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Husker IN Hawaii

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Posts posted by Husker IN Hawaii

  1. You know what ... let them kick bong boy off the team. I believe in 2nd chances and all but this is rediculious. I mean you have to weigh things out ... you can smoke the tree :smokin .... or be worshipped by 60,000+ every week and get money :thumbs ( aka a college degree) for doing it.



  2. :horns2 You can be sure he is gonna get a close up / interview with Scott when we play KSU next year.


    On what you said KC about him being a good communicator. There is not alot of people that go from being a quarterback in college to being a strong safety in the Pros. I saw him lay the wood on this reciever from Arizona a few years back, so you know the man commands enormous respect. He is gonna be a good coach. :horns2

  3. :yeah I agree


    The last thing that NU needs is to get all set in our shoes and start slacking off. We have gotten back to this point through determination and hard work. We need to keep that "eye of the tiger" mentality and keep the preasure on the players. If we do get a shot at the title this year it is not going to be because we were living up to our former name. It is because we smashed everything in our way. :horns2

  4. From reading what Coach C has been pounding into these players heads I think Callahan has been making these guys go inside and block for themselves so as to condition them for the unfortunate situation that we had last year. Before when Lucky did not see a hole he would start "dancing" and then sometimes things got ugly. I am sure Callahan will let all the running backs return to running their own way but the mental conditioning of " If there is not a hole...MAKE ONE" is a mind set that had to be established.


    That being said ... Glenn is just naturaly suited for the "block for yourself" running game. I mean common its hard to compete against a guy who is named after a locamotive. :horns2


    P.S. Hey Admin & MODs is it possible for us to get a train hitting the smilie face emo for the board. Just an idea. :box

  5. http://www.greatsportsrivalries.com/1994_n..._champions.html


    Please read link provided above before viewing post. Thanks!


    I have never seen such a load of cr@p. I knew that in the mid 90s the Huskers where the team to beat. But I had no idea that people in this world had enough time in their lives to make a web sight about how they "should: have got the championship. The bottom line is if Penn State played in the championship game and got stomped by Miami there never would have been any discussion.


    Cry me a river Penn State fans, i do not think i can count on my fingers and toes the number of times Nebraska has been screwed out of games because of bad ref calls. You want to talk about bad calls!?!?!? NU vs PSU 1982 where the Penn State was given a miraculious 5th down on that play the reciever caught the ball about a mile out of the end zone and it was called a touch down <_< . The broadcasting crew did not even know what to say because the call was that bad. Oh yea and beating Nebraska ( on those 2 BS calls ) sent Penn State to the national championship against Georgia in 1982. But being as classy of fans as we Husker fans are we did not go out and slander Penn State.


    But you wana know what made me mad .... you really want to know what really made my blood boil. :steam


    By having the balls to go and de-face a man like Dr. Tom Osborn and call him a "second rate" coach. Saying that he never earned any of his national championships and putting down a man who had dedicated his life to helping people and the great sport of football.


    Personally, I have alot of respect for the Penn State football program and Joe Pa but it is fans like this that give the entire fan base of Penn State a bad name.


    I always thought that Colorado had the worst fans in college football, but who ever made that web sight is giving them a run for their money.


    Out! :restore2

  6. Speaking from a strategic stand point ... I would love not to put alot of emphasis on Herian playing this year.... but it is a must ... if we can get Herian out there this year it will open up the field of play more then anyone is willing to admit. He is a major deep pass threat and in the WC offense if we can get some deep routes with Herian and our WR it is going to take 100% of the safety's focus off of our recievers because he is going to have to watch for Herian as well. Once we have this combo down I think Zac is going to pick defences apart. :box

  7. IMO, the 2006 Blackshirt defense is gonna make any "green horn" quarterback nervious, :blink: and they will make mistakes. Look at the stats from last year. Most sacks in NCAA D-1. That is intimidating to a seasoned senior QB LET ALONE a sophomore rookie who has never had a defense like Carriker & Co. trying to rip his head off.


    The USC vs NU game is SC's second of the year, SC is gonna come in feeling confident after smearing Arkansas. We all know what happens when cocky teams play Nebraska. (::cough:: Alamo Bowl) Personaly, I like being an underdog to the Trojans, it will light a fire under the Huskers butts :bounce to prove the nation that the Huskers are back. Yea, Yea, we beat Michigan in the Alimo Bowl, but if we don't beat SC and have a good year every Michigan fan around is still going to say the we got "lucky". If the Big Red produced like they can this year ... every person who said that we were lucky last year is just gonna shut up and color.


    So bring Booty, Sanchez, or any other QB that you can dig up SC, because the Husker nation is ready for you.



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