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Everything posted by huskerstag

  1. Was there some kind of a fire involved?
  2. ESPN comes on the 31st, the week of the Maine game.
  3. Win-Oklahoma-Their entire team is completely demoralized by a freak accident the week before caused by a RufNek shotgun getting caught in the spokes of the Schooner leaving the spirit squad with a combined total of 7 broken legs Lose-Mizzery-Brad Smith gives Pinkel the finger and calls his own number 23 times in a row. Hey, it could happen!!-well, maybe not the loss to Mizzery, but i'm still a little concerned about that game.
  4. Skers win 34-13 Rushing-225 Passing-300 Wake is overwhelmed by the Sea of Red. Their first drive is 3 and out, 2nd ends in a turnover. Big Red capitalizes on field position and takes control early. The Wake D tries to put 8 men in the box and ZT throws over their heads for 2 easy scores. ZT: 15-22-230-2TD/1INT Beck: 7-9-70-1/1 Ross: 15-105-1TD BJackson: 10-70 Lucky+LJackson+Glenn: 8-30 Dyches-miss from 32yds Congdon-2/2-25,42 Play of the Game: LeKevin Smith comes through the line untouched and leaves WF starting QB without his helmet, senses and control of his bowels.
  5. Skers win 49-10 Rushing-300 Passing-210 First drive stalls, but ZT leads the next 3 for TD's passing for 90yds, while Ross rushes for 65. Next drive we see Beck hand off to B Jackson and Lucky but the drive ends. ZT plays remainder of 1st Half and 1st drive of 2nd half. Beck and Davis play remainder of game, consisting largely of handoffs and short passes. Maine scores a field goal on the 2nd teamers and a late TD. Leon Jackson scores a TD from 30+ yds, and Glenn pounds one in from inside the 5. On the day: ZT: 12-18 - 140 - 2TD-0INT Beck: 4-7-55-0/0 Davis:2-5-15-0/1 Ross-10-95-2TD Jackson-7-40 Lucky-7-35-1TD Glenn and Bowman-1TD each Play of the game-Bullocks intercepts pass and returns for TD Carriker-2 Sacks
  6. For a little more recent flavor I'd have to go with either David Horne or Curt Dukes. In the midst of the 7-7 campaign and Horne was called out of his redshirt he did some damage. The T A&M game in particular he had a stellar 2nd half. Nothing really materialized after that, and only in the 2nd Half of the CU game last year doing I even remember hearing his name. Dukes on the other hand was supposed to be the savior of NU football at the time. The kid had more hype than anyone in recent memory and he never even stepped on the field. I haven't kept up with his stats at Duke, but maybe he and Dailey can get some sort of ex-Husker qb rivalry going.
  7. I'm a grad student here at the U and I can think of a few reasons attendance has dropped. I think one of the biggest ones is the cutting of the budget for the school a couple years ago. We didn't get too much positive publicity around the state because we had to cut some programs to keep our heads above water. I have a little brother who would love to come to NU but he probably won't b/c he wants to major in athletic training, which is a major that is no longer offered. Tuition has gone up considerably since I was a freshman in 2000. I think that last two years the net increase has been around 25% for in-state kids. There's plenty of financial aid available but some people would rather not take out loans that big to go to a school which, while it is a good and respected school, doesn't have the kind of name that can justify going into that much debt so early in life. The board of regents has a member who's place on the board has been condemned due to illegal fund raising (sorry his name escapes me at the moment) yet he refuses to step down. Nebraska is great, but there's also just not as many job opportunities in-state once you graduate. All in all it just seems that we've gotten much more negative publicity than positive in the last few years. I don't think all that can be blamed on our AD, but i'd have to say much of the responsibility lies with the chancellor and the board of regents. just my 2 cents worth.
  8. we'll see how it looks in the fall, but it's only the field...Nebraskan's can be stubborn though
  9. That's a classy move bud, and for what its worth, i feel partially responsible for inciting some of the subsequent posts in that thread and for that i apologize. IMO different opinions are a part of what makes this board interesting. (There is no sarcasm in this post) stag
  10. Isn't that what the Daily Skin is for?
  11. I'm not sure I really buy into all that. I read about the turf renovation at the end of the semester (May). The article was on Huskers.com i believe. I can't find the old article but i also read in that article that there was regret that the Shrine game would not be able to be played on the field. I'm not sure why everyone else is just learning about it now.
  12. This may be opening a huge can of worms, but what should we do? Even if FF is right about our coaching staff and AD, (which i don't think he is), do we all just abandon all hope? continually bash the current coaches? continually lament the downfall of our beloved program? I believe there's a reason the Nebraska fans are the greatest of any sports team in any league in the entire nation. That reason is our unshakeable loyalty to the program. No matter who's at the helm we support them because they are the leaders of the program we love. IMHO the worst thing that's happened to the program the last few years is not the end of the bowl streak, the losing season, or the loss of talent. It's the lower level some of the fans have dropped to. I like winning as much as the next guy, and i especially hate losing to the likes of CU and KSU. But when our starting qb has to change his home number b/c of hateful phone calls, we bash the character and integrity of our coaches based on 1 year's win/loss record, and we throw our hands up in the air and disown a program we loved for decades based on 1-2 tough years we're not a proud part of our tradition, we're an embarrassment. So for me, even if i disagreed with some of the events of the last year or the last 5 years, I'll support the program b/c that's what "Husker Nation" has always done. I'll be optimistic and I'll trust that if the program can take some positive steps each year that things will, in time, be where we want them. I'll continue to be proud of the fact that our team isn't built on criminals and our kids are getting an education. IMHO that's what our responsibility is as the greatest fans in the nation. So forgive me for not taking the end of our streaks as the HUGE DEAL i should. I guess i'm not as concerned about being able to talk smack with some dude in the visitor's section and more concerned about always supporting the team, even if I sometimes disagree with who's at the helm, and the results aren't what I think they should be. If I gave up on my team b/c we weren't winning as often as I wanted to then I wouldn't be part of any tradition, I'd just be a fairweather chump. Cheesy i know, but still something i feel should be considered.
