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Posts posted by Jeremy

  1. I'm right there with you, Lyons. I'm not giving up on Watson, Lee or anyone on this team. Do I think Lee made a lot of poor decisions and having Green in the game was a good idea? Sure. However, there were a lot of other factors involved.


    Niles with the bonehead play. Gillyen with the frying pans. Henery misses the long one. That was really the balance of the game, and we were on the short end this time.


    As the football gods smiled on us vs. Missouri, they certainly did not today.


    We still have a shot at the Big 12 North and maybe we surprise whoever the South opponent is. Anything can happen. We need to get behind ALL the boys in red more than ever now.

  2. That's why ESPN should'nt have such a monopoly on televising the games. It is frustrating cause there are so many deserving players out there. Just make it that you can't win twice ever. There's already enough people that refuse to vote for a guy who has already won it so just make it a rule. Open up the field for others. Just my thoughts.


    I heard on a KC radio station this morning their chirping for Todd Reesing for the trophy. Ok. Since they'll end up with 3 or 4 losses and won't equal the stats of a bunch of other qb's out there (not with that o line).


    I would love to see defenders get involved. Course it makes it all the more impressive when they do. When was the last time we saw a defender invited? I don't remember.



    Charles Woodson was a defensive back (but did also play receiver) in '97 and won it, and only one defensive tackle, Hugh Green of Pitt in '80, even sniffed any serious consideration.


    If Suh can keep on taking over the line of scrimmage like he has been game in and game out, we may have something very special on our hands here, fellas.




    "I must break you."

  3. The days of running the old triple option are long gone. I do think however, that we will see more of the shot gun QB option/spread.

    NU ran double option, not tipple option under TO. Run option and zone read and shovel pass.


    Not to get into a pissing contest with ya, but Nebraska also ran the triple option under TO. We ran a lot out of the Veer (I formation) which in a nutshell was the triple option. Go look back at the formation Nebraska was in when Tommy Frazier broke all those tackles vs the Gators. If you look closely there was a fullback AND an I back lined up behind Tommy. The first option was to hand it to the FB. The second option was to pitch it to the IB. The third and final option was for the QB to keep it. Hence, the triple option.


    See for yourself.



    True, but there has been debate for a long time whether Osborne ran the true triple, as in the QB making a true read of an LB (normally the SAM or WILL depending on playside) and either keeping or giving to the FB. If you watch the beginning of The Run closely, you'll see that the fake to the FB was just that, a fake - there was hardly any time for a read at all. It was something the QB would do to draw the LB's near the line of scrimmage instead of clogging outside running lanes. The same may even go for the option after that - that the IB's job was simply to take a defender away from Tommie.


    On the other side of the token, I think we all remember watching a game on TV, and the camera would be following a Husker QB and RB rolling out on yet another option, and then have to quickly pan to the middle of the field to see neither the QB or RB had the ball, but a lumbering FB running over some safety for a big gain/TD. After several plays where the QB didn't give it to the FB, Osborne would send in a basic FB Dive that looks like triple option. The MIKE would fall asleep and there you go - big gain for the big guy.


    But therein lies the genius of what Osborne was doing. He knew all that was needed was to get the ball carrier in open space, and just the look of the option mixed with true option itself would accomplish that. In '97, he was even dabbling a little with some zone read with Frost out of the gun, though it wasn't much like what you see Tebow and the Gators running.


    We don't have the personel to run Osborne's option (first play of the '08 Spring Game - T. Peterson as a blocking FB. Really?), but the argument about putting the QB in harm's way is spurious at best. I don't think Urban Meyer was really concerned about that during the National Championship game where Tebow was running full speed into MLB's and trucking safeties. Every play that Zac Lee drops back to pass could be the one that he gets injured, especially if there's a blindside blitz.


    All that said, the Husker offense was what, 14th in total offense nationally last year? You can't argue with that. Combine a top 20 offense with a real Pelini defense, and we're probably talking BCS. As far as I'm concerned, Watson can keep on doing his thing - if it ain't broke, don't break it.

