation. 



    Well, a lot of points to unpack and help you out with so here goes nothing…

    1). It’s a Utopia thread.  Lots of moving discussions.  Just check out the Republican one for a point of reference.  
    2) Both POTUS and VPOTUS agreed (wrongly) with the assertion presented to them that Trump was an illegitimately elected President.  Hypocrites the both of them. 
    3) No other country should be allowed to impact our elections.  And we should get out of the election influencing business too.  
    4) you would be insane for agreeing that he was not legitimately elected and would be a part of the current problem if you do believe that.  Russia didn’t change a single vote.  HRC didn’t campaign in the Rust Belt and that’s why she lost no matter how many times she claims Russia Russia Russia 

    5). HRC continues to say the election was illegitimate, Obama had the Fess spy on Trump’s campaign.  Not to welcoming it seems.  
    6). Pointing out Democrat hypocrites is kinda fun that’s why.  

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  16. 30 minutes ago, Scarlet said:

    Mmmmm k the extension went through the end of December (the 26th thru the 30th) at which time they expired.  




    On Dec. 21, Miami-Dade County's mayor Daniella Levine Cava wrote a letter to Florida's Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo that asked for, "all possible tests be directed to Miami-Dade County to meet the growing demand for testing in our community." 


    A video posted by Daniel Uhlfelder, a lawyer based in Florida, on Dec. 17 also showed a massive line up of cars of people waiting to get tested at a Miami COVID-19 testing center.  


    So there was documented demand.

    One week before they expired.   A letter was written 4 days prior to expiration to cover for demand that rose quite quickly I’m sure you are aware.  This isn’t really the dunk you pretend it to be:dunno



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