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the ghost of pat ricketts

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Everything posted by the ghost of pat ricketts

  1. that nebraska beat 31 to 17 I can say the same thing about Iowa State buddy. Nice try. How's Floyd of Rosedale doing....oh right i should go ask a gopher. How's that Holiday Bowl trophy that you had a month to prepare for? Oh I'll ask UW. How's that revenge tasting against Texas? Oh wait that didn't happen either. I'm not making excuses for Iowa, they lost the games they lost because they did not execute when they needed to and plain gave up at the end of the season. If I were a Nebraska fan I would blame the refs and some conspiracy theory for every loss Iowa has. Hey Hawknut. Try not to make all of us Iowa fans look bad in your first day here. Please remember that this is THEIR board and we are just visitors. THEY are the ones that get to be cocky and brash here in response to slights - real or perceived - against their team. If you want to trash Nebraska, do it on our boards. Just as there are many Hawk fans who think that Iowa is going to roll over Nebraska year in and year out, there are many Nebraska fans that think the same thing in reverse. The Iowa fans do their bragging on our boards and the Nebraska fans do their bragging here. Nothing anyone says will change either groups opinion as to what is going to happen until such time as the teams start playing every year on the field. If you are truly wanting a conversation about each teams strengths and weaknesses and how the game might play out, make your post and then (and I can't stress this enough) IGNORE all of the "chest thumping we are better than you and it won't be a game" posts and simply carry on conversations in thread with those people who are actually contributing to the discussion. eta: There are many good people here and if you are truly here for conversation and not just to troll it is really easy to figure out who to talk with and who to just let roll off your back. I agree, they are very football knowledgeable over here and have a good sence of humor as well, so dont be making them hate us Iowa fans, let them hate me for being me. you forgot how we spell over here. Its "Nowledge" as the old saying goes.....DERP
  2. I wonder why you would pick 1998? It seems like such an arbitrary year. Hmmm. You're going to have to try a little harder. What you've done here is painfully transparent. Wasnt it 98 when the current bcs started? Also I love IA beats TX and Tex T 3 out of 4 of those, arent they like NU's kryptonite? kinda like how Northwestern is Iowa's Kryptonite? At least Ttech and the WHORnes have a winning record when they beat Nebraska, this year notwithstanding.
  3. i would tend to say that no, he wouldnt come here. the only reason i say that is that Chow is more of a west coast/pro style offense guru, and bo has been recruiting more of the versatile dual threat quarterbacks. this brings us back to the square peg into the round hole dilemma. the callahan/cosgrove/pedersen trifecta would be in play all over again.
  4. having to make a trip to sioux city due to an unforseen circumstance, does anyone know of a place i could hitup that would have the pay per view tonight? any advice is much appreciated! GBR!!
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