  4. In a movie, the only person that could play Jason is...Tim Tebow.





    Because Tebow doesn't to push-ups. He pushes the earth down.

    When he falls in to the water, he doesn't get wet. The water gets Tim Tebowed. (I know those are old, but they are my favorites.)

  5. It would be a stretch to expect results like the 80's, much less the 90's. College football is much different now - heck, the complaints get pretty loud when the Huskers aren't televised today even in the 90's I remember only seeing the Huskers maybe 3 games a season on TV, including the bowl game.


    Parity, hyper-commercialism, and coaching changes are a few factors as to why things will never be like they were. Some schools are able to put it together for a season or two, and have experienced skill players combined with an easy schedule (KU 07). After that, though, they have to spend a few or several years trying to get that combination. Before I catch any flack, congrats again, jayhawkers, on the Orange Bowl win.


    One of the biggest reasons, though, has to do with Osborne, his staff, and his way of doing things. As was mentioned, the walk-on program was huge, and they were able to pick up some great athletes to make the Big Red Machine roll. We weren't a passing team for a reason - with that style of offense, we just weren't going to get the athletes we needed all the time, but with the power option, we could basically reload lineman, blocking receivers, and even QB's. This way, Osborne and staff were able to concentrate more on finding athletes (a lot of whom ended up dominating as Blackshirts) than coaching all the nuances of an effective passing game.


    All that said, in an response to the original question, I would say that we should be in contention for at least a BCS bowl before long, but as far as sustained dominance over even the North is unlikely. I think Misery, NU, KU, CU will all take turns, with KSU and ISU sneaking in there every decade or so. The Huskers could win another national title, but it's hard to say - there are so many variables. I didn't think Florida had a chance when they lost to Ole Miss last year.

  6. Ultra-Conservative State? Right. That's why we elected a Democratic Senator and one of Nebraska's 5 electoral votes went to Obama last November. Ultra-Conservative my foot. If anything we're closer to the middle, because I remember pretty clearly seeing the Phelps Klan in Lincoln with signs that said 'God Hates Nebraska.'


    Outside the Lines really seems to be trying to mix politics with sports. These kids were clearly in the wrong with no regard for how they represented the University of Nebraska or themselves, and this report really harps on the whole gay web site thing - as in those backward redneck homophobes kicked the poor kids out, and for no other reason. It's pretty clear that isn't the case.


    The biggest irk for me, though is that this report or attempted expose on Husker athletics almost makes the assertion that crime only happens within the Husker Athletic Department. I wonder how long the series would go if they looked into USC, Oklahoma, or a host of other big-money schools. Nebraska's not perfect, but I don't remember anyone claiming we were.

  7. Like he's the first to pass on the handshake. Belichick owns the patent, I believe, on being a jerk immediately following a game.


    That said, King James would probably do his team well to stand up for them and at least give the good old 'we'll get 'em next year' type speech. Osborne had to do that enough times.

  8. 5) 31-49 Loss to USC. Absolutely exposed the Huskers as weak on National Television.

    4) 6-41 Loss to Missouri. Missouri is now tied for my most hated team.

    3) 36-62 Loss to Colorado. Colorado will always be the other team.

    2) 17-52 Loss to Missouri. I had so much hope that this would never happen with Pelini at the helm, especially at home.

    1) 10-70 Loss to Texas Tech. This was the worst game the Huskers ever played.

  9. Ahh, yes. Thank you, Bill Callahan, for being the sole reason we can move the ball at all. Even when you're an assistant in New York.


    Without you, we'd still be stuck in the Stone Ages of football, only taking advantage of teams with smaller defenses (like the whole Big 12, now shifting to nickel and dime packages to defend the spread). But, since you brought the brand-new WCO to Nebraska (something the Blackshirts NEVER destroyed... repeatedly), we instantly became relevant and 'up-to-date.'


    By the way, we don't run the WCO anymore. Not even close.

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