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Everything posted by HSKR

  1. http://www.twitvid.com/QM7T7 Looks like the occupy Walmart thing went real well. All for a $2 waffle maker, LOL.
  2. Newt is probably the sixth or seventh candidate who's been granted this ability. With all of these Republican candidates who could "destroy Obama," I just don't see any way he can possibly win reelection. Way to take a quote out of context, nice, and you are a mod here??? "I think he would destroy Obama in the debates" is what I actually said. That is all I said. Who said anything about the other candidates "destroying Obama" other then you? Heck I don't even know if Newt would beat Obama in the election but if it is Obama vs Newt, then Newt will make the debates about what Obama has done much more then the other Republican candidates, even with Newt's controversial past. If it is Obama vs any other candidate I don't think any of the other Republican candidates have the gonads to go after Obama the way Newt will.
  3. If this is going to be typical Suh the rest of his NFL career, he can stay off of the sidelines for any future Nebraska games and he can take back his donations to the program as well. We don't need it at this cost. The stomp really wasn't that bad until you consider everything that's been going with him this year and then his excuse post game was absolutely pathetic and embarrassing. I love the guy and love watching him play but he has got some issues upstairs right now and needs to get them straightened out. The stupid thing is he is digging his own hole for the rest of his career. You don't think opposing teams will try to get under his skin now?
  4. They don't make any more of it and we are adding about 75 million people a year to the planet's population. It may be the two best things farming has going for it. The ethanol thing is another debate I find interesting but probably best discussed in length in a new thread. I find it interesting that there are both a lot of ultra conservatives and liberals who both hate the subsidization of ethanol. Obviously the politicians who love it are the ones in corn growing states. It will be interesting to see what happens to the government support of it and if it can survive on its own without it. If it happened today, I would say no, but ethanol technologies have also been improving and there is a huge market right now for gluten and distillers grain.
  5. Your video didn't show anything new. However I hear the officers had to respond to this call right before their donut break...so that probably comes into play here too. I gotta say, after watching that video again and seeing the tires on some of those cops, I could very well believe that. That btw is something I have never understood with police. Always thought they should be in pretty good physical condition, not say military condition but not far behind and you see it all the time. I'll save that discussion for some other time.
  6. Are you implying that the American people spend more wisely than the government? If so, I'll have some of what you're smoking. The American people spending like idiots is a huge reason why the housing market collapsed a few years back. I now know one person who thinks the government spends more wisely then your average American. Can I get a second? Oh and the next time you meet someone who lost his house after his job was eliminated that he had held for 10 years, please call him an idiot to his face for me, thanks. There is no doubt that people made bad choices in the housing market, but no worse decisions then those banks did that gave them the loans in the first place or the government did by encouraging less then ideal financially sound people to buy those houses. If you want to talk about idiots, then lets talk about all these college students who think it's wise to go to overpriced Universities and Colleges because the they have to pay for the overpriced faculty and administration salaries and rack up $100K in student loans in degrees where there will be little to no jobs when they get out of school. Could you ever believe that there are some kids out there who work their way through High School and get full time jobs in the summer, sometimes even two, also maybe earning some scholarships on the way, going to an institution that they can afford or heck even possibly working a couple of years before they start college and then graduating with no debt and getting a job right away because they chose a field that is actually hiring? I guess if you think all those home buyers who blew it are idiots, then we should for darn sure included all those poor in debt to their ears college students who made bad choices as well, right? Oh and back to the American people vs the government wasting money. I'd much rather have the American people waste their own money then someone else wasting if for them. Also, I know all about making stupid decisions with loans. I took an $8000 student loan last year and I flunked out of college. It's been six months since I dropped out, and I have no payed a penny of the loan off yet. I don't blame the government for giving me that loan, though. I'm aware that I made some really bad decisions and I'm dealing with the consequences. It's one of the biggest reasons why I joined the Marine Corps. That's unfortunate to hear but it sounds like you have learned from your past choices and are doing the right thing now. Good luck in the Marine Corps!
  7. Are you implying that the American people spend more wisely than the government? If so, I'll have some of what you're smoking. The American people spending like idiots is a huge reason why the housing market collapsed a few years back. I now know one person who thinks the government spends more wisely then your average American. Can I get a second? Oh and the next time you meet someone who lost his house after his job was eliminated that he had held for 10 years, please call him an idiot to his face for me, thanks. There is no doubt that people made bad choices in the housing market, but no worse decisions then those banks did that gave them the loans in the first place or the government did by encouraging less then ideal financially sound people to buy those houses. If you want to talk about idiots, then lets talk about all these college students who think it's wise to go to overpriced Universities and Colleges because the they have to pay for the overpriced faculty and administration salaries and rack up $100K in student loans in degrees where there will be little to no jobs when they get out of school. Could you ever believe that there are some kids out there who work their way through High School and get full time jobs in the summer, sometimes even two, also maybe earning some scholarships on the way, going to an institution that they can afford or heck even possibly working a couple of years before they start college and then graduating with no debt and getting a job right away because they chose a field that is actually hiring? I guess if you think all those home buyers who blew it are idiots, then we should for darn sure included all those poor in debt to their ears college students who made bad choices as well, right? Oh and back to the American people vs the government wasting money. I'd much rather have the American people waste their own money then someone else wasting if for them. Calm down, dude. I wasn't referring to anyone specifically. I know that not every American is responsible for the housing market collapse, but I get tired when we try and blame it all on corporations or the government. We all should bear the blame for our economy being in the toilet. Once we all take responsibility, we can move on from this. You are right, there is a lot of personal responsibility that seems to be lost in this country, whether it's buying a house, car or racking debt on the credit card. It's also amazing when you think about what we think we need in our daily lives and how much we pay for that crap. When I was a kid, we didn't have or pay for cable tv, internet, cell phones services, etc. That right there for a normal family could easily be $300 a month that you could be putting on the house or car payment of God forbid, in a savings account. You went to the grocery store, you bought actual food you needed, not two cases of pop, chips, etc. People always want to hate on the corporations, then maybe you should quit buying Iphones, subscribing to Verizon and Instead of hating on Wall Street, don't put your money in Wall Street in the first place. It's hard to think the government will ever lessen their spending habit's when the American people many times could do the same.
