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Alamo City Husker

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Posts posted by Alamo City Husker

  1. I

    That's what Liberal indoctrination does to minds that fathers haven't instilled any sort of morality in!!!!

    Wow. I think you need to turn off fox news and take a few chill pills.



    Just to be fair and "balanced" FOX NEWS HASN'T HARDLY COVERED THIS STORY and talk radio for that matter, sports radio is covering better. Much to the chagrin of what I thought, the mainstream press is doing a better job at it than them. Sorry for upsetting people with my opinions.

    Liberal indoctrination? What are you talking about and how does this impact the story?

    We got to stick to the thread here per the Mods, I will PM you later

  2. That's what Liberal indoctrination does to minds that fathers haven't instilled any sort of morality in!!!!

    Wow. I think you need to turn off fox news and take a few chill pills.



    Just to be fair and "balanced" FOX NEWS HASN'T HARDLY COVERED THIS STORY and talk radio for that matter, sports radio is covering better. Much to the chagrin of what I thought, the mainstream press is doing a better job at it than them. Sorry for upsetting people with my opinions.

  3. That's what Liberal indoctrination does to minds that fathers haven't instilled any sort of morality in!!!!

    Please stop posting this sh#t in every topic.


    Hey since I checked last....you don't own this forum and are not a MOD....not to mention forums are for free speech expression. Truth be told its not in every topic. BUT ITS TRUE AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT...WAHWAHWAHWAHWAHWAH. :rollin


    I guess the truth hurts!!! chuckleshuffle


    How do I know this.....I was born and raised in Nebraska, I have lived in Texas for 18 years and they don't put up with that kind of crap here!!!NOT even at UT!!!!

    Well I am a mod and I can tell you to knock it off. It's derailing threads and there's a proper forum for it.




    With all due respect sir,



    This thread is about the idiots in from of Joe Pa's house, which is in my view similar to the wallstreet protesters if you listen to them! How am I "derailing" threads? I am sorry the only derailing is this guys feeling towards not agreeing with the comment. I did not bring up politics I brought up ideological thinking. By definition the two are two different.FWIW IMHO.

  4. That's what Liberal indoctrination does to minds that fathers haven't instilled any sort of morality in!!!!

    Please stop posting this sh#t in every topic.


    Hey since I checked last....you don't own this forum and are not a MOD....not to mention forums are for free speech expression. Truth be told its not in every topic. BUT ITS TRUE AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT...WAHWAHWAHWAHWAHWAH. :rollin


    I guess the truth hurts!!! chuckleshuffle


    How do I know this.....I was born and raised in Nebraska, I have lived in Texas for 18 years and they don't put up with that kind of crap here!!!NOT even at UT!!!!

  5. huskeraddict,


    Thanks, I know what you mean, I have mixed feelings on the video. First, I feel Jo Pa does feel for the victims as he mentioned, but in the next breath he yelling "We are Penn State."


    Strange and disturbing..


    I think a large portion of their fans are obviously delusional or have no morals. Here's an interesting quote from SI. Alex Fakhraee, you sir are a f'ing idiot. This crap has me fuming.


    Alex Fakhraee, 19, of Ambler, Pa., said it might be time for the 84-year-old Paterno to go. But his concerns have more to do with the direction of the program under JoePa's leadership than the scandal.

    "I'm sure it's going to affect our image in some way," Fakhraee said outside the union. "From what I know, he knew about it and he reported it. After that I feel it's not his obligation. He's just here to coach the football team."


    Read more: http://sportsillustr...l#ixzz1dB6oiWAv





    That's what Liberal indoctrination does to minds that fathers haven't instilled any sort of morality in!!!!

  6. I started following this last Friday. I have read the entire Grand Jury report and am physically sick from this. The child rapist will eventually hang himself or put a bullet through his head, I wish I could help him with that.


