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Everything posted by DefenderAO

  1. It may seem I am to you as you've likely been given likely new, and certainly contrarian views.
  2. You misrepresent a few things, but I appreciate the effort. - I'm in the thread as I have thoughts on gun control and, actually, had no idea what/where the thread was or the parties involved. It was hot on the active front page for top comments, and I jumped in to see where Husker fans stood on the matter. Quite eye-opening. Quite simple in explanation. - Mass shooters are all mentally ill. I'd be curious to meet folks on the other side of the fence and discuss (the some that don't believe this). - Moral decay is accepted, championed, and celebrated in the US. The US is in a steep moral decline, absolutely. - Moral decay of a group is comprised of morally broken people which come from both genders, any race, and any creed. - Moral relativism is a cause for the decay in the US. The very issue of moral relativism - my truth and your truth oppose. Who is right? "Just don't infringe or impede on my truth." Until ones truth does infringe...like one is a sociopath and decides truth is people need to die because of his/her pain. Example is too fringe? It's a. an example and b. certainly relevant What do you do with relativism and tolerance? "Everyone has his/her truth and we're tolerant of all." Until opposed and then it's name calling, contempt, veiled lures to try and fuel rage through COC etc. Small time stuff. I'd submit it makes it more difficult to not inevitably overlap on truth targets that move... Gun control, at its core, allows for conversation about a cause as, in itself, deals with an effect. My deeply-seated issue here is dealing with effects don't solve problems. They come back in a different way. People are the problem, not the tool.
  3. You read hypocrisy because you come from contempt. Early masquerading and then facade caved against a contrarian view. I haven't pulled punches and will return the invite for sharing your "truth" to me in its fullness. We've gone from cultist to fascist to...smh. If letting you know people need to belong and be loved, know it deeply, I can't help fuel your agenda in a different way. And I will not hide my stance that hopping genders is not the sustainable path to deep joy. Freedom can be scary. It isn't preserved through restricting the wrong target audience. Neither is safety preserved. First time in non football related anything on HB. Pretty simple. And I've become illumined to the perspectives of some members.
  4. I'm not in that camp. Cannot say I've been pleased with any options for a long time.
  5. I believe homosexuals are deeply loved and cared for beyond maybe what they even know...but would cherish to hear. I believe the same for heterosexuals. I believe sexual/gender actualization and realization does not yield true inner joy being sought by that individual. Maybe temporal happiness or reprieve from pain...but it's not sustaining. Santa was great until, as a two year old, I saw my grandfather through the costume and called him out. Not sure when he became fully fake, but grandpa needed to do better...
  6. Now what is the good answer to the good question?
  7. You're not grasping my point. I didn't say all dress up kids become mass shooters. I said all mass shooters are mentally ill. And some mass murders, who are all mentally ill, play dress up. Shooters from God-fearing homes with traditional values are mentally ill. No difference at the core and their depravity...it just manifested differently in what they wear, maybe whom they target, but still ends in tragedy. You shared your situation. I believe it has, like other in this thread, turned into a contempt now hard to veil. Use your words freely in what you feel. I feel no ill-will or emotion towards you outside of understanding where you're coming from to push your conversation points. I would not call the narcissistic Trump a flag bearer for a healthy position on these subjects.
  8. Agreed. Those cowards in Uvalde shouldn't have jobs and pensions would be wiped. What measure can be put in place to take 14 minutes down to negative three days?
  9. Did you read the study I presented you? I suspect you'd like any contrarian to stop posting. I appreciate the conversation and am not emotional or offended by what you bring. I'll stick.
  10. The irony of whom you're trying to out...
  11. You continue at the effects. I'll continue at the causes.
  12. It's been mentioned over the last few pages so I won't replay. My stance is there's a mental illness problem in the US as well as a cultural issue. Both are leading to gun violence. You then have action complexity as you try to preserve freedom, enhance safety, protect a Constitution, and propose/execute truly differentiated measures. That's the framing above. It simply isn't easy in any facet.
  13. If it was clear I believe it would have been credibly represented. Dress up and shootings have no direct corollary. Mentally ill and shootings are not 1:1. Shootings and mentally ill are 1:1. And sometimes the mentally ill play dress up and have gender dysphoria.