  8. Are you implying that the American people spend more wisely than the government? If so, I'll have some of what you're smoking. The American people spending like idiots is a huge reason why the housing market collapsed a few years back. I now know one person who thinks the government spends more wisely then your average American. Can I get a second? Oh and the next time you meet someone who lost his house after his job was eliminated that he had held for 10 years, please call him an idiot to his face for me, thanks. There is no doubt that people made bad choices in the housing market, but no worse decisions then those banks did that gave them the loans in the first place or the government did by encouraging less then ideal financially sound people to buy those houses. If you want to talk about idiots, then lets talk about all these college students who think it's wise to go to overpriced Universities and Colleges because the they have to pay for the overpriced faculty and administration salaries and rack up $100K in student loans in degrees where there will be little to no jobs when they get out of school. Could you ever believe that there are some kids out there who work their way through High School and get full time jobs in the summer, sometimes even two, also maybe earning some scholarships on the way, going to an institution that they can afford or heck even possibly working a couple of years before they start college and then graduating with no debt and getting a job right away because they chose a field that is actually hiring? I guess if you think all those home buyers who blew it are idiots, then we should for darn sure included all those poor in debt to their ears college students who made bad choices as well, right? Oh and back to the American people vs the government wasting money. I'd much rather have the American people waste their own money then someone else wasting if for them.
  9. http://firstread.msn...ck-to-haunt-him This is going to be Newt's hardest battle, winning over the Tea Party and ultra right Christian conservative groups. I'm not sure he can overcome his own party to even reach the Presidential election. Whatever you think of his beliefs and talking points, Newt is hands down the smartest and best debater of the Republican candidates and if he would win the nomination I think he would destroy Obama in the debates. To me he is the Democrats worst nightmare and I would think they will do everything in their power to make sure he doesn't make it out of the primaries.
  10. It may come down some, but I doubt in the long run. With climate change, many places in the world will become less productive. Nebraska sits squarely on Ogallala aquifer, which make Nebraska land even more valuable in the long run when there is uncertainty in changing weather patterns. So climate change will make many places in the world less productive but not Nebraska?
  11. Wouldn't it be better to give that tax break for something made int he US besides corp jets?? Cars...farm machinery...construction equip... I am not an expert on the tax code, but I'm pretty sure that business (like construction and agriculture) already have tax incentives for purchasing new equipment. Corporate planes are primarily used to transport workers around more efficiently than commercial flights (higher productivity), and there are all kinds of jobs supported by the increased use of corporate aircraft. There's the manufacturing of aircraft, the ground crews at airports, pilots, and lot of labor intensive service and inspections on each aircraft in service. A large majority of Ducan's business is servicing corporate aircraft. Anyway though, there's a very legitimate and needed discussion about how the tax code has become a giant boondoggle of selective breaks, and the corporate aircraft depreciation break is one of those, but I don't like how the whole debate becomes personified by a few selective examples. It's comical that the super committee chose to relive last year's talking points instead of engaging in a broad discussion about taxation. you're painting quite the pretty picture of the need for corp jets. Bottom line is they are a luxury item. If you can afford to have one...or use one..you can afford to spend a couple more hours flying commercial. Even Buffett named his corp jet "the indefensible". and just because it could cost jobs doesn't mean anything. If there was a whoopy cushion factory in Wayne Nebraska I would be ok w/ them not getting tax breaks even if it mean less whoopy cushions on the market. So where do you draw the line on what is a luxury item and what isn't? If private jets are then what not all air travel? Most people would consider any kind of air travel as a luxury whether it be business or personal. Maybe it's time to stop subsidizing the entire Industry. What would a ticket for a flight cost if no tax payer money is involved? Surely we could use that money for something better. Only about 1 in 3 Americans fly a year and we know most of those are in the upper income brackets. If you can afford to fly, then why not pay for it all yourself instead of depending on taxpayer money to cheapen the flight costs. I think you are on to something OG.
  12. Interesting read. Can't say I disagree with most of it. The one thing that bothers me is saying that eliminating the tax cuts would help pay the debt off. That assumes the government would have used that money responsibly and not as a blank check on something else like pork or other programs. To me that is a huge assumption. I would much rather have that money in the hands of the American people to decide how to spend it. Let the government find things to cut instead. If you give the government $100, they will want to spend $150, so maybe we should only give them $50 in the first place then maybe they will only want to spend $75.
  13. The best team ever doesn't get taken to overtime by anyone.
  14. No Oklahoma state champs shirt though. I will give them credit, they probably do more with less then anyone in the country. Mr Burns can coach!
  15. The BIG just got a little bit more competitive. Should be fun to watch.
  16. Wouldn't it be better to give that tax break for something made int he US besides corp jets?? Cars...farm machinery...construction equip... Ask that to the 1000+ employees at Duncan Aviation in Lincoln. They got whacked pretty hard recently with job cuts but it sounds like they are making a comeback. There is no simple answer on the specifics of what to cut because someone is going to get hurt. Well I would say the construction or farm equipment would at least be used for productive purposes. Flying to see recruits isn't productive?
  17. Wouldn't it be better to give that tax break for something made int he US besides corp jets?? Cars...farm machinery...construction equip... Ask that to the 1000+ employees at Duncan Aviation in Lincoln. They got whacked pretty hard recently with job cuts but it sounds like they are making a comeback. There is no simple answer on the specifics of what to cut because someone is going to get hurt.
  18. After watching the housing bubble collapse, I've got to wonder how far behind Ag land is from doing the same thing. It's been a great few years lately for crop prices. High fuel prices also make ethanol more viable, thus keeping the demand for corn high. If you have been watching prices of Ag land the last five years, it's been pretty crazy. I recently read on an ad that a quarter of irrigated around Crete went for $8500 an acre. That's $1.36 million for a stinking quarter of land! What happens if one of the first cuts is ethanol subsidies? That could very likely happen. What if demand decreases for a couple of years. What's a farmer going to do with a $1.36 million quarter of land if corn drops to $2.25? His profit won't even pay the taxes on that. When the housing bubble burst, it didn't surprise me at all. In two years time, a $175K house was selling for $200K not from increased construction costs but simply demand. Once the economy went sour that same house was now worth $165K and a lot of people were in big trouble. What's going on with Ag land prices is eerily similar. Hopefully demand stays were it is and we can keep prices high because right now the Ag economy is the best thing Nebraska has going for it.
  19. Urban may be the quick fix but how long will he stay? That would be my main concern if I were an OSU fan. I would go the way Michigan did. Find the guy that wants to stay there for 10 years or forever. I could see Urban going to Ohio State and being gone in 4 years much like Florida. Then what? Promote from within? or start all over with the next big name and his staff? This is supposed to be Ohio State, one of the handful of jobs that people dream of having forever, but I'm not sure Meyer fits that.
  20. HSKR