    I have read up on message boards of other B1G teams and damn, tOSU fans are brutal. As for PSU boards, it seems to be mostly that JoPa didn't do anything illegal and on more than one occasion I read now it's about damage control. I would like to punch each individual talking about damage control, these were kids that were raped from a non-profit organization that the raper set up. This was covered up and swept under the rug at the executive level of this University. Football program should be shut down, many times I have read the death penalty should be enforced, of course it won't be. Is this not 1 million times worse than what SMU did?


    Did JoPa do everything he should have? Not even close. He should be fired NOW, as well as the other idiots involved in this. Don't wait, do it now!!


    And how the hell does a 28 year old GA see it in person in the shower and walk away? I don't understand this. Beat the crap out of this guy and get the kid away from him. Kid was 10!!!!


    JoPa tells his supervisor and leaves it at that? Then this child molester is allowed to stay on campus for this long and allowed to hold things like overnight football camps for young boys. Mind F*cked on that one.


    JoPa shouldn't be allowed on campus again and the entire program shut down. That sucks for the current players but this is the biggest scandal in College sports history.




  7. How do you feel when you watch this?





    Makes me feel like the Wall street occupiers went to "Occupy" his house.....But seriously "say a prayer for the victims....tough life when people do bad things to you" AFTER YOUR GUY RAPED KIDS THEN TOOK ONE TO CHURCH?????WTTFFFFFFFFFFF!!!! We wonder why people become atheist. How about LEAD IN PRAYER JOE????You are a leader right? I hope I never hear another complaint about Bo at a presser, because this guy has had 65 years to master it, and he is nothing more than Bernie from weekend at Bernie's!!!! :steam :steam :steam :steam :steam :steam :steam

  8. I finished reading the 23 page indictment, and I am so heartbroken as a father for those children. My first intuition is how Joe Pa gets off on not getting arrested, sickening. All I can say is my heart tells me that there are higher ups orchestrating this whole thing to try to salvage the institution of Penn State. Read all 23 pages make your own determination, but Penn State brings alot of money to an already cash strapped state, coincidentally that doesn't have a whole lot of other institutions. The connections to this college go all around the states. The only reason I see as why Joe Pa didn't retire sooner is because without him all the other guys above him don't have the power to quiet things down and keep it hush hush.


    "the graduate assistant was never questioned by university police AND NO OTHER ENTITY CONDUCTED AN INVESTIGATION UNTIL HE TESTIFIED IN GRAND JURY..." pg.7-8 INDICTMENT


    I am not going to quote pages 8-9 here read them for yourself, how does the graduate assistant not tell Joe Pa the details when he first tells him of the incident, but tells Joe pa's boss's the details. This stinks to high heaven! Couple that with a missing DA declared dead who was investigating earlier incidents, an inept prosecution picked by who knows WHAT DA, (Because there is no way that you can convince me that the perpetrator didn't have kiddie porn on his computer and NO SEARCH WARRANTS WERE PERFORMED ON HIS HOUSE, OR THAT NO JUDGE WOULD SIGN A SEARCH WARRANT AFTER THE INITIAL EVIDENCE). Then the two administration officials ( who coincidentally look more like pedophiles than the perpetrator) who get arrested were supposedly told them that it was "inappropriate wrestling" WHICH WAS THE EXACT PHRASING THAT THE OTHER 8 VICTIMS SAID THE MOLESTING STARTED,( by wrestling, laying on top of them with a erection, then saying they needed to take a shower, and raping them when in the shower, THEN TAKING ONE TO CHURCH AFTERWARDS)?????


    This has been planned for awhile now ALL the testimonies in the indictment sound like rehearsed lawyer speak, except for the assistant. I can hear the lawyers calling him now to offer him big Oprah interview money. I believe that a Federal appointed overseer will step in to give the University the credibility it needs to not go belly up. Read that indictment, after reading it they will have to change the name of the college, think I am joking read all the pages...if you can stomach it. I tell you it deeply wounds my spirit. Remember these ain't NYC, LA, or Chicago prosecutors. In Texas the would have called for the Texas Rangers and EVERYONE would have been rounded up rightfully so. I think within a week the perp commits suicide, this ain't going to be good for Joe Pa's health, and the college athletic landscape will be forever changed. I see legislators calling for limits on the amount colleges can receive from profits, new $2,000 stipend rescinded, and new regulations. I am telling you folks it is sick. The crime isn't what gets people its the coverup and this whole thing sounds like a script right off an episode of the Soprano's!!!



