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Red Snow Sword: Husker Sentinel

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Everything posted by Red Snow Sword: Husker Sentinel

  1. hmm... does anyone know what time the polls close for the week? Saturday, sunday? What time, what hour? ====== ====== That's distasteful. Minuteman my @#$@53%#%% that's right, I said 53!
  2. farking images is hard with only paint........ but if anyone can make improvements, go right ahead......
  3. That means we've got to surge sunday night into monday mornings, Husker Nation! That will be our clutch period, the last minutes of the 4rth quater. Stay in the game, if we can't get a blow out, and then go for the kill at that time -- especially MONDAY MORNING Go Big Red!! 9/1 - 9/12 v. sebastian W 9/12 - 9/19 v. joe bruin W 9/19 - 9/26 v. sam the minute man 9/26 - 10/3 v. bruiser 10/3 - 10/10 v. aubie 10/10 - 10/17 v. smokey It's not over yet!!!!!!!!!! =============================== ^ He is promoting cookie cleaning awareness, and hands out cookie, real ones, to those who are in need, or those who are depleted from voting. .... As for us voters..... Enjoy. They say that cookies and oragne juice is best after giving blood, but voting..... well, have your beverage of choice, responsibly... we need you to keep voting, don't forget that.
  4. I've recruited some help here... Husker fans, let me present my new "defensive cookie coordinator" He's the best in the field, so lets give him a hardy Husker welcome...... May I present, the one and only.......... COOKIE MONSTER!!
  5. anyone can use this, or parts of it, for later on, if there are ever herbie contests down the road or anything, etc. Or even if they are just a mascot fanatic, lol
  6. I don't think our offensive players need any more motivation than they've got. WCDefense, being outscored by the defense, winning by 1 point, look at all the uncertainty that surrounds them. Now, hypothetically speaking, lets see BC trips the light fantastic (? I've never used that expression until now, my old science teacher said it once...), trips the light fantastic and gets our O in gear... Think about how much they want it? I'm sure they've got lots o'desire. I damn well know I would if I were them. Oh, and one more thing:
  7. .............. ................... ................ ... ... .. ... .. ............. Go Big Red!
  8. Probably the only reason I really watch NFL games is to see how the boys do later on in their carreer. I don't like the NFL much these days.........
  9. I just wanted to ask about something..... THe last two games, the radio over the internet... the announcers have been saying how the crowds have been sorta lackluster, or at least during the pregame portions. I remember, distinctly, the last two games, where the announcers were saying that "it wasn't the typical Nebraska crowd". I'm not sure if it meant by the number of people, or the enthusiasm, or both, or what. And now, with the Colonel saying that about tickets, I'm wondering about the homegames. I mean, we're not at risk of "not" selling out a home game, are we?? (I ask because I don't live anywhere near Nebraska)
  10. vs 31295 Votes VS 31455 Votes This is the match up of the week This is the most hotly contested showdown between two mascots. I was watching Sam last week, and I was impressed, because he had the highest point total out of everyone, I think. UMass must have one hell of an awareness campaign...... But seriously, at the moment, NU has the most votes, but Sam has been closing slightly... It is going to be a long, tough, good fight. So keep voting
  11. I always liked Joe. Hope things work out for him down the road.
  12. It's a critical 2 years for SP, BC, and the entire staff. Everyone will feel the effect of these coming months, from SP, to Pearlman, to you and me, all the way down. Wow, I never thought of it that way, but.... I guess that is pretty damn good reasoning for why many are on edge... It is a clutch situation that could effect the program for years to come, BC or not. This will be a time that everyone remembers, there's no oeverlooking that. The end of an era, changes, yeah..... but now, will Husker fans remember this as the birth of something? or just a... another period of waiting. Nobody knows. But .... "art of war", all the way. The battles, games, etc, will be one long before game day, especially at this rate. Can momentum be kept, can BC get the O to execute, can we keep talent coming in, all these things and more. And most of all, can we win games? Even more so, since "not the victory, but the action" In what way do we win, or lose....
  13. It's SP's ass, too. If Cali fails, SP knows he's got to take action, or he will be out the door, too. It's not really that difficult. The point of the mattter is what is failure, what is success, and what is acceptable. And then there is "reality" vs. "the current emotional situation/condition". Right now, people aren't too 'happy'. But really, no one is going to do anything until the season is over, or until we dip drastically under .500. Still.......... "Only time will tell"
  14. (actually, I just see it as a huge oppertunity for Herbie. I always see other school's mascots doing things, or on promos, or whatever. And this is the first time that I've actually seen Herbie Husker on a large national scale like the Capital One contest. Maybe that comes from being a Husker Rookie, but so be it.) Go Herbie, Go Huskers.
  15. I can't take anymore 7-6 wins. At least this is something I can........ influence..... (well, at least a little) heh heh heh.....
  16. 10 days, 0 hours, 41 mins, 0 secs until kickoff! It sure is a long while until ISU........ Oh well.
  17. It's amazing how many cliches can be placed on a team in such a unique situation as the Huskers. Or at least, unique to me. There were some pretty funny quotes from that article, but I decided at the last second not to point out any, because I think, really, I don't need to make fun of BC too much more. This is one of the most interesting and controversial 3-0's I;ve seen, though I;m pretty new to this all. But still... I guess what I really am looking forward to is the day when BC can make a press statement saying "Yeah, I really liked how our offense got to put a lot of points on the board, and sustained some key long drives. That was a big part of our win last Saturday". I know it will be a while, but it's like smelling the steak before you can see it, taste it. Mmm... It's not dinner time yet, I guess, but I'm still hungry. And BC&Co have the ingredients neccesary, in my opinion...
  18. 23013 Votes VS 23693 Votes Way to go, Husker Fans!
  19. Then again...... the west coast defense might need him more than the west coast offense at this point. Depending on just how good his hands are, that is. Maybe it should really be about where he can score the most points... hmm.....................
  20. Interesting thoughts, and I can agree with you on basically all that you say here. I think experience is our biggest hurdle, because not only are the players not there yet, but the coaches can tweak away, and figure out how to get the results that they want, or at least more so, over time. I think 4 is right on the money, too.
  21. Let's hope Baby Earl does grow up into a "big Earl" some day. The future looks good...
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