  13. I went to NU vs. ND back in 2000. It was a really impressive place. The entire place...campus, stadium, everything is beautiful, clean, and impeccably kept. Not one flower along the sidewalk was trampled. The fans were extremely respectful, every place you saw a TV was playing Rudy and it was an awesome experience. The thought of being on the same campus, in the same stadium of the 4 horsemen, Joe Montana, Tim Brown, etc. was enough to give you goosebumps. That being said, maybe it was where i was sitting and the fact that there were soooo many Big Red fans there, but the stadium lacked the intesity/insanity that you feel in every game here in Lincoln. The pregame and aftergame seemed lame too. South Bend is pretty small and there's nowhere near the downtown environment we have in Lincoln. The campus seemed quiet enough it was almost eerie. Overall grade: Tradition/mystique-a small step above Atmosphere-NU in a landslide Fans-NU for our total lack of reservation, yet ability to show respect
  14. I agree that Ruud, Washinton, and Bullocks all have tremendous talent, but some of the things that were going around last year about practices and such lead me to believe that often the defense wasn't putting their best effort forth last year. Again this is just hearsay from some players and some players girlfriends, but apparently the last half of the season the work ethic in practice really fell apart for the defense, Washington and McPherson rarely gave a full effort and consistently got burned by our receivers in practice. I never heard much about Ruud or Bullocks and i'm not going to question their work ethic, but if you play a lot of man coverage with two corners who aren't willing to bust their butts in practice and it carries over into a game, it's no wonder the secondary fell apart. The talk about poor attitudes and bad apples isn't just rumors and speculation. If that aspect alone can be corrected this year then look for the effort at least to be improved. I remember hearing how Jason Peters once ran across the field and tackled some dude in a no pads practice because he wasn't working hard enough. If the coaches can get the guys to feel that kind of desire to work hard enough in practices to win games on Saturdays then the blackshirts might come back after all. But we'll just have to wait and see.
  15. The place DeLeon's that someone mentioned...I lived just off West O for the last year, drove by that place every day. It's open 24 hours, 7 days a week and there is ALWAYS someone there. It doesn't matter if its 6:30 Sunday morning. On weekend nights at about 12:45 cars are lined up all the way around onto O St. If you go i recommend the chicken burrito, try it out. Top 3 1. Ali Baba's: Gyro or chicken strips - Abu is the guy behind the counter and he's a cool dude 2. De Leon's: chicken burrito 3. PO Pears: peanut butter burger-but for some reason i think they're closing maybe
  16. Thank goodness Ms. Missouri withdrew from the swimsuit competition!!!
  17. The dude's an elite 11 qb too, so that's 2 in 2 years. He's got to have some skills to be in that kind of company.
  18. An article from the oregonian said this guy added 20 lbs before he came to Lincoln by working with a personal trainer. That sounds too big to play DE, more like the size for the offensive line. i guess we'll see, the link is here: http://www.oregonlive.com/sports/oregonian...5970.xml&coll=7
  19. College Football New has their Bix XII preview up. They've got the big red picked to win the north with 4 other teams tied for 2nd. It's not a bad assessment. The link is here: http://www.collegefootballnews.com/
  20. There's a Lazarri's about 14th and O. the pizza's good and it's a nice jumping off point before the bars. however, i would recommend Ali Baba's Gyros, that place is the perfect way to end a night.
  21. TO was an outstanding coach. There's a reason he's one of the most respected and admired coaches of all time, not just in college football, but in any sport. His ability to bring young men to play at such a high level, while maintaining such a high level of character and respectability for 25+ years is what made Nebraska the tradition rich program it is today. But lets be fair... Whichever coach came in here, even if it was Bill Belichek or Pete Carrol, would be bound to struggle in his first year (see Carrol in his first year at USC, or Belichik with the Browns). Dissing on a coach b/c he didn't live up to the standard TO set in his very first year is ridiculous b/c no one could live up to that standard. Hence, many of us are not so quick to judge by records and first downs, but by trying to assess the overall direction of the program. Just like we gave FS a few years of patience, respect, and trust to see what he could do, we at least owe that to Callahan as well.
  22. Its too bad to hear the negative feedback from the OU fans. I appreciate the work he had done here and at the time i really thought he should have been given more consideration for the HC job. I guess time will tell if he has what it takes to be a college football coach. I really hope he finds success at LSU both for him and his family.
  23. How about the guy lived way up north in an igloo. He lit his lantern in the morning so he could see, planning to take it with him because it's dark a long time then light a long time. He forgot his lantern, and by the time he returned to get it, it had melted his igloo...a wild guess
  24. I've read a lot about ZT being a "true passing qb" as opposed to JD, and i've heard he can throw a nice deep ball, but does anyone know anything about his ability as a passer? relative strengths and weaknesses? just curious
  25. did the man leave something that ended up blowing up his house?
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