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Posts posted by commando

  1. As someone enjoying the back and forth, I would just add this.


    I have no problem with investigating things from either party that truly warrant it. But at a certain point, Congressional investigators become too partisan and blow their credibility.


    It's hard as someone who leans left to hop on board with a Congressional investigation of much of anything led by the same clowns that gave us SEVEN committees on Benghazi. Nunes bowed out like a servile puppy dog when it was discovered he was trying to protect his guy in the House investigation. Their credibility is completely spent, and at a certain point they're just manufacturing controversy.


    I wish we could trust Congressional inquiries and get them back to a serious, non-partisan nature.


    Graham telling the Intel community to hurry up is rich. They're the only serious investigation we've got.



    A House committee formed to investigate the 2012 attacks on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans had 46 staffers and eight interns.

    The Senate Intelligence Committee’s years-long study of the CIA’s “enhanced” interrogation techniques during President George W. Bush’s administration had 20 staff members, according to the panel’s official report.


    A special commission separate from Congress that reviewed the intelligence that wrongly concluded former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction ahead of the 2003 invasion of Iraq involved 88 staffers.


    A special Senate committee’s 1970s investigation into Watergate-era surveillance practices tapped 133 staffers.


    A joint House-Senate probe of the 1980s Iran-Contra affair during Ronald Reagan’s presidency involving secret sales of arms to Iran to try to win the release of American hostages, with proceeds going to Nicaraguan rebels, had 181 staffers.


    This Senate investigation? 7 staffers.

    but they are the best staffers ever

  2. Remember when Hillary Clinton absolutely couldn't be elected because the presidency was just one big personal enrichment scheme for her and her cronies?


    I'd sure love to know where *those* folks are now, and why they're not voicing their concerns. Because all I hear are crickets.


    In case you're not in the know, official US agencies are being used to promote the Trump brand.



    Trumps kleptocracy = Trumps America.


    North Korea has been launching missiles since 1993. They've been testing nuclear weapons since 2006. That covers the last four presidents.Why didn't Bush?Why didn't Clinton?Why didn't Bush?Why didn't Obama?Probably because they all realized we had far more to lose by going to war with the Kims than by keeping them hemmed in.

    Exactly. So, why didn't we find peaceful way? We can all agree that a dictator with nukes is the last thing the world needs.



  4. So kind of an off-shoot question, but one that probably doesn't deserve its own thread...


    You're a "big brain" at MSNBC, CNN, et al...do you hire Bill O'Reilly? Now, before you knee-jerk reject this, put on your business owner hat and consider the following:


    1. O'Reilly brings ratings.

    2. Ratings = advertisement.

    3. Advertisement = revenue.


    Note: I personally dislike Bill O'Reilly, but business is business...I mean amirite republicans or amirite!

    Briefbarf will hire him

  5. Is there anyone in this thread that doesn't think United handled this whole situation in a completely pathetic and avoidable manner? I.e. the doctor should have never been given the chance to "disobey"?

    doesn't matter if United mishandled it or not. the mad dog doctor was lucky to survive his disobedience of the authority.






    Anyone who says a doctor is not more important than say, a fast food employee is freakin nuts. Thats just the way society is. People get paid more because their job is more important.

    So, I'm more important than you? I might like it in your twisted world.

    So we should all be compensated the same because we are all equal. Everyone should be given a living wage, free college and free health care. I like your newfound philosophy.

    What the hell does a person's compensation have to do with their worth as a human being. JFC people...


    You're the one who brought up people's worth as human beings. That's not what anyone's actually talking about when they say a Dr. needing to see his patients or someone attending a funeral is more important than a McDonald's employee getting back for a 4 hour shift or an unemployed person getting back a day late. They're not more important in the eyes of God or whatever you want to call it but that's not what anyone's saying when they say a Dr. is more important when it comes to getting somewhere on time.


    Saying we're all equal when it comes to getting from point A to point B is the same as saying we should all be compensated the same for doing different jobs. I.E. it doesn't matter what our job is or why we're going to our destination. We're all the same. Our time is worth the same exact amount of $ or inconvenience regardless of what our job is.

    So, since a doctor's job is more important than a ditch digger, what is supposed to happen in this commercial flying scenario? United is supposed to determine whose jobs are less important and triage the removal list to eliminate important people? Who gets booted, the person with least important job? And how exactly is that determination arrived at? Their bank account, some random customer service persons personal opinion, a vote of everyone on the aircraft? I need to understand how the perceived importance of any passenger's job has one frikken thing to do with who is worthy of not getting off the plane.


    And please don't go back to saying United should've prevented the whole issue. I know that and acknowledge it but they didn't. So what happens at that point?


    obviously at that point the cops should have shot the mad dog customer

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