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Everything posted by Yossarian

  1. Yeah, it is different. It's worse. A manager makes many more decisions that affect the game.
  2. Ah, and that's the problem with betting on the game that you are playing in. Pete Rose swore for years that he did not bet on games he was playing in. None. Didn't happen. Never. Then he changed his story, admitted that he lied, and then swore that he only bet on his team to win. And maybe that is why professional sports frown on players betting on games - and particularly those that they play in. And maybe that is why he is a liar and probably a cheat. So, yeah, I think that betting on your own team (win or lose) is as bad as taking steroids.
  3. Eating faces is a Federal crime now? I thought it was a mis-demeanor. I do not believe baseball is at fault as much as the "takers themselves."
  4. You don't have to be 100 percent innocent of all wrong-doing to be punished in professional sports. Pete Rose was not found guilty of anything, but he accepted banishment from baseball for betting on games. Same problem - he tainted the outcome of games.
  5. I am not a baseball nut in the sense that I have never really paid attention to box scores, except for the final score, and I have never charted box scores like some people do as they watch a game. Still, having grown up in decades when baseball was still the "national pastime" I fully understand the position of baseball nutjobs when they believe that Roger Clemens and others using steroids have tainted the game forever. Baseball is built on statistics, and you used to be able to compare the performances of everyone playing baseball in the "modern era" (after the actuall baseball was made more "lively") - whether they played in the 1940s, 1950s, or 1980s. Everyone was on a level playing field (well, maybe Preacher Roe had an illegal advantage) and the statistics were considered as sacrosanct, were trusted, and were not to be screwed around with. The use of steroids changed all of that - the statistics are no longer to be trusted - and someone has to pay for the damage. Think about Roger Clemons's record being compared to Bob Gibson's. You can't compare them because Clemons's performance was enhanced by drugs. Now, as far as Congress getting involved - I have no problem with that. I'm not sure how anything could turn Congress into more of a circus.
  6. Hitler was neither a Communist nor an atheist. True, but we all understood what the JR20 was saying. Didn't you?
  7. The "tax and spenders' had their butts handed to them yesterday in Wisconsin but there are still people who can't accept the voters' decision. Hopefully, the trend will continue through November.
  8. Not really. Someone started a thread ridiculing the Romney camp for misspelling America. Since you can't refute a gaffe, I covered his with an Obama miscue. FYI, I am at that point in my life where I do few things intentionally. Well, I did say I would stop this back and forth with barbs regarding gaffes, and so I will.
  9. I think the fact that George Romney has been dead for 17 years disqualifies him. He was trying to be clever . . . and it wasn't too bad of an attempt . . . but he was a little overeager to gloat about me addressing the wrong Romney. He apparently didn't notice that I specifically referenced our Willard. I wasn't gloating because of anything. I was, however, kinda' amused that Barack Obama flubbed his likely opponent's name when he had no teleprompter to read, and he did catch his maistake (if it was a mistake). And it happened shortly after you posted the "gotcha" regarding the misspelling of America by the Romney campaign. Matching gaffes is really not all that difficult whenever everyone is under the microscope. I'll stop if you do.
  10. I don't. I think that his desire to revisit utterly failed George W. Bush policies disqualifies Willard Romney from being President of the United States. Well, you have a point. But then Barack Obama's desire to continue utterly failed policies disqualifies him from being President past January 2013. BTW, George Romney is not running for President. Secondly Generalissimo Franco is still dead.
  11. I think the fact that George Romney has been dead for 17 years disqualifies him. Quick, tell the Chosen One. http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2012/06/oops-obama-flubs-on-george-romney/1#.T85felI0WuI
  12. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria! Well, the obvious question is this: Who you gonna' call?
