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Everything posted by Lorewarn

  1. Why do you think they're called a handyman?
  2. Yep - I most frequently see them at Kroger/Publix, airport, malls, big parking decks, etc. around Atlanta.
  3. Concern over what's right and sensible in governing is low on the priority list compared to sniffing out opportunities for gotcha's and pointing out hypocrisy, real or made up. As far as the college protests, I doubt Biden is sweating it all that much. These are tiny minorities of super left students at super left campuses in left cities in mostly left states. Not a big enough mass of people to not be easily ignored, and even less so in terms of securing votes.
  4. Don't forget ignoring the specificity that determines it being a crime or not that, shocked pikachu, doesn't have any evidence of existing in this case.
  5. Everywhere in the continental US is fighting for 2nd place weather wise to San Diego.
  6. An easy primer: Quid = fine Quid pro quo = not fine
  7. That...looks like a bulls#!t rumor mill 'source' with no attribution.
  8. I think you're mostly saying the same thing as undone, and agree with the general sentiment. I think that was the verdict on Adrian in a certain sense - his ceiling was 9 gamebreaking highlights per game and they kept us in the game, but we needed him to have 10, and that final one was often the one that killed us.
  9. @AlaskanTom is an online troll, not the douchebag Ole Miss student. Gotta be more responsible than that, even for laughs.
  10. I just want one f#&%ing game that isn't on B1G+
  11. And shocker, they're all doing just fine.
  12. Jesus christ. Is the expectation and assumption really that Hitler was on the reg giving public speeches at rallies akin to, "Jews are evil we must slaughter millions of them and exterminate them as an inferior race"?
  13. The rest of the world doesn't share your anal retentiveness and pedantry. You're not doing anyone including yourself any favors by assuming that everyone else interprets this in the same hyper literal way that you do. You know what happens when you assume.
  14. Completely misses the factor in play in which Biden continues to supply Israel with tons of military/killing resources with absolutely zero strings or expectations attached.
  15. I agree! And would also encourage....eh, nevermind. No minds will be changed and your banal and useless contributions are entertaining enough.
  16. I bought a PS5 *just* for this game (sadly, at full price last year before the news it was delayed a year), and am incredibly excited, but also am very confident it will suck at the football part and am also disappointed in UNL's submissions. The offerings of our school are paltry and lame especially in comparison to what other schools provided. There's no reason to not include Sirius, Thunderstruck, the Killigans, Hells Bells etc. and all of the other marching band tracks, as well as notes on the Husker Power chant and others. Yes, it is EA's responsibility to clear the rights, but you should at least give them all the info and resources that are specific and applicable to start with. Lame bare minimum stuff here.
  17. It's pretty dumb that some percentage of Americans equate a perspective on legality as the same thing as a perspective on what's ok and swell morally, ethically, and otherwise.
  18. I never understood people wanting the student section behind the bench anyways. Oh no, you're intimidating the 4th string kicker sitting down! Put them in an end zone where they can actually impact the players on the field.
  19. Lorewarn

    NFL 2024

    There will certainly be no shortage of players who, when faced with the choice between looking cool and trying to keep their brain functioning well for the rest of their lives, will absolutely go with the 'look cool' option.
  20. I've been alive since '89, I won't count Bush Sr. because I know nothing about him. In terms of coolness, it goes Obama Clinton Biden W Bush Trump In terms of quality of job done Clinton Obama Biden W Bush Trump
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