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Posts posted by Lorewarn

  1. 5 hours ago, knapplc said:


    This is like blaming the street for traffic accidents. Social media is a benign construct. The idiot humans who misuse it are the problem. 




    If social media is the street, then they are definitely designing the street for accidents to happen, for people to stay on the street watching other accidents and causing accidents themselves, and then want to be the hero saying, "We have to stop all these accidents!"


    But yeah, humans are responsible too - it's just a losing battle for most individuals to win out over teams of billionaire geniuses who learned how to hijack and manipulate their brains.

  2. 2 hours ago, B.B. Hemingway said:

    This guy keeps getting chances. Ironically.





    Doc Rivers seems like a stand-up guy and I've always liked him as a man, but never understood how lucky he's been as a coach. Seems to fail upwards more than someone like Lane Kiffin.


    I remember them cutting between the huddles of the Lakers/Celtics huddles in the Finals either 2008 or 2010. Phil Jackson was scheming X's and O's and directly addressing certain behavioral things, while Rivers was just saying things like, "ya know you guys, if you want it enough we'll be able to get this one." Seemed very pedestrian for a coach of an NBA team in the Finals.

  3. On 6/17/2021 at 11:17 AM, Crusader Husker said:

    How long have people been talking about LeBron being the GOAT, when they should have been talking about KD being the one who should be in the GOAT conversation?



    He doesn't belong in the conversation. Being the greatest is different than being the best. It takes an alpha predator psyche that KD has never had.

  4. 8 hours ago, I am I said:

    btw, they made a CHOICE to go to their college.  Not forced. Now we letting kids 19ish just walk away from a 2-3 process of that recruitment. You think Frost or Harbaugh likes calling kids 2 time zones away at 9pm for 2 yrs only to have them walk after 6 months or 1.5 yrs of the coaches full commitment to them? Then see them go to a school for 4 days then transfer again? If a coach leaves for a better opportunity after 3-6 yrs at that school, he’s EARNED that right cuz he’s 40, and he’s a man. Giving kids the right to move on whenever they see fit is stupid and not helping them to grow and learn and earn life’s stripes. 

    forced?? Lol. These kids have had plenty of options. And they execute that option on signing day. But yeah, go about that “business” and see 1,100 kids in a “portal” per year and maybe you’ll end up at 3 schools in 4 yrs with no degree, all the while b!^@hing they were forced or it was the coaches fault. 

    making kids stick to something isn’t a real bad thing, if they made that CHOICE in the first place to sign. Go to JUCO if you think you can do better in 1-2 yrs. 



    They made the choice to go to college, and they should be free to choose to decide that it was a mistake and then go to a different one. It's not the military. Coaches won't like it, but who cares? Frost gets paid five million dollars a year, and if he gets fired will still get paid millions for failing, he can have the expectation of having to deal with stupid kids.


    Giving kids the right to move on whenever they see fit is not stupid, it's giving them the autonomy to be in control of their life. Forcing them to stay put is stupid - you never learn good lessons when you're coddled and protected, you only 'earn life's stripes' by taking risks.

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  5. 1 minute ago, I am I said:

    In football, as in life you have to earn your stripes. 
    We are letting these kids down by allowing them to move so fast away. What a gift to give that you can move on as soon as you don’t “like” something? 

    football is a business, even at the collegiate level. But it was also a sport that gave young men an opportunity to learn to be tough and earn something, like any position on the field after 2-3 yrs of being apart of something greater than your own damn self. The best players, generally, are Jrs and Sr, because it takes time. 

    Seeing the whole Frost quote, he absolutely nailed it. 





    People don't learn lessons by being forced into things without a choice. You learn lessons by making choices, and figuring out if and why they were the right or wrong ones. 


    College football players have already had at least 4 years of 'being apart of something greater than your own damn self' in high school, and if it is a business, they should seek out the best company that offers them the best job at the best rate and not get manipulated by the executives and bosses into denying opportunity for themselves for the sake of the people getting rich off of them, imo. 


    Now with that being said, lots of kids will still make bad choices. But those choices are their choices to make.

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  6. Jeez, the full quote is even more harmless than the more contextual quote I had seen, and really paints Mitch Sherman as irresponsible in his reporting. Have never been impressed with him personally.

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  7. Scott can learn to hold his tongue a little bit better in the fishbowl of Nebraska, but this is a big nothing burger and I couldn't care any less.