  14. Nope. I took you down a realistic path that could stop something today...and infringe personal liberties. Responding that we need to "take the guns" is not realistic and too apathetic in dealing with a REAL issue I linked in this thread. You're okay with leaving their personal liberties in tact until they do something. Well, then I ask why you want to restrict good and more sound-minded people who are not posing any threat to anyone, and will never do so. This point cannot be overstated. There have been 13.2 trillion people-days for a an adult in the US to commit a mass shooting in 2023, to date. We want to concern ourselves of the freedom sociopaths online have when waiving guns and threatening violence. Fair. Then afford the same for people of good repute.
  15. I addressed it one page earlier: QUOTE Your proposal doesn't save lives. It allows for funerals. And now that we've walked down this exercise, I would not indefinitely detain. I proposed a hyperbolic, yet realistic personal-infringement option that was proactive. I, for one, value freedom as much as safety. Freedom allows many to protect (keep safe) the weak or innocent as evil will always exist. Some version of Minority Report is wrought with wrong and risk. Conversely, we're sitting today with "monitored" sociopathic time bombs awaiting to erupt. END QUOTE
  16. I posted a direct study on suicide rates from already-transitioned people after you posted your feelings that, once transitioned, they're now better. There is still a root issue the transitioning is not solving. The standing answer is scrolled down the main HB page and saw post activity on a topic I've thought through - Gun Control. I've discussed the topic on other boards with similar vehemence and disgust to the depraved shooters.
  17. Yes. We are seeing this happen here too. It's sad that freedom is trampled in the names of safety, global warming [/strikethrough] Climate Change, insert here. Do you think massive armament of citizens could've changed the Holocaust? Or are we dismissing it as irrelevant to today?
  18. Things you don't like are not lazy. Just say you disagree. Moral relativism absolutely lends itself to what we see today.
  19. Understand causality please. Dress up doesn't make a mass shooter. All mass shooters are sociopaths. In the latest, was/were identifier was a sociopathic shooter who was also a transgender. For the best opportunity to defend good and innocents as currently allowed. Why do you want to restrict good people from the best capability to defend life? What is your next slippery slope argument if a sociopath kills eight with a 10 round magazine? You know reloads take about 2-3 seconds, max?
  20. The bastion of freedom New Zealand. Where former PM Jacinda Ardern compared free speech to Weapons of War: "In Fact, Evil." Your prison island examples are only reminders of the projection to the concept of "fascism." https://www.foxnews.com/video/6312993723112 During COV19 Australians were being arrested and removed from homes for "violating quarantine." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-53903498 Take your knee, citizens, or else: https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/hundreds-arrested-fined-during-australia-lockdown-protests-1.5556110
  21. Highlight the lazy, name calling petulance in what was written.
  22. So you're getting all the guns by tomorrow, allowing (scrutinizing, okay with, celebrating?) the mentally ill sociopaths to post threats on social media, and willing to wait for the next tragedy, passively (as your proposal is doing zero in near and mid terms), which will give more fuel for your anger-filled arguments on a football board? And then still, the sociopaths still remain ill. Your argument is akin to believing if you legalize drugs the cartels go away. Cartels find a new way because of who they are (drugs are what they do/use), and sociopaths will find a means to realize their depravity into pain and suffering.
  23. I posted the screen cap pages back. The HB limit to 2 bytes size for such things (now?) prevents supportive posts like that for some reason. It was a 13 year old kid in drag dancing around a stage with grown men clapping and cheering. Pure filth.
  24. Your proposal doesn't save lives. It allows for funerals. And now that we've walked down this exercise, I would not indefinitely detain. I proposed a hyperbolic, yet realistic personal-infringement option that was proactive. I, for one, value freedom as much as safety. Freedom allows many to protect (keep safe) the weak or innocent as evil will always exist. Some version of Minority Report is wrought with wrong and risk. Conversely, we're sitting today with "monitored" sociopathic time bombs awaiting to erupt.
  25. I have not studied the current wellness curriculum to intelligibly poke holes. It clearly isn't working. I will say what has become normal now was once greatly shunned. Books in Junior High libraries about sexuality, men throwing money at children dances on stages. It's vile. And too widely accepted. Tantamount, the cultural issues we have in this country are a real problem. They lead to more gun violence than mass shootings. It's fueled by current policies of dependence on .gov and a complete failure to empower. There have been 13.2 trillion (150 million * 88 days) people-day opportunities, this calendar year to date, for someone 20-54 to go on a mass shooting spree. Who are we limiting future sales and transfers for?
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