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Everything posted by rawhide

  1. Maybe the football poll that didn't have us rated knows something I don't know I gots a monkey on my back; it's dat ol debil RED KOOLAID Had the addiction since 64/65 and prolly shake it when they start pouring dirt on my face.
  2. And if that helmet takes a large poo while you're engaged?? Mark 1 Mod 0 visual system ain't so good at night
  3. So the Mig vectored nozzles help them when they can't even see the enemy??? When a AIM-120D shot at 30 miles defeats them, what's all that agility do then? Lockheed calls their thrust vectoring 2 dimensional UP/Down
  4. NO, he said Hey, Zeus You know, don't piss me off unless you want a couple of lightning bolts in yoah ass.
  5. Getting everything on the plate at similar times beats eating cold veggies or steak. My wife requires shoe leather steak where as I like it with some nervous system response left. Definitely, going to try the different sprouts.
  6. Rich moronic tech companies and geeks. It's not just the feds; every level of government have their almost chronic lack of diligence or oversight. And in response: either lots of finger pointing or "crickets". This is truly not a partisan issue; more of a systemic issue without regard to philosophic beliefs.
  7. Ya know that F-22 has vectored thrust and supercruise, right?. http://www.lockheedm...pabilities.html Cost/benefit of canards for airliners.
  8. http://www.washingto...acare-chutzpah/ Is that the same as senate intelligence panel???
  9. Size is not more important.....wait...wut???
  10. How about, hmmmm, re-tasking the USPS. Change their job from delivering junk mail, to auditing agencies for waste. Eventually, the scales will start tipping the other way. Maybe!
  11. Every government agency should be held accountable for waste. What's the bottom line then? 200billion, 200million, How much waste is acceptable? Maybe that's what this discussion is all about. Maybe the government is too big. Bottom Line. The monthly Fed payroll is at 16b+ as of 03/2011; just rolls off the tip of your tongue. Approx. 190billion annual payroll not including the military. http://www2.census.g...es/11fedfun.pdf Not trying to start more conspiracy theories but seem to be doing a pretty good job Look in the pdf file for which agencies eat up the most money.
  12. The banks or whom ever they owe. How many 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th chances do they get, whereas the biggies.....oh well, it's just money. I spent 10 years working for 2 different gov't agencies and saw lots of waste. It's like you say, just the cost of doing business; I say BS. Now I'm a nurse even wiping someone's butt I still feel cleaner than doing those jobs with the government.
  13. Is it right to say that waste is the cost of doing business and that's ok??? Why is is ok for the government whether fed, state, county or local or corporations to have waste and say that's ok; just the cost of doing business. But if a farmer or small business owner does that; see ya. I'm assuming that fairness or reciprocity went the way of the dodo.
  14. Bloated Government? Federal Employment at 47-Year Low By FLOYD NORRIS It was the summer of 1966. Lyndon Johnson was in the White House and the Great Society was roaring. In August, the federal government had 2,721,000 employees. Now it is the fall of 2013. There are complaints from Washington about a bloated federal government. Another Democrat, Barack Obama, is president. FLOYD NORRIS Notions on high and low finance. In September, before the government shutdown, the government had 2,723,000 employees, according to the latest job report, on a seasonally adjusted basis. That is the lowest figure since 1966. Until now, the lowest figure for the current century had been 2,724,000 federal employees in October 2004, when George W. Bush was seeking a second term in the White House. His figures don't jive with the OPM. Call it nitpickin' but at least be accurate. The figures are easy enough to obtain even a RN can do it. I'm not arguing that the government is bloated. The number of employees hasn't changed greatly since 1962. But 2,723,000 isn't the lowest figure, per the OPM table. I would argue that there is probably considerable waste and an excess of employees but everyone wants to protect their pie. On the other hand, there probably need to be more staff in agencies that protect the public, not so much from themselves but criminals and poor business practices.
  15. And revamping the whole public assistance including farm subsidy's to eliminate some of the waste, fraud and corruption. Been going on far too long. Ain't nobody got time for that.
  16. rawhide


    How do you use them in recipes????? http://www.care2.com/greenliving/are-you-cooking-with-the-best-type-of-onion-probably-not.html?page=1 GBR
  17. You have a problem with the New York Times as a source?? That particular article YES
  18. I don't buy salsa there either I think some equate debt with size
  19. NY Times, really? http://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/data-analysis-documentation/federal-employment-reports/historical-tables/total-government-employment-since-1962/
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