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Everything posted by MNBigRedNorth

  1. People that stay in the old news paradigm that true journalism, that existed many years ago is still here today really need to re-think this. News networks today are owned by company's that push one narrative or another in order to best serve that multinational company than actually proved facts that are unbiased and totally true. We don't live in that era today Also by your statement are you saying that you don't like me here because I don't take your view of things? I'm sorry if people feel that way. When talking politics not every thing can be agreed on. When one's view is right to that person no matter what is placed in front of them, it tough to accept. I do accept that there are many people out there that do not like what is happening to their ideas, but I guess some people just don't want the distending view to not be heard. Sorry if my view upsets people. I certainly do not mean to attack any person, but the idea that there is only one view that should be acceptable is just dead wrong! This is America were right of free expression should never be suppressed. If people don't like this thread, they have a choice to not get involved. I have nothing more to say on the actual DOG Russian Mueller thread, so I'm not going to that thread to post any longer. Other people still feel the need to go there, that's fine with me. Bash me all you want there. So many times, people come out an actually use my name here when posting. Is that targeting me? And is that right by the rules here. Hey when I got here, I went off the deep end with what I saw. I have restrained my self and I do understand many just have a different take on things based on evidence people use that comes from sources that I feel are totally biased and based on no actual facts. Sure this is my opinion, but many of you want me to prove an opinion. Is there a different standard for me because I see things differently? I'll quit with my statement, because I most likely will get no answers. I'm 62 years old, and have been following politics since 1973 when I attended Boys State with my best friends who I also achieved the Eagle Scout rank in the Boys Scout with. I care about our country dearly, and am really sad what the left has done to her!
  2. You want me to read excerpts from the report that are basically written by the 12 angry Clinton lawyers and supporters that Mueller assembled to investigate this hoax and then write a report? Really? This goes to show what you're saying is factual is in fact not factual. There is no way that those excerpts that were written with all the editorializing these lawyers have done is worth anything more than paper for the outhouse!
  3. And almost everyone here states their opinion and those of sites that put out unproven talking points, yet provide absolutely NO proof. Two proof that everyone knows is that there was no collusion and there is no basis to charge obstruction, no matter how you CHOOSE to read the report that is filled with language that was written that not even the investigators have proof of. Really all chaffee at this point. There will be no impeachment. End of story on that, but the conduct and illegal acts of the investigators have Bill Barr to answer to now.
  4. Barr should go after media lies also. https://nypost.com/2019/04/19/top-10-things-the-media-got-wrong-about-collusion-and-obstruction/
  5. Here is a view that many here will laugh at! https://pjmedia.com/trending/forget-trump-here-are-five-reasons-why-obama-should-have-been-impeached/ With Bill Barr in the DOJ, these things are going to be investigated for the FIRST time! Oh the left will be threatening to impeach President Trump (over the public complaints the President made and editorialized parts of the Mueller report written by 12 angry Hillary Clinton/DNC attorney's that are biased as h*ll), but it will never happen, because the Senate will not convict and because parties that impeach generally lose the next election and Trumps approval ratings are just too high. At this point with the do nothing House of Reps. getting zero done on anything, they are going to lose the House and Trump will win re-election in a landslide! President Trump has totally unclothed who the Democrats really are with all their radical stuff out in the open now for the American Public to see and judge for them self and not by words of the forked tongue of a democrat.
  6. You know that most of the programming on all 27/7 news programs are opinion based, other that their actual news segments. Your right that afternoon group are terrible in my view, but it shows Fox is fair and balanced offer both sides their programming. I don't see one thing on MSNBC or CNN that would even come close to me going to a dark side channel to view anything. They are pure propaganda 24/7.
  7. I don't know what the laws were at that time(In the late 1990's), but I do know that the laws were changed around 2002 or so. Here is a link https://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frcp/rule_5.2
  8. I won't be posting much the rest of the day. Hope you all have a wonderful Easter Sunday, celebrating the risen Lord who gave his life for us all. Have a blessed day. Politics can wait for another time.
