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Everything posted by 13Danielle

  1. I have a very hard time believing this. A cigarette weighs less than an ounce, and isn't at all aerodynamic... I mean, the fan would either need a strong wind behind him (unlikely since obviously this person would be standing in front of a 200ft tall facade regardless of where they were sitting), or there would have to be absolutely no wind whatsoever. In the second case, the cigarette weilding guy would have to be a master technician of the tobacco flicking arts... like one of those people that can dent a car door with a playing card. It would seem a lot more likely that a fan could have dropped a cigarette onto the field (this was the 70's afterall, the earth was little more than the best ashtray money could buy), and ended up in your former beau's jersey by happenstance. The odds of something like that happening deliberately in an outdoor environment, especially from a distance of 20+ feet, are practically nil. I had to take "the physics of cigarette disposal" during my sophomore year at CU, it's a prereq if you want to get into the advanced class, "modern applications of pulling women down flights of stairs and throwing bags of feces during and after intercollegiate athletic competitions". Well, I believe him, he's a very honest and trustworthy person. Wouldn't make it up. And do you smoke? Have you ever tried "flicking" a cigarette at a target? I've seen it done before. Many times!! And maybe the person who flicked it at him was actually on the field...could've been a media member, or someone who had a pass to be on there...who knows. It also could've been thrown at him and became lodged when he was tackled. I just know I believe him!
  2. Oh yes, those HORRIBLE Colorado students, how could 5 of them throw empty water bottles at a patch of Folsom's grass? My god, it's amazing that one of the Nebraska players (standing 50 yards away) wasn't seriously injured by one of those things, they weigh at least 2 ounces! And let's not give credit to the stadium security for just clearing out a section of fans before anything got out of hand... yeah, it would have been a lot better if the refs and stadium security just did nothing in that situation... you know, like what the folks in Lincoln did when Nebraska's student section threw garbage at Brandon Drumm after he scored on your vaunted Blackshirts in 2002. A story about those GREAT Colorado fans...my ex-boyfriend played for the Huskers 76-80...One of the years at Boulder he was in the end zone to catch a kickoff, he was tackled...he felt a searing pain in his side and thought "man he must've hit me just right." He stood up and there was a cigarrette sticking out of his jersey (remember the old jerseys? holes were bigger)...it obviously was thrown by a fan, and thrown just right. But, he said Iowa State fans were worse. His first year on the road with the team, the upperclassmen were telling the rest of the team to make sure to wear their helmets when they walked from the locker room to the field (it's open space) they did....my BF said people were throwing bottles at them, and some of the most beautiful women in the Big 8 were yelling profanities so obscene, even he was embarrassed!! Some Longhorn fans of mine came up for the game last year..I sat with them... they commented on how nice everyone was...they couldn't believe it when fans would walk up and say "Welcome to Nebraska and thanks for coming." They even experienced it when I, dressed in Husker Red, was standing away from them.
  3. Dale Jr. collects football helmets and I remember reading in an article that his fans have been sending them to him. Whomever the Husker fan was that sent it, good job! It's in a nice, prominent spot too!
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