    Lord God comfort, cover, and heal those boys, In Jesus Name. AMEN.

  9. JoePa's last game unfortunately should have occured against Illinois. When you have arguably one of the biggest scandal's in history some major housekeeping is going to have to be done, and in the case of those involved even worse ramifications are going to occur. If this were any other coach they would have already been out the door, but for his own sake I think JoePa should let Illinois be the last game he ever coaches. This is such a horrible way for JoePa to go out and I feel for the guy given how much he has meant to Penn St and college football, but unfortunately he has made choices that will tarnish his career and unfortunately end it as well.


    The arrogance in it all is they thought the people would be behind them, that is what power does to a man, it makes you arrogant and steals your morality. I mean handing out the trophy to him, smiling, knowing all this information, while the investigation was going on????Arrogance!!!

  10. I finished reading the 23 page indictment, and I am so heartbroken as a father for those children. My first intuition is how Joe Pa gets off on not getting arrested, sickening. All I can say is my heart tells me that there are higher ups orchestrating this whole thing to try to salvage the institution of Penn State. Read all 23 pages make your own determination, but Penn State brings alot of money to an already cash strapped state, coincidentally that doesn't have a whole lot of other institutions. The connections to this college go all around the states. The only reason I see as why Joe Pa didn't retire sooner is because without him all the other guys above him don't have the power to quiet things down and keep it hush hush.


    "the graduate assistant was never questioned by university police AND NO OTHER ENTITY CONDUCTED AN INVESTIGATION UNTIL HE TESTIFIED IN GRAND JURY..." pg.7-8 INDICTMENT


    I am not going to quote pages 8-9 here read them for yourself, how does the graduate assistant not tell Joe Pa the details when he first tells him of the incident, but tells Joe pa's boss's the details. This stinks to high heaven! Couple that with a missing DA declared dead who was investigating earlier incidents, an inept prosecution picked by who knows WHAT DA, (Because there is no way that you can convince me that the perpetrator didn't have kiddie porn on his computer and NO SEARCH WARRANTS WERE PERFORMED ON HIS HOUSE, OR THAT NO JUDGE WOULD SIGN A SEARCH WARRANT AFTER THE INITIAL EVIDENCE). Then the two administration officials ( who coincidentally look more like pedophiles than the perpetrator) who get arrested were supposedly told them that it was "inappropriate wrestling" WHICH WAS THE EXACT PHRASING THAT THE OTHER 8 VICTIMS SAID THE MOLESTING STARTED,( by wrestling, laying on top of them with a erection, then saying they needed to take a shower, and raping them when in the shower, THEN TAKING ONE TO CHURCH AFTERWARDS)?????


    This has been planned for awhile now ALL the testimonies in the indictment sound like rehearsed lawyer speak, except for the assistant. I can hear the lawyers calling him now to offer him big Oprah interview money. I believe that a Federal appointed overseer will step in to give the University the credibility it needs to not go belly up. Read that indictment, after reading it they will have to change the name of the college, think I am joking read all the pages...if you can stomach it. I tell you it deeply wounds my spirit. Remember these ain't NYC, LA, or Chicago prosecutors. In Texas the would have called for the Texas Rangers and EVERYONE would have been rounded up rightfully so. I think within a week the perp commits suicide, this ain't going to be good for Joe Pa's health, and the college athletic landscape will be forever changed. I see legislators calling for limits on the amount colleges can receive from profits, new $2,000 stipend rescinded, and new regulations. I am telling you folks it is sick. The crime isn't what gets people its the coverup and this whole thing sounds like a script right off an episode of the Soprano's!!!



    Lord God comfort, cover, and heal those boys, In Jesus Name. AMEN.

  11. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-11-08/penn-state-officials-taking-fall-for-paterno-donor-katz-says.html


    "Lewis Katz, who donated $15 million to Penn State University and whose name appears on a campus law building, said the school officials who stepped down after a former football assistant was charged with sexually assaulting children are “taking a fall” for the football program, including coach Joe Paterno."



