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Posts posted by teachercd

  1. 5 hours ago, junior4949 said:

    My brother picked up Wisconsin tickets for nearly nothing.  I am a bit surprised by the Northwestern ticket prices as that's a game we might actually have a chance of winning. 

    I had two friends that got Wisconsin tickets for free.

  2. 1 minute ago, Hayseed said:

    I thought we might beat Oregon.


    No way I thought the sponsors would call in at halftime demanding that Oregon run up the middle every time to keep the TVs on.

    We were greatly mislead by the media... just like they’re trying to do now.


  3. 11 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

    That is what I've never understood.  If someone lives in a 20,000 square foot house and they can afford it....who gives a rip?  It doesn't affect you.


    In fact, the contractors and laborers that built the house probably are very glad that person spent so much money on their house.



    I am trying to think of the biggest house I have been in, probably like 7,000 sqft.  I didn't think to myself "I am mad" I thought "Dang, this is sweet"

  4. Just now, B.B. Hemingway said:


    She described a "McMansion" starting at around 3,000 sq ft. That's not a ton of room. My house is 2,700  and we're actually waiting on drawings from a contractor now to add 600-700. We feel like we need the room, and only have three kids.

    Would you like me to do the addition?  I have a hammer and like two screwdrivers.  

    • Plus1 1
  5. TO wasn't a good coach because of her demeanor...he was a good coach because he was good at coaching.

    I have worked with yellers, screamers, laughers, butthurters, complainers, positive, negative, you name it.  The only thing I have ever noticed is that good coaches coach well...most will tell you that the best teachers make the best coaches.


    Some of the most annoying coaches I have coached with were great at coaching.  Some of the nicest coaches I ever had were horrible.  


    The worst are the ones that cry to the officials all game.  I usually just walk away from them while the game is going on.  

    • Plus1 1
  6. Just now, QMany said:

    I've heard "McMansion" before but not defined those ways. Usually it was just referring to the large suburban subdivisions where homes have little-to-no design variety.

    Yeah...like there were 8 types of homes in a subdivision with like 200 houses...so there was not a lot of differences.  They were usually "nice" and big too.  Like a non-starter home development.


    I can't imagine why anyone would hate/be mad at another persons house. 

  7. 18 hours ago, FTW said:


    Yeah, I agree.  Even Bo reaped the rewards from Callahan with his recruits from 08-10. Then, when he had his own players, we finally saw what kind of coach Pelini really was. Bottom line, you have to recruit your butt off at Nebraska. When we start establishing a winning culture and win the conference, it'll become easier to recruit here, IMO.

    He had pretty much the same record every year.  I don't think it mattered if Bo had great players or average players...he was going to lose 4 games.

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