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Everything posted by MNBigRedNorth

  1. Here are the stats and where this came from: https://www.statista.com/chart/14636/defense-expenditures-of-nato-countries/ Now does this look equitable?
  2. Do you think we should be the only one to fund NATO? NATO has been a joke for years and all they do is spend spend OUR MONEY! Those SOCIALIST Nations just trying to tear our country down DOLLAR BY DOLLAR. By the way the NATO top dog just testified before congress. Check this out. https://video.foxnews.com/v/6022122128001/#sp=show-clips
  3. Hey thanks for the comment, I really didn't mean to single you out and sorry for the long rant I had. Sometimes I just have to tell how I feel about things from my perspective. I'm not the kind of person that just says stuff to say it without some deep thought. Politics has been a hobby of mine since being selected to go to Boys State in the summer of 1974. At that time, I voted for Jimmy Carter the first time I could vote in the elections of 1976. I had high hopes for him with what happened with Watergate, but now in retrospect (concerning Watergate) what t I know happened, it makes me mad at both sides of that deal. Sometimes people that talk politics lose is that we as posters have much more in common than we realize. For the life of it, I knew the second President Trump was elected, the old school Washington people would be out to get him. They absolutely did not want an outsider in power in the White House. For that reason alone it has always pissed me off what the left and MSM has done on a minute to minute basis 24 hours a day, 7 days a week since that election. I see so much good happening now and yet all we ever hear is Russia Russia Russia, Collusion Collusion Collusion. Once this is over with and I have a very high degree of confidence nothing will ever be found that constitutes what they set out to find, will people even except the results, when it's not what they want. I think sometimes certain people have over wished what reality really is. I've already said to myself, I would accept what ever the outcome is, but will the other side? By the way that's the first I've heard Bracky! Hey all is well.
  4. That's your opinion, not mine. He's been for tougher on Russian than Obama ever was. Sure at the beginning he eased sanctions to send an olive branch, but as soon as Russia crossed the line the slapped back immediately. How many of their embassies and Russian Nationals did he send home and also attempting to take gas business away from Russia and hit them in the pocket book which is far worse than sanctions most of the time. When did any president ever do that? Tell the whole story, not just the one from the first month of two!
  5. Well when you guys start cherry picking words and comments to fit your beliefs, why should I even discuss it with you? You've made your mind up, and all you want is to corner me with those cherry picked words. I think it's best to wait and see what the report says, with an open mind.
  6. You call it a lie? Come on, when people are on the campaign trail lot of things are said, just like the crap Obama said. But I guess you have to take your shot, because gosh dang it Trump is so evil and we need to have him gone. We need some one that's going to fall in line and be just like all the other do nothing President's and are controlled by everyone but the American people! I also get a kick out of people from Nebraska use the word Minny or Twinkie when talk to people from Minnesota. Listen my roots are down there and my own brother does the same thing to me. And hey, I really wish I could could talk face to face with many poster here. Many times people talking over these board spout out more than they need too. Posting boards posters can be quite gruesome on one another. Hey after reading some of the stuff I saw for a few days a month or so ago, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. But hey, it's only your opinion, I get it, but I felt a need to get involved in the conversation here to give you all a bit of the other side. Sorry if I have ever offended anyone, you have your right to your view. I only ask that people look at the other side of things. President Trump didn't have to run for office. He's a billionaire and could have just stayed doing what he was doing and made far more money than what he's doing now. Their is no reason that he would have had to collude with Russia. In fact Russia would have been far better off without Trump in office. Hillary and Bill loved Russia. Bill spoke over there many times and Hillary made sure that the Uranium One deal went through. On the other hand Trump has been an Iron fist toward them. Sure he had a one on one with Putin. I wish I would have been a mouse in the corner when that meeting occurred. What was it about? Only Trump and Putin know. I know that bugs the heck out of the anti Trump mob, but I don't think it was too favorable for Putin, and at best they might have come to an agreement how to handle the mess in Syria! Sure what I'm saying is just speculation, but this is how most of Americans feel. Sorry, but I think a lot of what is said here many times is pretty far fetched, and as you most likely think the same of what I say. Oh well, these comments were sure all over the place and was not intend to be directed at anyone person or the board.
  7. If you take a look and the post just before your last one, I corrected myself!
  8. Well wouldn't you? If you were in his shoes and the wiki leaks things was happening to your benefit, wouldn't you go along for a ride to your benefit. My gosh I'm amazed with the fishing expedition that are happening. Just shows the left is seriously getting nervous and much more will be coming out. I'm looking for some false flag stuff to happen so the press doesn't have to report on what Barr will be doing and what he finds.