    Luke and Max have an understandable bias because Luke is their little brother, and you're supposed to protect and take care of your little brother. Nothing wrong with that. They are wrong, of course, in their arguments, but that's fine. The only people who will care are people who are letting personal attachments win over reason. Can't win with people like that no matter what you do.

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  8. 38 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

    What is there that stops a booster from going to a top recruit and saying, if you come to our school, I’ll pay you $1,000,000 to tweet about my company while here?



    I'm totally clueless on the specific legalese of these laws, but my guess would be that NIL legislation is only applicable for students currently enrolled, and the NCAA will have rules against promises of ____ in the future to combat that sort of thing.


    Not that it wouldn't happen. But it's not like players aren't getting paid illegally now even though there's rules against it.



  9. 48 minutes ago, Hilltop said:

    If/when it goes to 12, I think we will see fewer and fewer power on power out of conference games.  There really will be little to no incentive for most.  It's no longer about impressing but rather taking care of business for most.  I hate it honestly.  I would much rather see 6 or 8... until Nebraska finishes 10th.



    If you play a top 15 non-conference game, but you win your conference, you're in, even if you lost that non-conference game. If you don't win your conference, but you have an extra top 15 win out of conference, you'll have a better chance at being in over another at large pick who only played Kent State, Rice and Ball State in the non-conference.

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  10. 5 hours ago, MyBloodIsRed16 said:

    Maybe I was just smarter than most 18-21 yr old football players but why in God's name would you let a team doctor give you a prostate exam?  I could maybe understand the prolonged examination of you testicles during a physical cause you might be thinking he found something.  Anything other than that red flags would be going up.  Weirdest thing to happen during a physical in college was my senior year when two female athletic trainers were present while I had my pants down.  I didn't think that was normal but they were just observing. 



    I had a friend recently (female) who just got a new tattoo on her hip. She divulged to me that the tattoo artist cupped her boob the entire 2 hours he was tattooing her, and it took some time and some 'that is not how we do this and there was no reason for that' from another tattoo artist for her to understand that she'd been assaulted.


    Something about the social survival instinct to not cause a fuss and the trust of authority makes those situations surprisingly hard to be in and to understand if you haven't experienced it, I think.

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    2 hours ago, J-MAGIC said:

    I just mean that losing regular season games isn't going to be consequence-free like some people seem to be suggesting. If you're a P5 team and you lose zero times or one time you're a lock to be in the playoff most years. If you lose twice you're probably safe but maybe not guaranteed. If you lose three times you're at the whims of a ranking. A G5 team can't lose at all and make it.


    Teams are going to try very hard to make themselves as safely in the playoff as possible. Plus with the 12-team there's the incentive for the byes. This isn't like a 68-team basketball tournament or NBA playoffs where you can sleepwalk through a 30+-game regular season, get a decent mid-tier seed and then turn it on for the postseason in substantially the same situation as if you had tried hard in the regular season. Under the CFB playoff if you don't have it turned on in the regular season you're probably not going to make the playoff.



    I think, hopefully, teams will have different approaches similar to how they do now.


    One approach is to play it safe and go unbeaten, but just like a 'safe' prevent defense that can easily backfire. Another approach is to schedule marquee OOC games which if you win give you a HUGE boost, and if you lose close give you a data point that you belong on the field with great teams. What we like to call a "quality loss". As far as I can understand, and I know there's a lot of complicated factors and motivations to try and figure out here, the best approach is the latter.


    Hedging your bet on only one avenue in, ie being undefeated with a cupcake schedule, is a worse option than hedging your bet on multiple avenues in. If you play a really tough OOC schedule, it doesn't effect your conference aspirations (win the conference and you're in), but it does effect your at-large aspirations in a positive way if you win or are competitive (if you lose the conference but still do particularly well with a very difficult schedule, you'll more than likely be rewarded in the polls).

  12. 3 hours ago, Huskers93-97 said:

    You can choose to ignore that is an indicator things have not gone well or as planned. Or you can say man we need to do better.


    Are you trying to posit that you know inside info on whether or not Scott Frost is personally reflecting on his failures or ignoring the results? 

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  13. 6 minutes ago, I am I said:

    Correct me if I’m wrong:


    didnt Penn St remove Paterno statue and then put it back?  I guess accusations coming from the son of Bo, maybe this has more gravity for M?  Penn St went through a s#!t storm and then was let off the hook a little early IMO. 

    i hope this emboldens all people to come forward with true and honest stories to root this trash out of our youth/public/private institutions.  



    The NCAA lifted sanctions on Penn State early but I believe that's because the NCAA had no authority to levy them in the first place and were facing a massive lawsuit.

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