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  1. Thanks guys, Looks like the USC folk didnt want him to leave when he did... Landlord of Memorial Stadium No worries
  2. so he is a (have a job do only that job) kind of guy
  3. Looks like UGA is interested in Mike Ekeler. I dont know a lot about him. I did see where he was with the Huskers for a while Got any insight? And Congrats again on the Win
  4. Congrats Huskers lol and what is this
  5. Pretty sweet! We've had the commander of the sub come to Memorial Stadium for games from time to time. Last visit was probably in '09 or '10 though. Thanks to both of you guys for his service and both you sacrifices, hope he stays safe. We may have played ONE team more talented than us this year and that's a close one. It would have been UCLA though. I watched the UCLA game I was thinking to myself yep they got this one under control. Then Boom that bunch started going off I was having to give my husker buddy the updates while he was at work... finally he said just stop..
  6. There were enough injuries this year Obama almost claimed Athens as a disaster area
  7. Hey folks, What are the college powers that be trying to do Make a UGA Husker rivalry good to see we are both bowl bound regardless. Edit: My son will be on the USS NEBRASKA starting in late December. They call the sub Big Red
  8. I got to listen to my Husker buddy Curse like a champion during the game as well as me... this was one of the more entertaining games Ive watched... TM is a Man for sure... Great game and good luck to you all next year...
  9. there ya go... I have a buddy. Hes from Iowa and a die hard Husker... his take on TM is and I quote "every time he throws the damn ball it looks like hes having a stroke" havent watched him myself what is your take on Taylor also whats up with the My little pony stuff lol
  10. UGA fan? If so, let me be the first to congratulate you on a great win. You guys were (will be) the better team today (Jan 1st) well of course I hope we win but do look forward to a good game....
  11. hey trust me... we have been there.... but shokingly dawg nation is handling last night pretty well... it will pass and you guys will be talking smack to us within a day
  12. Im planning on going to the game with a Husker buddy I work with..(if his wife will give him a pass) I know both fanbases travel well... so I look forward to it.
  13. you guys have a mobile QB... that makes for headaches for us...
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