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  1. You have about a million Hokies rooting for you. http://www.techsideline.com/message_board/football/ Go Huskers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I just realized y'all have already heard about it and talked about it in some of your threads. My bad
  3. I just wanted to make sure y'all knew about this. There will be a "Downtown Tailgate" tonight for Hokies and Huskers alike complete with music, a beer garden, and plenty of football talk. Should be a great time. I hope you enjoy your time here in Blacksburg (except for the 3 hours following 3:30pm tomorrow). http://www.collegiatetimes.com/stories/14190
  4. If there are 2 astericks at the end of the post then there is no more information inside the post. That will save you some time.
  5. Here is the actual thread http://www.techsideline.com/message_board/.../15/3304624.php I would hardly say MOST think Pelini was insulting them. Of the "100 posts" only a couple take it as an insult. Most just take is as a challenge.
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