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Posts posted by Lorewarn

  1. The absolutist statement that Adrian is garbage, with no caveats or context, is so ridiculous to me and ignores some really incredible performances.


    Reality is that he's Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde - bottom of the barrel floor and up in the clouds ceiling. The damning problem is that his floor hasn't been raised, and has in fact probably been lowered some while his ceiling is still there but only rarely hit. 


    It's all mental for him, and sadly our staff has failed to help him in that regard and has probably made it worse. When he's playing free and loose he's an all-conference caliber baller, but when he gets nervous he absolutely loses himself. We can probably all relate to that one way or the other (I remember in high school if I had to shoot free throws in a clutch moment I could not feel my arms at all), but it's just such a sucky situation that he hasn't been able to figure that out.

    • Plus1 1
    • Haha 2
  2. 46 minutes ago, cyclonelifer said:

    Campbell would be the first to say he's a figure head.  The basic coaching (fundamentals, discipline, etc) is player driven.  They are all responsible to each other and no one needs to make a worldly play to help the team.  Just do what you need to do and let your teammates do what they need to do and everything will work out.  Campbell often says that for ISU to win they need to do it in the margins.  It's one reason they don't win big... or lose big. 


    The culture of ISU will not allow players to be destroyed by the fans.  What I mean is everyone is part of the culture.  I lived in Nebraska for over 30 years and when things were going good, NU could do no wrong.  But when things started to change players were ripped.  Coaches are one thing, it comes with the job.  But at the end of the day these kids are just that kids.  18-22 year olds.  


    When Campbell coached Toledo and they played in Ames, he was overwhelmed with the support Iowa State had for what he would later call "the laughing stock of college football."  It wasn't the facility, or stadium, or money, that brought him to Ames, it was the fans, that had him believe that Iowa State could be successful.




    So it sounds like Campbell isn't a culture fit for any massive fanbase program in college or the NFL.

  3. 15 minutes ago, cyclonelifer said:

    The culture is wrong, the atmosphere is wrong. Campbell is a teacher more than a coach. 



    What does being a teacher more than a coach mean and what does it have to do with the culture at Nebraska?

  4. 2 hours ago, deedsker said:

    You don’t remember how trash Zac Lee was, do you? He had a very talented receiving Corp and two very good backs that made TMart a easy freshman starter. A lot of other Nebraska QBs could have directed that 09 team to a BCS/national title shot.


    Ganz was a gun slinger and although he had issues, he let it rip for better or worse. Most times it was better and that is what you will take when you can’t rely on your defense.



    Zac lit it up (admittedly against non-con creampuffs) before he played the entire rest of the season with a torn elbow.


    Wasn't good but we never got to see if it was him or the injury.

  5. 4 hours ago, fred1942 said:

    We need to talk to Art Briles. He has been exonerated.



    No, and no.


    The NCAA's investigation said this:


    "The panel also considered whether the head coach's own conduct - not the conduct of his staff - demonstrated that he failed to meet his responsibilities as a head coach. In particular, the panel gave careful scrutiny to the head coach's handling of the specific instances of alleged sexual assault, interpersonal violence and threats orf violence that are at the center of this case. In each instance, when the head coach received information from a staff member regarding potential criminal conduct by a football student-athlete, he did not report the information and did not personally look any further into the matter. He generally relied on the information provided to him by his staff and likewise relied on them to handle problems. His incurious attitude toward potential criminal conduct by his student-athletes was deeply troubling to the panel. As one panel member observed at the hearing when questioning the coach's lack of response to this information, 'a lot of these things that we're talking about, they're not NCAA rules violations...[or] university policy violations. They're felonies. [W]e're talking about rapes and physical assualts.'"


    "The head coach failed to meet even the basic expectations of how a person should react to the kind of conduct at issue in this case. Furthermore, as a campus leader, the head coach is held to an even higher standard. He completely failed to meet this standard. However, there is no linkage between this conduct and Level I or II NCAA violations.



    Not that the university would care, but if we ever even interview Art Briles I'm revoking my fandom forever.

    • Plus1 3
  6. 1 hour ago, ndobney said:

    Nope. Unless you were drunk on Kool aid, you weren't expecting a winning season this season. Not changing at this point



    If you give me a blank resume of a team with 4 straight top 20 recruiting classes, a fourth year starting quarterback, a stacked and experienced defense led by 5th and 6th year seniors, 6-7 wins is an absolutely reasonable sober expectation.