  13. What's the average teacher-student ratio for home schooled children versus public schools? Do you think that might factor into the higher scores? what's the average number of kids that are home schooled that know very little english, live in a one/no parent household and not exposed to poverty or violence? I suspect that those children who know very little English, live in a one/no parent household and are exposed to poverty and/or violence do not believe that some of the keys to a happy life are to 1) Get an education. 2) Pay your own way. 3) Obey the law. 4) Wait until you are an adult before having children. 5) Marry the father/mother of your children. Do these things and you have a much better chance at being successful and living a happy life. That's the good news. The bad news - people who do otherwise are going to be the majority in 30 years. What's that going to be like?
  14. I believe that this alone disqualifies George Romney from being President of these United States.
  15. Of course you are right. Absolutely. Unfortunately, kids don't go to school ready to learn.
  16. What's the average teacher-student ratio for home schooled children versus public schools? Do you think that might factor into the higher scores? Everyone is hysterically claiming that the sky is falling and that education will suffer in Kansas. I believe that as far as public education in the U.S. is concerned, the sky fell long, long ago. Kansans have proven the law of supply and demand once again. Produce a shoddy, worthless product, and people will eventually stop buying it. Home-schooling parents stopped buying public education because of that. I fear that improved teacher-pupil ratios won't fix the problem.
  17. I am concerned as well over the leaks we've had this past week or so. The "kill list", now this, I am not to big of a fan with chest thumping when it comes to covert operations, although, at times, these serve as a shot over the bow for others, kind of like when China shot down a satellite and we did it a few weeks later, only from a Navy ship (my wing-wang is as big as yours, and I have a boat as well!). I agree with you on occasionally heaving a "shot over the bow" - but you can do that without doing a data dump to the NY Times. Besides, I suspect the Iranians figured out who was responsible, and I'm almost positive the Russians figured it out once the Iranians gave them some of the suspect code.
  18. Make no mistake about it - President Obama is a killing machine when it comes to the use of UAVs against Muslim terrorists, and if this this account is true, he quickly accelerated developing cyberwarfare systems against the Iranians that resulted in chaos in their nuke development program setting them back as much as two years. I am glad he made the decision. And I am happy to hear that we are working diligently to develop cyberwarfare weapons - weapons that are effective like Stuxnet.. Now having said that, why are secret methods and operations used against our enemies being revealed?? Is all of this chest-thumping part of the Dems plan to get Mr. Obama re-elected? I don't get it. http://www.nytimes.c...pagewanted=1
  19. Since home-schooled children consistently score higher on standardized tests than children who are "educated" in public schools, I doubt if this will keep the masses more stupid than the current system does.
  20. Well, it would appear that Kansas has discovered one way of making that happen.
  21. I cannot figure out why people still hold onto the outdated concept of "holy matrimony." What's holy about it? Some seventy percent of all black babies are born to teenage girls who are not married, and some forty percent of white babies are born to unwed mothers. It's getting to the point where only well-educated, older people (straight and gay) get married. Bottom line - if it's so holy, why do people skip the legal ceremony?
  22. This is the "smart diplomacy" we were promised in the campaign run-up to the 2008 election. Apparently, the Poles aren't smart enough to figure out exactly what the President meant. Really, what's the big deal? Why the fake sensitivity about who exactly was responsible for the death of some 6,000,000 innocent people? Heck, that was over 60 years ago. Let's move on.
  23. Facinating, indeed. I am an atheist, but like Albert Einstein, when I look out into space using my telescope, I can surely understand how someone would believe in a greater being. It is truly awesome, and I/we are so small and insignificant.
  24. Cant wait for Hannity today, here is what we will learn: 1. Caller, your a great American 2. No Sean, your a great 'Mer-i-can 3. This is obviously an inside job, probably done by some Liberal programmer, who had marching orders from the White House, via MSNBC, and HufPo, to put this in the app to discredit Romney. 4. It's so clear, only a Liberal or an idiot (one and the same? More on that tomorrow) can't see the connection 5. Obama eats aborted babies, and uses pages of the Bible for a napkin. 6. Your a great American... Oh, the irony. You're grammar is proof that your a great American. My grammar is awful on a good day, worse when I type to fast, and dont proof read... Actually, I apologize for making the turn toward the personal. Must stop that.
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