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Everything posted by DefenderAO

  1. I think you nailed much of this one. Thank you for the thoughtful and honest response.
  2. I've thought about my position and know emotions can betray and lead to poor conclusions, especially when it's a contempt-fueled baseline. I am okay with only one loss of life in the recent tragedy. Was/were's death came too many victims too late. And the system failed her prior to her relativistic truth being people needed to suffer for her own internal pain.
  3. I choose to look are the the bigger picture of the human condition and the actions/choices from it. On the other side, are we to assume you carry grace and kindness for people who believe differently than you…especially relevant as the victims here were attending a Christian school? What are your thoughts on the shooter?
  4. First time visiting the gun control thread or even being outside a football-related forum. The contemptuous, emotional speaking and free falls are surprising and enlightening. To interrupt the spiral, the CS shooter is as abhorrent and reprehensible as the latest shooter. Here is the list of mass shooters who are not bereft of moral decency: -start- -end-
  5. Registration is just deferred confiscation efforts to punish people who never even think of committing a crime. The 99.9999% who aren’t part of a broken culture or deeply mentally disturbed. As to a background check, it sounds like the system already failed as there were health concerns existent. What’s the additive check doing to mitigate more?
  6. That’s two cults you’ve put me in. It’s more of a contempt issue from you than anything to do with a cult. In reality, evil exists. It hates anything of good. Like darkness hates light. Guns are not the issue. It’s an evil, moral and mental illness problem. If the police were there earlier there might’ve been just one loss of life. The shooter’s. But when seconds matter, the police are just minutes away. Now, that wicked shooter can self identify as was/were as parents, and a community, grieve.
  7. I’d suspect some folks throughout history, namely ones put in ovens and gas chambers, would carry a different perspective. Defend what is good and the innocent from the deeply disturbed who don’t value life.
  8. The mentally ill should be exempt.
  9. If there is a viable proposal, it should be considered. If it 's just an emotionally reflexive response pandering to a voter base, with no credence or credibility, it's a waste. What proposal would save lives, cause non law abiding people to abide by the law, and keep law abiding citizens free from purchase or ownership encumbrance, while also future-proofing for any overreach?
  10. Yes, and when not cherry-picked, the context is the gender dysphoria manifests from a broken person. Mass shootings manifest from completely broken, ill people. Dealing with effects will not solve the problem. And, astoundingly, it's now promoted, championed, supported, and funded in our society as the cure for despondence.
  11. And here's the root of your contempt. The gun was used in a horrific event. The tool was used by a depraved person to murder innocent children. I can't imagine. I have four boys I'm raising and love with all my heart. I simply cannot imagine.
  12. An emotional stretch with little pragmatism. I suspect you don''t need a list of everything I consider vile in this thread. But you do want a rant vilifying pedophiliac priests (all pedophilia is despicable...why just single out Catholics?) in a gun control thread where the most recent shooter is a mentally ill person, which, in this case, manifested in gender dysphoria, who shot children at a Christian school? EDIT: I've never frequented the non-football areas of this site. I expected much differently but am grateful to see members outside of that context posting. Very enlightening.
  13. If reasonable means saving lives and not punishing good people, certainly let's talk. You think there are no gun laws? Really?
  14. I've never seen a gun kill anyone. Obese people - person's fault, not spoon. DWI car wreck - person's fault, not car. Shooting - take the guns.
  15. The pedophile priests are despicable. They didn't shoot anyone so not sure the translation to a gun control thread. Abstaining from an active shoot doesn't make them less abhorrent in their deviance. As a relativist I believe you might be, understand my truth is American gun owners are not evil, or a cult, as the vast vast vast majority never use them for anything nefarious at all.
  16. I like this last point too. Make the punishment terrible.
  17. I suspect you want me to be fixated on that as it gives an easier lane to show contempt or dismissiveness. I'm more worried about the mental and moral issues that lend themselves to these types of horrific events.
  18. You butchered the context of the quote. You have my commitment I'll continue to abhor evil.
  19. With more thought, the shooter was mentally and morally ill. It manifested in gender confusion. According to some, this person transitioning allowed for the fullest she could become...happy and joyful. However, this was not the yield. This person was not well and the system failed her on multiple fronts. And children at a Christian school were murdered.
  20. Pulling bad fruit off a bad tree is vanity. People that become mass shooters are not well. The shootings manifest from sickness. Deal with the tree and you have a chance at good fruit.
  21. What's the list of the mentally ill doing these shootings? The killings animate from an unwell person.
  22. Tackling everything serially, when there is so much involved with mental health, seems unwise. Quite shocking we're good with tabling kids and drag. Unreal, really.
  23. I'd prefer 0 but less than I thought. Now let's get the adults attending kid drag shows while the latter dance on stage to be cheered on by the former down to zero. It's quite broken.
  24. All good. I do appreciate the conversation. Have a good night.
  25. Silly to you. Not to many others. I hunt as well. Low velocity guns only would be an issue. You mean low capacity?
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