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C N Red

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Posts posted by C N Red

  1. I really believe Os has been pulling a big one on us. With all these jets and he knew people would be following them, he put one over on us all.


    I grew up in Hartington Nebraska and have a friend who's very close to a former husker and current Patriot in the NFL. I'm sure with a little research you can figure out who he is.


    My friend talked to him tonight and the Pat player told him he wouldn't believe who was in Foxboro at the practice facilities. Yes, that's right, Os was there talking to a coach. He said he thought he may have talked to Belichek, but if so it was probably just about talking to another coach. He said he was not sure which coach Os talked to and had not heard.


    But, then as practice got over and he was heading to the locker, Os came up to him and said Hello. He wanted to talk to him since he was a former husker and just ask how things were going. So this player asked Os what he was doing so far from home, and Os replied he was talking some business with Bill!!!! Then as the player and Os were walking towards the locker, Belichek came up to Os and said Thank you and said he hopes to see him soon, but not until sometime in February hopefully!!!!


    Freaking unbelievable. I think while everyone thought Os was here or there he was talking to Belichek and is going to blow everyone out of the water when he announces who the next coach is, considering no one knows he was anywhere near Foxboro. Hold on everyone!!!!!!!!

  2. Is if we do not make a bowl. For those of you who root for us to lose to make sure the coaches are gone, I ask you to not do it for the players. First, it doesn't matter if we win out, the staff for the most part will be gone.


    But, if we don't make it to a bowl that is a lot of practicing our young players don't get, no matter who the coach may be for the bowl. If a new coach, that's all the more reason we need the bowl, hopefully he/she will come in early to start to get things implemented, but even if Cally and crew are still around, the kids need the reps and experience.

  3. I saw this. He says the reason is Osborne and he is absolutely dead on!!! That's right, absolutely Tom's fault completely. However, it's because Osborne is not a complete ass.


    He respects BC even if BC doesn't respect him. Osborne is O.K. with losing a few recruits, no matter who they are, to do the right thing. I personally believe we need to get rid of BC immediately and I feel that actually would help morale, but Tom said he'd give them till the end of the season.


    I think this shows that Tom will be fair to any coach that comes in here. If he just up and fires everybody it could have bad consequences on the future of hiring a coach and staff.


    Now with that said, BC needs to man up, realize him and Nebraska are not a good fit(maybe another place he would fit in), and just resign. If he trully cares about his "kids" he needs to get gone for them.

  4. If Callahan was a Man he would just resign. Why continue on and keep pulling this program down with him? I would respect him much much more if he just said he understood things weren't working out like he would have liked and he thinks it would be better for him and the program if he were to step down.


    A Coach can be at one program and just not have any success for many reasons I won't list here, but he may a great fit somewhere else. Callahan and Nebraska are just not going to work, but I'm sure there is a school out there he would do great at.

  5. Not sure if most of you were being sarcastic or not, but one point really didn't help them there, but 2 points would have put them up 21. Just a numbers game thing, we would have done it too. However, I do understand that it really wasn't necessary.

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