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The Scarlet Pimpernel

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Everything posted by The Scarlet Pimpernel

  1. We should seriously be winning this game. Love the fight.
  2. Martinez is giving his all, and that's all anyone can ask for.
  3. O-line and special teams. We've been saying it all season, and still no signs of improvement. Surely Frost realizes some changes need to be made?
  4. Anyone who watched the game knows it was much closer than the score indicates, no matter what the final is.
  5. I'm critical of Martinez at times, but there's no way you can pin this on him. He's left it all on the field.
  6. Sad that we played well enough to win in some phases, yet absolutely atrocious in others. Gotta get the little things in check before you can make big strides, and Frost still hasn't realized that.
  7. Say what you want, but Martinez has played as well as he possibly could today.
  8. They play sound, fundamental football and get the most out of their players.
  9. Won't happen. He never made any changes because Moos didn't make him, plus Covid gave everybody a pass. Alberts will.
  10. Johnson needs to realize that you can't run sideways against a team with speed like OU
  11. You can make mistakes like this against lesser opponents like Fordham and Buffalo and still come out on the winning side. But against legit opponents, you just can't do it. Just think of how many games have been single-digit losses during frost's tenure.
  12. One of Frost's biggest issues is that he's too loyal to his assistants. TA is going to force his hand though.
  13. Last week someone said Piper was the worst OL he'd ever seen. I didn't think much of it, but after today, I gotta agree.
  14. if this game doesn't convince Frost that we need a ST coach, nothing will.
  15. Is it really that difficult to find a decent PK? I don't mind using a scholarship spot if the guy is reliable. Aren't there any Browns left?
  16. yeah, the defense can only do so much before the Sooners impose their will and break them down.
  17. I don't blame the defense. They have played well enough to win. Our offensive scheme just isn't effective and needs a rehaul.
  18. Tulane put up 35 on OU, and we have 3? That tells me all I need to know about our offense.
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