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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Yep, its purely a pride thing and it helps the team so if you're a fan its worth it
  2. I'm just going to avoid Badger related threads on here. Leaves me with a bad impression of what is actually a good board.
  3. Ha and why would you? Especially this year with both teams being so talented. Palmetto Bowl is going to be epic.
  4. Great uncle....idiot booster giving tickets to rival fans. Faith...family...football.. That order. He followed that order! You're going to owe him a beer at the very least after that game, he's going to need it.
  5. Actually, I meant law enforcement for the drunk and disorderly types on game day. You live in Wisconsin and you want law enforcement to be called for people being drunk....yea good luck with that. ......which leads us to the crux of the issue. (whoops! I thought all fan bases are alike!!) Show me where I said all fan bases are alike...and as far as rude Wisconsin fans, yes alcohol is central to the issue.
  6. Actually, I meant law enforcement for the drunk and disorderly types on game day. You live in Wisconsin and you want law enforcement to be called for people being drunk....yea good luck with that.
  7. I'm 99% sure that he went to South Carolina, just by many things he's said in other posts. I'm 99% sure you went to Clemson. I'm not quite sure why though!
  8. True statement. Guy died after a USC game last year...right Gamecock? Ok, don't call me that, but yes a man was killed at the Alabama-Carolina game last year. I'm just saying we should put things into perspective. You guys apparently have the perfect fanbase that never treats a visitor poorly ever but this is not the standard for the rest of the country. Sorry you guys had to find out the hard way in Madison...if you really are that hurt about it the Big XII is always waiting. Leave the way you came in. No, everybody has bad fans, it's just that some fanbases seem to promote it. Very true, and anybody with any connection to Wisconsin will admit that UW is one of them. If you hear different its a lie. Not all of the fan base, not even all of the students but its definitely present. I haven't lied about it and neither have any of the other UW fans on this site. My problem is the unreasonable amount of attention drawn to this subject and the generalizations made about Wisconsin fans, they're ridiculous and overplayed. It was almost two weeks ago, its done.
  9. Read my whole post before you put words in my mouth. I'm simply using what happens in the SEC as proof that this is not unique to UW. In fact its quickly becoming the norm across the nation. I was not justifying or condoning it because it happens in the SEC, that was clear in my post.
  10. True statement. Guy died after a USC game last year...right Gamecock? Ok, don't call me that, but yes a man was killed at the Alabama-Carolina game last year. I'm just saying we should put things into perspective. You guys apparently have the perfect fanbase that never treats a visitor poorly ever but this is not the standard for the rest of the country. Sorry you guys had to find out the hard way in Madison...if you really are that hurt about it the Big XII is always waiting. Leave the way you came in.
  11. A issue? LOL- good luck with your letter-writing campaign...weasel fans don't understand english. I think they're hilarious. *an issue. Letter Writing Campaign? Weasel fans? What the hell are you talking about?
  12. Sorry, but the issue won't go away until Wisconsin students get reined in. I'm sorry that it is hard to read about, being a Badger fan. I'm not that proud of it either. I'm not ashamed of it and you shouldn't be either. I didn't do it. Nobody I know did it. I treat people with respect because I'm a man. I'm proud of things I accomplish and ashamed of MY failures, not the actions of others over which I have no control. Stop with the guilt tripping. Oh and people need to frickin' travel. Go to SEC games, I've seen people carted away in ambulances and crowds berate families with small children using all kinds of obsceneties. Lets not get all hurt and pretend like this is so uniquely outrageous to a team that just beat the living crap out of you. Move on. Win games. Stop Whining. /ENDRANT
  13. Thank you. At least til we go to Madison again. Haha, I'm just tired of it. You guys go at it but its been hashed out all ready. Everything's been said. Save this stuff for the days preceding and following the game. It's been almost two weeks. We both have seasons to play, lets move on...
  14. Damn, you're on these boards a lot now. Not that it's a bad thing. Vested interest, or has DoNU become a second favorite of yours? I don't like Minnesota and I enjoy rooting for NU as long as they're not playing UW, so a little bit of both. You guys have a fun team to be a fan of I'll give you that...
  15. Wow, this is still a issue? Let it go
  16. I could harp on about how this is all quite clear. The kid failed a drug test and was tossed. There was a long history of this "journalist" fabricating stories...etc etc etc. None of it matters if people all ready have their minds made up. Sounds like **** envy to me...jealous of the success Spurrier has had in his career. Jealousy of SEC teams in general....haters gonna hate.
  17. Ok yea, not going to address any of that, off topic and not worth my time.
  18. This whole stir was about Ellington, as Spurrier stated. Morris fabricated a story about Ellington and I can't blame Spurrier for expecting another farce of a story about Garcia's release. That hack had it coming, 6 months late or not.
  19. Spurrier has never been classy or polite. Admit it. Everyone knows it. He's a d-bag. Always has been, and always will. Funny, that last sentence had "has been" in it, which also relates to Spurrier. Not classy? Can Dabo get a tee time at Augusta? ....yea I didn't think so.
  20. He's just telling the truth. Seems as though the HBC can't handle it, and apparently neither can you. Wow, you and Morris must really be in the know. The truth is Ellington was interested in playing football at USC when he was still a recruit in High School, Spurrier didn't steal him from Horn, he's still going to play basketball. Yes neither I nor Spurrier can handle the truth that you and Morris seem to know without having been there.
  21. Great uncle....idiot booster giving tickets to rival fans.
  22. I don't see how this was out of hand at all, Spurrier finally addressed Ron Morris's smear pieces after ignoring them for years. He didn't blow up Gundy style, he was classy and polite. If anything the old ball coach was the picture of moderation. ..and if Bo "pulled something like this" people would ask where his Heisman, and conference/national championships were. Spurrier has more than earned the right to determine who gets to be around his program.
  23. Ignoring above tater's comment.....that writer is a trip. He's driven a boycott of the local paper and quite a bit of controversy in town. It's about time he got called out for what he is.
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