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Everything posted by Yossarian

  1. USA Today is carrying the story about the Obama Administration's decision to possibly find new route for the $7B TransCanada Keystone pipeline, "pushing a final decision on the controversial project past the 2012 election." President Obama has been under pressure from environmentalists to stop the pipeline construction and from unions who want construction to begin since it will supposedly generate some 20,000 jobs. The President has said that the delay was needed to make sure "all the potential impacts are properly understood." In other words, he voted "Present" once again. http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/energy/story/2011-11-10/keystone-pipeline-delay/51158744/1
  2. In 2008 I was hoping that Obama would nationalize our failed banks. Back then i did not realize how much in the pocket of Wall Street he was, or the width of the problem. Now that it is 2011, I believe that we need to "internationalize" all the failed banks that have made bad loans. Actually it was his economic team that steered him away from this. Geitner big time. In fact Geitner and Summers pretty much took over in a way...they made it so everything went through them before it got to Obama and for Obama wanted to take over/down Citi Bank and told Geitner to make a plan to do it...and Geitner sat on it. I'm sure these things are why Obama finally got rid of these guys. That said...Obama could/should have done a better job of taking charge and not let those these happen AND he should have known going in that those guys were not the right people to have advising him. When did Obama get rid of Geitner?
  3. It wasn't the Republicans or the Russians who beat Obama... it was his own appointees. How smart was that? Man shot and killed at Occupy Oakland today... Yos, don't you know that it is the tea party members who are violent!! I know the new conspiracy to come out is a tea party undercover agent went in and assassinated this OWO person. Those evil geniuses will stop at nothing to get their way. While the poor OWS protestors are not even given public toilets and they can't find somewhere remote to do their business so they are forced to deficate on police cars. It is all the CEOs fault and they should have thier faces rubbed in it, but that's me!! It's not all bad news...I read an item in USA today that says respiratory viruses (including tuberculosis) is spreading through the OWS ranks. That will thin the herd. I blame Bush...and Doc Holliday.
  4. Herman Cain is the epitome of all that is wrong with the Tea Party. However these sex scandals have only delayed the criticisms of that awful 999 plan. I am hypo-glycemic... I can easily control it. I don't go to a meeting or a presentation with my blood sugar level about to take a dive... that's called planning. Let me make sure I have this right. "Leftist X" says that Rick Perry might have a medical problem - like a blood sugar problem. Then "Left Y" says that anyone who goes to a meeting or presentation (like a debate, huh?) who has a blood sugar problem is incapable of planning ahead. Hence, Rick Perry cannot plan ahead... Is that about right? Don't get me wrong...I would never vote for him, but I don't come up with phony, feckless untruths to somehow attack him. Next you'll use the old Soviet ploy - he's nuts...send him to Siberia (or in this case, Maine).
  5. I really hate people who automatically assume scatological terms. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/turd turd: 1. a lump of dung; piece of excrement 2. an unpleasant or contemptible person or thing So the OWS movement has some of the biggest, laziest, whiniest turds on the planet is a correct use of the word? Actually, both definitions fit. And recently "Princess" was used to express the same thing.
  6. This is so serious that I can see the PSU Board of Trustees imposing a "death penalty" on the football program for the rest of this year and next year.
  7. Now I have an excuse for all of those posts that I regret making... excuse?? Specify please Huh...are you serious? Okay...I will assume you are. So here goes: When I post something that I regret, I will claim that someone stole my password and posted something stupid using the stolen password. Yeah, that is the ticket...that will be my excuse.
  8. Good point...I can't make a judgment...however, the trustees saw the Grand Jury report and decided to fire him.
  9. Now I have an excuse for all of those posts that I regret making...
  10. Shawn, It's quite obvious you are a huge PSU supporter and fan. I wish you and the state well. I spent many a night in Northeast PA in Susquahanna County around the pond fishing. My one question, and I need help with this, is why will this experience in Happy Valley for the NU fans be different than the horrible treatment we felt last time with no "situation?" Uh...what he said...