    This isn't going to fly, heads will role. Legacy is not going to matter in all this.

  12. I think this gets a lot worse for Paterno and here is why/ In 1998, there was a documented incident of Sandusky in the shower with a boy. His mother called the police. Two detectives listened in on a conversation between the mother and Sandusky. Sandusky admitted what he had done--not quite rape, but it would certainly be labled as "sexual deviant behavior" for anyone, let alone a coach. It was investigated and was later dropped. Now, are you telling me that JoePa KNEW NOTHING ABOUT THIS INCIDENT? He has to have known and I am betting that is why Sandusky "retired" in 1999. This would be the first question I would ask JoePa today---what did you know about the 1998 incident.---Now, Sandusky was taking little boys on bowl trips with the team, having them sleeping with him in his room--they were on the official roster--and JoePa was not concerned about this. This is the key issue, because JoePa's defense is that when the GA came to him in 2002--he did not get the graphic details of the rape and so he really did not know the gravity of the situation--but he still had the 1998 incident in his mind--and I am betting there were other things that happened. You hear about a second incident---and you go with the full court press to the authorities



  13. I don't know, correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Sandusky retire in 1999 and only use the facilities. Didn't JoPa report an incident to his superiors? What about the Grad student who witnessed the action why isn't he culpable. Come on folks, your right, I would have followed up, coach should have, but to force him out and say he is guilty is insane.


    You need to read the grand jury report to understand this. Warning, though, it is horrifying and many people can't get through it completely. There's a lot more here than "an incident." There was a direct witness to a boy being forcibly raped in a Penn State shower. That witness told Paterno, and he relayed the info to his superiors. You need to understand the magnitude of these allegations to understand why JoePa (and everyone else who knew what Sandusky was doing) abdicated his responsibility so thoroughly by not making sure the police were contacted. Even worse, as recently as 2007 Sandusky was still coming to closed practices with young boys - AFTER Paterno and the school knew about the 1999 and 2002 incidents. In 2009, Sandusky was allowed to run an overnight football camp for youngsters on the Penn State campus. Sandusky was still allowed to use workout facilities as recently as last week.


    This is huge, and I don't think it's quite hit most of the public how ugly it is. That will sink in over the coming days and weeks.


    OK so I read all 23 pages. I still do not see where JoPa had direct knowledge of any sexual contact. Even in the earlier statements, he says there was inappropriate behavior on Sandusky's part. Before I go on, lets get one thing straight, in no way am I defending the actions of anyone involved. I am simply stating that JoPa should not get fired for his part. I am more disgusted by the grad assistant who at the age of 28 had to run home to daddy and tell him and NOT stop what he saw or Joesph Miller the wrestling coach who witnessed an incident and the janitor who ran and told everyone but did nothing to stop the attack including the police that listen in on a mothers conversation with him and the then DA that did nothing about it. WTF. This has nothing to do with living in the past (1960's) either. This is a sad story about a beloved coach that got away with it because no witness stepped in to stop it. JoPa turn the information over to his superiors, one of which oversaw the Campus Police. It wasn't his job to follow up, it was Gary Schultz as overseer of the campus police and Tim Curley, his boss.



    Like a poster said before character is doing the right thing when no one else is looking. If it was Joe Pa's grandson it would have been handled differently! That in itself is the hypocrisy of this whole situation which is inexcusable. IMHO

  14. Joe has more than enough character credits in the bank to hold on for the season. It's not uncommon for people of his generation to be completely incapable of talking about difficult social issues, or however you want to phrase it, so he passed it along to superiors and assumed it had been dealt with. Maybe he could have done more, but it was probably painful for him to even think about whenever he saw Sandusky.


    I just kinda wonder if he has the mental fortitude to deal with the stress of a scandal at his age, and maybe that will factor into his next move.



    I predict a resignation due to the health issues from the stress that this has caused him. Tomorrow.