  9. You tell me? It's your people that want it so they can leak stuff that by law is not public info.
  10. https://radio.foxnews.com/2019/04/19/john-dowd-rod-rosenstein-has-to-answer-for-appointing-robert-mueller-as-special-council/ Rosenstein has some explaining to do. He's nothing more than a deepstate operative. Barr has him on his list.
  11. You do understand that giving it to them is against the law? But I know laws don't apply to lawless leftist!
  12. This is what people get by following the MSM/MEDIA MATTERS 4 am narrative of the day.
  13. https://twitter.com/RepDougCollins/status/1119345444759527424?s=19. They won't even look at the unredacted copy made available to them.
  14. Why is it that Iowa can do this to about any Nebraska Team. Do our guys just shut it down when they play Iowa or what! We should be walking all over Iowa and treating them like Rutgers.
  15. Rosenstein might be in hot water also! Bill Barr has been handed a full plate of corruption that was committed by left overs from the Obama Administration that wanted Trumps head on a platter! https://davidharrisjr.com/politics/breaking-rosenstein-threatened-republicans-kept-investigating-fbi-doj-video/
  16. Then there are all the Criminal Referrals that Bill Barr has to look into! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/03/new-reps-meadows-and-jordan-send-letter-to-ag-bill-barr-requesting-update-on-dojs-investigation-and-prosecution-of-andrew-mccabe/
  17. I hope Jail Time Bill Barr looks into this item also! https://lawandcrime.com/video/doj-blocked-fbi-investigation-into-potential-public-corruption-at-clinton-foundation/ The Clinton's are are hideously corrupt.
  18. Just your opinion due to your belief in the everything the FAKE NEWS MSM/MEDIA MATTERS talking points of the day with absolutely no facts to support. If there was ever anything to get President Trump on they would have done it a long time ago. Just admit it, you just don't like him or the way he goes about calling out the left for their deceit and lies and the fact the he won. 2020 is going to really hurt you when he wins by and even larger margin! But go ahead a keep up the whine feast, if that's what you have to do! The Wall is going up!
  19. The whole reason for the probe was an attempt to drive President Trump poll numbers down an have him resign like Nixon did and when it did work they had to write the smear report on obstruction in which there was no obstruction. He just didn't cross that red line. Go ahead a fall for it since YOU WANT TO BELIEVE IT!
  20. Now that the Special Council's report has totally exonerated President Trump from ANY Russian Collusion and also found that there was no Obstruction of Justice we need to move on to what is next. Bill Barr is totally spot on with his moving to assemble a team of investigators to get to the bottom of why this investigation was even started. Here are a few link to articles related to all of this. https://flagandcross.com/breaking-bill-barr-assembles-team-to-investigate-counterintel-probe-into-trump-campaign/ https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/438800-william-barr-is-right-to-investigate-fbi-actions-during-2016-campaign https://davidharrisjr.com/politics/fantastic-ag-barr-assembles-team-to-investigate-fbi/ https://www.businessinsider.com/william-barr-doj-fbi-bias-misconduct-trump-report-2019-4 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/03/nunes-house-intel-will-make-criminal-referrals-to-ag-barr-on-fbi-doj-officials-who-perpetrated-this-hoax/ I encourage everyone to look at all of this with an OPEN mind! Using the MEDIA MATTERS related and supported MSM to get ANY information about this new investigation will not give you the full story. MEDIA MATTERS is nothing more than the DEEP STATE controlling and forming the talking points of the day in an attempt to control those that religiously follow the MSM. These people are not there for you, they are there to benefit the deep state globalist! There are people in the FBI, DOJ, & CIA that wanted our President overthrown. This should never ever happen to ANY sitting POTUS again. There was never any creditable information to even get a FISA warrant and as soon as President Trump declassifies this FISA Warrant Application all of us will see it for our selves. This goes to the highest levels of our government. All the way to Obama approving and maybe even requesting it. Obviously time will tell. It is high time that the people who planned and started this whole hoax be brought to justice, and that is what over 70% of the American people want after stating in a poll that they believe President Trump didn't collude with the Russians. This a thread about investigating the corrupt investigators!
  21. Not really. The report speaks for itself and there is no collusion and NO OBSTRUCTION. Get over it! We all need to move on! Don't even ask me to discuss. There is nothing to discus! This is my last post in this dead thread, since it is all over!
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