  11. I have not been to a game at Penn State, but friends who have been tell me that they were treated pretty rough by the Penn State fans. So, we have evidence that the student body is perfectly willing to take to the streets and get violent over what is going on out there. So...let's wait and see how fans wearing Husker gear get treated...I'm not optimistic...
  12. And Vermont is getting money to clean up after Irene. Oops, no we're not... the Tea Party Turds in the House are holding the aid up. I really hate Tea Party Repugnants. I really hate people who use scatological terms to describe people they hate.
  13. FYI - the Senate today shot down a Republican effort to stop the Federal Communications Commission from regulating the Internet through net neutrality. The vote was along part lines - 52-46. Good. You realize republicans are on the wrong side of that effort right? The FCC regulations don't go far enough but at least its a start and this is an issue Al Franken absolutely nails. What bothers me about the whole thing is 99% of people don't seem to understand what net neutrality is, at all, or why it needs to be in place. There are other people that seem to think it's exactly the opposite of what it is. What bothers me about your post was that I was simply reporting on the vote and not taking sides.
  14. It wasn't the Republicans or the Russians who beat Obama... it was his own appointees. How smart was that? Man shot and killed at Occupy Oakland today...
  15. FYI - the Senate today shot down a Republican effort to stop the Federal Communications Commission from regulating the Internet through net neutrality. The vote was along part lines - 52-46.
  16. In this video, Senator John Cornyn asks AG Eric Holder is he knows the difference between "Wide Receiver" and "Fast and Furious," it's obvious that Holder does not. Cornyn then asks him if he "is winging it." The Senator then schools the Attorney General of the United States, our highest Law Enforcement official on the differences. I know you cannot be thrown out of office for being stupid - if you could, Joe Biden would be sacking groceries in Dover.
  17. The word out of the so-called Super Committee is that the Democrats have continuously complained about the Republicans' refusal to address revenues, preferring only to cut spending. Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) told the Wall Street Journal that the GOP Six this week offered to raise revenues by $500 billion over 10 years as part of a tax reform that would lock in lower tax rates in return for giving up deductions. The GOP offer would raise about $250 billion over 10 years, but the Democrats have rejected it. It's becoming obvious that the Democrats want to ensure that Mr. Obama's campaign against the "Do-Nothing Congress" will extend until next November. Eventually someone will ask the President "who controls Congress anyhow?" But it won't be NBC, CBS, CNN, or ABC. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204224604577028083997201376.html?mod=rss_opinion_main
  18. That's sickening, yet somehow unsurprising. The world might really be a better place if all the corp execs were rounded up and hung from the nearest lightpoles. Not a bad idea for starters. The political system is so corrupt and rigged it's pointless to pine for real change from that. It hardly ends with those scum, however..... Are you guys suggesting that you are in favor of the violent overthrow of the U.S. Government? A simple "Yes" or "No" answer will suffice.
  19. You may have been thinking about warhorse and banned me instead!! Speaking of Batman and Robin, anyone seen Brand, lately?
  20. I work defense. Sometimes I have this forum open on my second monitor, and will post while on a confernce call or while multitasking. Right now I'm on lunch... also filling out a report... and glancing at the board at the same time. . My profile is in post #129. http://www.huskerboa...o/page__st__100 I only asked what you did for a living. I admire your defense testimony, however.
  21. Simply more evidence that "outsiders" believe Huskers are better than we, Husker fans, do.
  22. Are you always this incoherent, or is today just another of many bad days for you? I think if you had watched the movie you would get the reference!! I can't watch YouTubes here at work (site is blocked)... I have to go by the text and images posted. I am also very careful as to which links I will open. I will watch the video later, and adjust my response accordingly, and issue apologies if needed. You spend a lot of time here during work hours. Public employee?
  23. Terrible. That doesn't change the fact that the majority of voting Americans determined that McCain/Palin was worse. . By the way JR20... change your tone or you will be ignored as HuZkerZ/Bronc is. You can do better, I've seen you post constructively in the past. You think that JR20 and HuZkerZ will somehow be concerned about you ignoring their posts? Do me a favor...ignore mine. Please.
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