  15. I don't know, correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Sandusky retire in 1999 and only use the facilities. Didn't JoPa report an incident to his superiors? What about the Grad student who witnessed the action why isn't he culpable. Come on folks, your right, I would have followed up, coach should have, but to force him out and say he is guilty is insane.



    This isn't 1960 anymore, and that's how he treated this whole situation. Times have changed, and not just black people playing football (in his speech few weeks back). So no one with a pair informed Mr. Joe Pa, at the risk of recruiting no doubt.



    But I have to agree with Husker John in the original thread, he took an angle that I had not yet seen!



    "If this would have happened to Paterno's grandchildren, I bet he never would have contacted any higher-up.....he would have contacted law enforcement immediately......"

    -Husker John

  16. http://abcnews.go.com/US/penn-state-scandal-paterno-speak-tomorrow/story?id=14894985#.TriB1LIf6Ht



    He is going to appear tomorrow at his regular press conference. He might need to hire PBO's WH press secretary for this one. I can imagine the room will be a little more packed than usual tomorrow. The sandblasters will come on Joe Pa. I have to give credit to the media, the weekend guys must have been inept because this thing has blown up big today! It was Google's top story almost all day. I wouldn't be surprised if he resigns. I feel more stuff will come out eventually, books will be written, talk show rounds and the whole 9 yards. Which is sad, I pray to God that one of these boys has been healed and has the courage to come out and speak about who and what happened, this stuff breaks a man's heart and gives him rage all at once.

  17. I don't understand why folks are throwing Paterno under the bus. No one has said Paterno was involved. No witnesses have said he was involved.


    Sandusky was the guy doing the abusing over the past 15 years. Curley and Schultz are being charged with covering it up and not going to the police.


    The only black stain i can see on Paterno is when a grad assistant and his father came to him and reported what they saw Sandusky doing, and Joe reported it to Curley. Which Curley is saying that Paterno never told him. But apparently the grand jury believe his is lying about that.


    Apparently Sandusky has been under investigation for the abuse since 2008, but this is when he was officially charged.


    Paterno is responsible because after he notified his superior and it was clear it was being swept under the rug, he let it lie rather than press the matter or go to the police himself. Everyone in the chain of command had the obligation to make sure the law got involved, and everyone in the chain of command abdicated their moral and legal responsibility to do so.



    Paterno was responsible because Its not the 1960's anymore, its 2011. Last week defending Grambling Coach for playing black kids, but he can't follow up on a 10 year old bou getting raped??? How could the grad assistant continue to work there for three years after seeing it, with sandusky still having a office there? What do they have a MAMBLA group on campus? Knapp, The university officials lawyers are already going to defend the two arrested by saying the statue of limitations had run out. Does anyone have any honor anymore? I bet that limitation law gets changed by the end of the year! This is going to get more disgusting as it goes and I think more people will get implicated along with sandusky. God help those boys!steammad.gif

  18. http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2011/11/07/penn-state-officials-head-to-court-amid-cover-up-allegations-sex-abuse-scandal/






    "Resignations of famed football coach Joe Paterno and Spanier weren't discussed at the meeting, which was arranged Sunday and lasted two hours, university spokesman Bill Mahon said."



    First foot drops!

  19. http://msn.foxsports...Sandusky-110611?


    Am I missing something here or didn't I read that he was told about the rape of the 10 year old boy?


    Your right how more "specific" do you get when you tell a coach that another one had a little kid in the shower???!!!WTF I would like to see how the local media is reacting out there or even in there forums.

    You have your typical apologists acting like Paterno is still as pure as the driven snow, but for the most part, they're just as disgusted as everyone else.



    All three's mugshots look shady to me, I thought it was the guy on the far right, or middle, not the left. IMO

  20. At least Paterno tried to do the right thing by telling someone higher up.

    No, doing the right thing would have resulted in him calling the police. Now Paterno and everyone else with knowledge of the alleged crime should be sent to prison for life. If this is true it is very sickening!

    Also, if this happened in the 1990's then the alleged victims should be able to testify by now since they would be old enough.


    Hit another nail on the head!

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