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Posts posted by Huskerzoo

  1. 1 minute ago, krc1995 said:

    Listening to Riley's pregame show and he sounds like a coke that's lost it's fizz.  I wouldn't be that surprised if he's been told regardless of the game's outcome, tonight is the end of the road.  Not sure if/why they would tell him that ahead of the game, but he sounds different tonight.  


    That would baffle me. I think there's any way it plays out like that if he wins in a somewhat normal fashion. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, LilRedIsABadOmen said:

    Interesting. Maybe a couple series for Jones to knock off some rust?


    I'm so nervous about the guys on this team re-aggravating injuries.  Don't love the idea Morgan's going to give it a go....That said having Jones against WI and tOSU may keep the games in the realm of respectable. 

    • Plus1 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, HuskerMav11 said:



    The coach speak has literally pierced your skull and removed your ability to be rational and think for yourself.


    Getting better alone isn't enough. It never is. The team is already behind. Most teams get better. The teams that are good right now that we play later on in the season are going to be better when we play them.


    As the other poster had pointed out. We're fans. We can speculate all we want. That is half the fun of being a fan. "Cross that bridge when we get to it"... First off, that implies that we actually have any control over the situation. We don't. As a fan, it doesn't make one lick of difference if I only focus on the next game or if I try to string out the probability of us winning the national championship in 2047.


    You're going to want to slow down a bit. Attack the post, not the poster. This is an informal warning about a personal attack because I'm too lazy to report it. 


    Every team develops, yes. However, not all teams develop at the same rate. Nebraska has six seniors at the top of the two deep including 2 TE and a FB. This is a team that has high potential to develop together in my opinion. 


    Re: Crossing the bridge. The discussion was focused on future situations, in this case winning out and winning the west. However, the outcomes that lead to that are just as much in play (note that I'm not saying probable) as the outcomes that lead us to a coaching change. Branno was saying lets not talk about the outcome that seems less probable til we have to, I'm saying by that same logic we shouldn't talk about losing every game until we get there. I was not implying nor talking about anything about control or influence of us having conversations. 

  4. On 9/25/2017 at 5:27 PM, Branno said:

    I support the team. I hope we win out. But I refuse to get my hopes up and have unrealistic expectations.


    Right now I see no way for this team to win the West. It's possible but unlikely. The talk of replacing coaches is a good distraction from the product on the field; it makes a bad season a little more bearable.


    How about we drop the "but we can win the west" talk and cross that bridge when we get to it. 


    To be consistent, you have to drop the "I see no way for this team to win the West talk". We can cross that bridge when we get to it. The only hope that this team ever had was to grow throughout the season. The D is doing that it seems. The question has to be, how much do they grow. lets take it one game at a time and cross bridges as we get to them. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, soup said:

    As has been discussed extensively here and elsewhere.  Yes, there is talent on this roster, but there is no depth.  Now why that is can be debated, but the fact remains there is a lack of talented depth on the team right now.



    Soup, are you trying to suggest that the fact we're on our 3rd stringer at RT, our 2nd at RB, S, S, CB, WR, and C could possibly hurt our team? 

  6. 28 minutes ago, VectorVictor said:


    If we had a good one, yes. But our sports psychology department is one of those things that was left by the wayside in the early 00s, and I don't think we ever got the talent in that department that we had in the 1990s...


    I agree with you. I read their research and wasn't impressed. Though you don't have to be a strong researcher to be a good sports psychologist. There are just not enough people who really understand human behavior well out there. 

  7. Maybe this is just me, but I think it's mental. 


    Someone earlier mentioned that they felt like the coaches talked him up too much to pull him. I think it's important to remember, it wasn't just the coaches. The media also had nothing but good things to say. It also wasn't just the local media. This suggest to me, that Lee is killing it in practice, he also looked good in the Spring game. Not amazing, but certainly better than this. 


    So now he's in pressure situations and it just keeps going poorly. He's making bad reads, forcing things that he shouldn't etc. I've got to think there's something about game situations that rattles the kid. He clearly throws a good ball that seems to be a consensus. It doesn't matter how tight your spiral is though when you're making bad reads and forgetting to go through the steps. I think it's just going to keep compounding too. 


    IMPO, I'd be having him spend time with a sports psychologist on the sideline. 

    • Plus1 1
  8. 21 minutes ago, Mavric said:


    So Riley has not done any recruiting that you can point to since his first two months on the job?


    What has he done since that 20 minutes that is better?


    Personally, I think the trajectory has been more important than the execution. We're being considered by big fish and there are more and more recruits I'm excited about. 


