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Everything posted by motorboatjonesNU

  1. Uh-oh... Temple driving... at teh Buf 44. 4:53 left
  2. Buffalo driving.. in teh red zone... 10 minutes left in teh game...
  3. Just noticed this game was tonight... Scoreless in the 4th qtr.
  4. That was sickening... Gave kind of a forboding sense for that year... 3 reg. season losses, with one near -escape (OSU). Then Solich whining about being in th Holiday Bowl. :rollseyes
  5. That is way cool! I saw the buildin on the news last night. That fountain inside rocks! 40 feet??? Wow!
  6. Yeah, I figured some a solid win or two or even one win and close loss (read: USC/UT) will merit serious attention. If we're undefeated or 11-1 by the CCG, and Taylor's averaging near 280-300 yds per game, (last year 2653 yds in 12 games), he'll have a seat in NYC 2nd Saturday in December. If he stays healthy and meets his potential, the media will eat him up. Great story. Great character. Great kid. The public loves an underdog/no-name like Taylor comingon tothe national scene. And by no-name, I mean this: ask the average CFB fan at a sports bar today where Zac Taylor plays, and they'll go, "Who?"
  7. It's a freaking blog. Maybe it gets put in their paper- maybe it doesn't. Regardless, who cares if we pointed OU's situation out? "Dirty recruiting" is a bit of a strong word for that. Dirty recruiting conjures up promises of jobs, cars, $$$, women, and who knows what else... The guy quotes no one about those comments Keller's dad was a former NFL player and knows Bill Callahan.
  8. If Taylor puts up impressive numbers, he could be a media darling by early December... Remeber, he has to throw 25 TD passes to break Frazier's career mark. that's do-able....
  9. Ross survived today, Bernard Thomas did not. One more cut coming up. Articel here. BaltimoreRavens.com
  10. Nice USA Today blurb about Pork Chop. A large roster cut is today, I believe.
  11. Anyone have an idea on the line for this game? Yahoo hasn;t posted anything yet.
  12. NU 42 La Tech 13 Rush: 249 Pass: 267 Edited by mototrboatjonesNU
  13. Should we have a thread for score predictions only? I'll start: NU 38 LA Tech 13
  14. This makes total sense. Callahan also seems to keep players in who have a hot hand. So, i fone guy is doin gwell, he'll probably get more carries. Incidentally, if there was one knock on TO from my perspective - that was it.
  15. Dawgbite: Welcome to this board... Always good to have some opponents posting. I echo rawhide - we seem to be getting our horses going. Line's playing better and we have some backs that should be on the national radar come November. Your D will probably hang with us for a while. It's a decently coached unit. I picture the running stats getting inflated in the 2nd half. We have a LOT of weapons... But I know we'll ge your best effort every snap.
  16. I agree. That's why it was a bit confusing. I could understand in 1993... but NOT '94. I think I do remember something about this in "More Than Winning."
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