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  1. Hey college kids????? All you care about is for someone else to pay off “your debt”!!!!! Maybe you should start focusing on your tax dollars to pay for having a winning coach collage football!
  2. Time for Nebraska to start putting in some big money for coaching!!!!! Now that Biden is wanting us tax payers to pay for collage students debts collages should now have more money to pay for coaches, right?
  3. Time for Nebraska to start putting in some big money for coaching!!!!! Now that Biden is wanting us tax payers to pay for collage students debts, collages should now have more money to pay for coaches, right?
  4. Time for Nebraska to start putting in some big money for coaching!!!!! Now that Biden is wanting us tax players to pay for others debts, collages have more money to pay for coaches, right?
  5. Nebraska in the past blew out these teams! Our coaching sucks! The state of Nebraska never had the best players but what we did have was good coaches! Sorry Frost…….you suck!
  6. I want to know what coach decided to go for the online kick?!?? I am pissed!
  7. This game should not be this close right now! I am pissed the refs confirmed the interception earlier in the game, but I am more pissed of the coaches & their play calling in this game!!!!! A powerhouse team have smart coaches along with smart players! We should be up by at least 2 touchdowns….at least!!!!!!! Hey coaches!!!!!!!……get your fricken head out of your asses & start playing smart, tough Nebraska football!!!!
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