    The problem is, you can't go from 0 to 100. I was happy given Riley some transition space. I wasn't expecting anything amazing until 2019. However, he needs to be doing something with what he has and he's not. The same way there was no way we should've lost that 147 fumble game to Iowa State. 


    It's the difference between renovating a building and blowing it up and starting over. Blowing up our building was never supposed to be on the table, and that's exactly what HCMR has done. It doesn't mean he can't build something great eventually. However, if you hired a contractor to renovate your house and he demolished it, you'd probably fire him even if he has potential to do great work. 

  9. 9 minutes ago, IA State Husker said:

    Whatever works.  If we win a lot of games this year, and the defense plays well, you will see buy-in from the players, recruits, fans, etc.  The "golden football" and "magic bat" will catch on and be popular.


    Genius.  Like the Blackshirt tradition, or the Husker Prayer, or the Unity Council.  Those were all Coach-instigated traditions.


    If we don't, it will be just another failed corny culture-change device.  Like "Row the Boat" or "Chopping Wood", "Pound the Rock" etc.


    I'm glad he is making an effort to do something different.  I hope it works.


    Row the boat caught on big time. As a WMU alum, I can say  that stuff was everywhere while Fleck was around. Personally I didn't get it because our mascot was a horse, but the buy in was huge. Corny =/- failure. 

    • Plus1 1
  10. Just now, MattyIce said:


    He said he heard from a certain poster at HB that he was N.


    Matty, if you're his source I'm going to seriously consider abusing my Mod powers. You get my hopes up too frequently as it is. 


    That said, this does seem like it's playing out perfectly for us.  It doesn't seem like Urban is too happy about the comments. He enjoyed his visit here and it wasn't even game day. 

    My concern with him, as it is with almost all prospects, is if the fans get too zealous and negative. I know it actively bugs me at times and I'm just a poster. I can't imagine having it directed at me or the team I was on. 

    • Plus1 2
  11. 59 minutes ago, LumberJackSker said:

    hate to see a guy hurt but i would like to see someone besides knevel out there


    Problem is, I don't think we know the last time we saw Knevel healthy. My recollection is he was playing fairly well before the injury this first game. I'm not the best judge of line talent though. 

  12. Folks get back on topic please. Otherwise this thread will easily lead down the path of personal attacks. The Mods are aware of this thread. I want to be lazy and not have to moderate. Please focus on football and not other posters behavior. It makes my life a lot easier. 

    • Plus1 3
  13. 16 minutes ago, Coach Power'T said:

    So Boise State, who routinely beat Power 5 schools and played in BCS bowls is the example you are going with? 


    Ok, well I'm going to plan on Arkansas State playing in a new years six bowl game


    Thanks for providing evidence for my point. Don't take my quote out of context. BigRedIowan was arguing that we're in the B1G and they're in the Sunbelt, therefore they had no business being in a game with us. My response was that conference affiliation has nothing to do with how good a school is or can be. 


    Do I think or know that Arkansas State 's going to be world beaters? Nope. Do I think that teams from outside the P5 schools can be good teams? Yup. 

  14. 19 hours ago, Mavric said:

    Here's one thing that is concerning and has nothing to do with a vanilla defense.


    Two separate plays.  Two different OLB.  Both literally stay in one place for an inordinate amount of time.  To stand there and do nothing is about the most un-natural thing a defensive player can do.  Why would they be coached to do this?







    I saw this as well and was curious if they were trying to spy or something. Had no clue what to make of it. 

  15. 4 minutes ago, BIGREDIOWAN said:

    What happens if/when they don't have an outstanding season from here on out in reference to your opinion on this game then? I hope they have a great season and go undefeated, I really do because that'll make me feel better about what happened.

    If they don't, I just try to look at our team for the season they have. Footballs a weird game sometimes. I'm thinking of the Flea Kicker game Mizzou finished 7-5, we won the NC. They had no right to be playing us that way, but they did. At the end of the day, wins are wins. If we win every game we're supposed to in this super stressful way, I'm all for it. 


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not thrilled about the game, but I'm still willing to give the team a chance. 

    • Plus1 4
  16. 17 minutes ago, BIGREDIOWAN said:

    Two excuses I keep hearing that I think are ridiculous:

    1. We were very vanilla on defense. Even if that's the case you pull the plug on that B.S. when ASU keeps scoring and driving the ball. You especially pull the plug on it when they recover the onside kick or the drive before that where they scored to bring it within 7 points!

    2. They have won the SunBelt conference several times over the past 6 years.................uh so? It's still the SunBelt, we're in the B1G, no way this team should be able to hang with us.


    Do you remember Boise State? What about Utah pre PAC? Teams can still be good and not be P5. Similarly, Kansas. Good football teams are good football teams. Don't let arbitrary groupings lead you to forget that. 

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