    Nice job PAC-12

    LOL, good point. Plus I will give them a break because they actually took Colorado.
  21. The funny thing is a year ago, we all would have thought Michigan would be the one team we did beat this year and our loss would have came from one of the other three.
  22. No surprise this would be the outcome. At first I wasn't sure about the increased taxes on the upper class, but now I really don't care if they do or not. The problem is we could tax the rich three times more then proposed and it's still going to be just a drop in the bucket compared to what we overspend as a nation. Honestly I have no problem with cuts in everything. I wouldn't mind if they decided to cut 10% across the board for a start and then go from there, but we all know that will never happen with the elected officials we have right now.
  23. HSKR

    Nice job PAC-12

    How is this the Pac-12's fault? USC can't play in postseason games as a result of their NCAA probation. It's their fault that the of the rest of the teams in the south division suck. You would think a conference with the quality of teams that the PAC-12 has, the second option in a division would have 8 or 9 wins (see SEC or BIG). This is the worst case scenario that TO was always worried about when the Big 12 started playing championship games. If the good team, Oregon or Stanford wins there is nothing positive to gain from beating a 6-6 team(if that happens). On the other hand if the 6-6 team pulls the upset, you end up having a 7-6 team going to a BCS game.
  24. With USC not eligible for the championship game, it's possible with one week left in the regular season that a 6-6 team could play in the conference championship game. Too bad USC can't play it, because I would love to see them and Stanford or Oregon go at it again.
  25. an astute analysis. I care about it. It's actually been discussed in the OWS thread as well. Well, that makes two out of 7 billion. This can be viewed in the same light as what you said carl's posts were. Maybe you should take your own advice and: Not really. My point was yea, this may not be right but it's trying to be made out as a bigger deal then it was. Go after my argument, not after me. If you can't defend the point, well, its already been talked about. You have anything constructive to ad to the topic then as well?
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