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  7. 4 minutes ago, Undone said:

    That f****** embarrassment with the safety, throwing the ball forward out of panic...that has to be the avatar of this era if there ever was one. 



    Only one of many, many, many.


    We should trademark the term Weirdo Ball‪™‬ because we do it better than anyone. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, BoNeyard said:

    Maybe we don’t have the same expectations but that means this programs realistic ceiling has been exposed.


    Nebraska is a very hard job.



    Coaching is a very hard job in general. The Nebraska job is easier now than it has been any time in modern history due to lowered expectations. Our ceiling is as high as any other successful non-blue blood schools that don't get top 10 recruiting classes (Wisconsin, Iowa, Oregon, etc.)



    • Plus1 2
  9. 1 minute ago, BoNeyard said:

    Now if a Nebraska own can’t get things going and even takes steps backwards, what next up and coming coach would want to come here?


    let’s be real with where we actually are today. If we get rid of Frost, our selection pool is going to be assistance on teams like Purdue.



    Coaches have to be narcissists to some degree by virtue of the job. Lots of coaches would come here, because they're convinced right or wrong that they can succeed.


    We've showed with Frost and with Pelini that we aren't the same program that did Frank dirty - we've given coaches long leashes. The narrative of coaches not wanting to come because of unrealistic expectations is gone - Frost would have been fired before year 4 at any other program with his results.


    If/when we need a new coach, I think we go the route of an up and coming established coordinator. Our last two hires (our worst two hires) were already head coaches. Pelini was not, and he was the best of all of them. 

  10. Oh, also, the fans worked themselves up to be disappointed. We couldn't help ourselves from being optimistic and feeling a good energy, mostly because the last two years (even outside Nebraska football) have been such hell, we all wanted something to get excited about.


    We'll probably still win 5-6 games, maybe even one or two we shouldn't, but I've lost any benefit of the doubt to have confidence in any progress until after I see it.

  11. Frost is a Madden player type coach.


    His M.O. is flash, hype, focused on excitement and hype and splashes while ignoring the details that a) help teams win games, and b) make good coaches. I thought the last three years would have or did help shift his philosophy but it doesn't seem he's grown at all. 


    Adrian's fumble was devastating but he also kept us in it despite other devastating miscues from others. He's got a high ceiling but his environment keeps him down as he struggles mentally too much.


    Frustrating but nothing to be done about it right now other than just wait and see. 

    • Plus1 2
  12. 1 hour ago, admo said:

    lol yall been trolled twice now by the department.  Remember the recent unveiling (all whites, reddit leak)?


    The department wants to say "gotcha!"...and hopes you will love the real alternates even more so, because of the pranks leading up to the reveal.


    The uni's will drop in 2 weeks vs Buffalo.  There won't be any all-whites at home.



    what pranks?

  13. I'm confused about something



    2019 we did the black top, white pant blackshirt alternates. 2020 we did black top and black pants...but we had a whole Halloween/horror movie short film twitter thing about the Blackshirt alternates being an away all-white uniform.


    Did we just never wear those? Because the production and hype surrounding that horror short were pretty big if I recall.

  14. 6 minutes ago, irafreak said:

    How effective is it? How do we verify the effectiveness of a properly worn mask? 



    Well I think the post you're referring to was arguing about the effectiveness of wearing a mask to prevent from receiving, which I don't know much about, but the primary use of a mask is to protect from spreading, and there's a very easy way to test the effectiveness.


    Take a swig of water and spit it out with as much force as you can. Now, do the same thing with a mask on and see how much less volume and distance you get on your water spray.

    • Plus1 4
  15. 33 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

    He's 5th in career passing yards.

    He's 4th in career total offense yards.


    #1, Tommy Armstrong 10,690

    #2, Taylor Martinez 10,223

    #3, Eric Crouch 7,915

    #4 Adrian Martinez 5,828


    I could see him moving up to #3, but he's not reaching #1 or #2.





    He had 3,246 yards of offense his freshman year, 2,582 his sophomore year.


    If he stays healthy, plays decent and returns next year, he'll be #1.

    • Plus1 4
  16. 5 hours ago, J-MAGIC said:


    I don't agree with this at all. Riley inherited a team that was consistently ranked in the 20s or 30s in SP+ in Pelini's last several years and took it to the 60s in three seasons. Frost has taken a team in the 60s back into the 30s by his third season. If you are willing to apply literally any context to their two tenures this doesn't hold up.



    Most fans don't apply much context :P

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