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Punt Returner Voting Thread


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15 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should be HuskerBoard's Punt Returner?

    • RedSavage
    • Waldo

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Punt Returner:

  • Fair Catch ability - If the PR knows he's going to get drilled if he tries a runback, he needs to wave the arm, concentrate on the ball, and make the fair catch. This poster should always think about the best way to approach a question and to give the best answer as to not bring on extra attack from others (and a spear tackle from a gunner)!
  • Makes the first guy miss - The most important move for the PR is making that quick sidestep to the left or right to get the first man in to commit to a poor tackle (like Niles Paul's return against Colorado this year). Once this is accomplished, the PR can follow his blocks and use his cutting ability to score the TD. To me, this guy is really a sneaky member! He'll give you enough of a comment to reel you into arguing with him, and then, BAM! You've just missed the point completely, and the poster looks like a fantasy genius with his reply to your opposing viewpoint!
  • Shifty - Can change directions on a dime, makes people miss. Look no further than Johnny Rodgers' electrifying return in the Game of the Century for the ideal of this trait. Rodgers dipped, dived and dashed his way through the heart of the Sooner coverage team en route to maybe the most important TD in Nebraska history.
  • Lightning-quick speed and reaction time, young, smart, able to make an opening for himself where one doesn't exist.



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