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  1. Mizzou grad here with a message from Tiger Nation: Crush the Lions today. The ongoing nature of this tragedy was due largely to an over-emphasis on football. Happy Valley needs to think about a lot of things other than football right now, starting with the victims. Go Huskers. Tiger Nation out.
  2. OSU has no offense, so I think your defense 'as is' can hold the line. The wild card is your offensive coordinator. If he doesn't let Martinez do his thing on the ground it could end up being a lot closer than it should be. If he calls another game like the one he did at Madison you should run him out of town. Pelini too for allowing him to do it. Although I've never liked Nebraska, I've always hated cheaters, so I'll be pulling for the Huskers on this one. NU 24, OSU 10.
  3. Lincoln's a nice college town. Mellow vibe with a lot of cool places to eat or grab a drink. You won't have any problems with Husker fans. They welcome any sincere conversation about football, no matter what colors you're wearing. I attended MU games in Lincoln in '06, '08 an '10 and never had any issues. Conduct yourself as a guest and you will be treated as one. Not so in Lawrence... Yes folks, KU does indeed have a football team. Sorta...
  4. Husker Nation- As my university remains mired in the whole conference realignment debate, I find myself looking your way and wishing we too were in a stable place. For the past few years I've enjoyed Tigerboard but in recent weeks it has completely gone over to endless, circular discussions about the fate of the Big XII, and where Mizzou's destiny lies. Football doesn't even get mentioned unless it's a game day, and I think that's sad When I first heard NU was leaving the Big XII I was angry. I loved hating Big Red. The loathing expressed by your fan base for my Black and Gold was a badge of honor for me. It was a sign that our program had finally achieved a state that merited your contempt, perhaps borne of a grudging respect. I thought your departure was a loss for your school (better football in the Big XII as it precariously exists now) and for the Big XII due to the fact that Nebraska is once again a force to be reckoned with. But now you guys must be so happy and grateful to be free of all this drama. You have a big game coming up against Wisconsin this weekend that everyone is looking forward to seeing, myself included. The Tiger in me wants to see you lose but the Big XII in me wants you to methodically destroy and expose the Big 10 for the football fraud I believe it to be. My hope is that your Huskers bring their A-game to the Big 10 so we can really see how the two conferences measure up against each other. Good, honest, hard fought games are all anyone can ask for. In closing, there are only two things I can say with any certainty: 1. I'm sick of loud-mouthed, greedy, arrogant Longhorns. 2. I miss our annual battles on the gridiron. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted... TrueMizzoo
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