  9. Sorry, my bad. It is not in effect yet. All 3 countries have to ratify. But the will be. This is an Opinion piece from Fox. Sure an opinion, but one I can support. Trump said he would get Mexico to pay for the wall, but he didn't say they would pay first. That would mean waiting 3-4 years and allowing 2-3 Million more people to cross the boarder illegally. I fully support the wall going up now and getting paid later. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/mexico-will-pay-for-a-wall-trump-is-right
  10. Your talk now means absolutely nothing. Can you guys what until Barr releases the report. And remember he is not going to break the law and release what he legally can't. Can't wait for President Trump to declassify the whole FISA load of crap too! Don't you want to know who and why someone was spying on President Trumps campaign team?
  11. It will be after President Trump wins in a landslide election and takes the house back. It is in effect now though as we speak! His executive order is in effect as long as he is in office.
  12. Quite honestly, I'm sorry if I missed something that you were looking for a response from me. During my work day I have a few windows of opportunity from time to time see what's going on. I seem to be one of the very few people here that has the views I have. For that reason I'm a one man army up against 7-8 other posters wanting me to respond. Now that is not an excuse, just what has happened. PM me with what I missed, and I'll answer it in the open forum here. Sorry. Also I understand your point on devils advocate, have used in the past, not much here though!
  13. I sure do and Mexico is paying for it with the favorable new North American Trade Agreement which benefiting us all and creating much more tax revenue and jobs with business returning to our country. Oh and by the way I also remember the term "You can Keep Your Doctor and Your Healthcare Plan". How'd that work out for the American people.
  14. Because the whole Trump/Russia CLAIM is nothing more than a set up to take him down by people who don't like him. As soon as he joked about having Putin look to find where the 30,000 Hillary Emails were, this whole story started. They conveniently used the United States Government and our spying apparatus to benefit the candidate of their choice, and when that candidate lost the big cover up/scheme started in a failed attempt to take down a sitting POTUS. This is all pretty simple common sense stuff, and if people are not seeing it's simply because they WANT to believe that President Trump is BAD. I could see this all happening before he was even elected, and also feared for the mans life because he won and new the big players wanted him gone any way they could achieve it. Most of the information I have suspected for a long time was blocked from coming out because the Mueller Investigation and threats of Obstruction. Now that it is over, everything can come out, and your just now starting to see this happen. The tables have been turned and eventually the whole FISA Court application and process to spy on Trump will be made public. Very interesting days are coming. Strap in for some stuff that will surprise many.
  15. Well then tell if that can't prove one thing that they say, and it's not a fact, what the heck is it. To me it's a lie. A dreamed up story told over and over is not a fact!
  16. Make no mistake this thing goes all the way to Obama!
  17. My exact point, we do have our own opinions views, and I respect that you do too.
  18. Just what I expected! You didn't get it. In general when people are so resolved that they are right, they never see how wrong they are, because they don't allow the fact that they might be wrong to enter their mind!
  19. Why can't the left and anti Trump just admit that they DON'T like the fact that Trump fights back and defends himself robustly. Any conservative in the past always just shut their mouth and got bitch slap by the left time after, all while the radicals pushed their leftist agenda with the MSM complicit to max. I'm so proud of POTUS Donald Trump for standing up for himself and the American Public the way he has. If this bothers people, too bad. He has done more to help the left define themselves to American Public than anyone ever has. They now are all pushing full blown Socialism, which many Conservatives knew they have been for over 20 years when the Clinton's attempt to reform Health Care in 90's. There is no way President Trump is going to change, and I hope he never does. By the way Notre Dame Joe's comments were spot on! The only snow flaking is by the left and their poor feeling. I live for 8 years with the obi-nation of having OBAMA screw this country over. President it teaching conservatives how to fight using the same methods the left has use for generations.
  20. Has anyone heard how court turned out for Mo Washington today?
  21. He falsely claimed that the Mueller report had found “no obstruction.” While the four-page letter released by Barr said the special counsel did not find a criminal conspiracy between Russia and Trump associates around the time of the 2016 election, it also said Mueller had presented evidence on both sides of the obstruction question and ultimately did not reach a conclusion on it. This paragraph from the article is pure opinion from my point of view, since it is impossible for a sitting POTUS any POTUS even Obama to commit obstruction. He is the ultimate authority and can stop any investigation. Also if Mueller couldn't reach a conclusion, it's not to say that obstruction could be done by a POTUS. Mueller did that specifically to allow the left some bait to say there might be obstruction. We will soon see the report and that little tidbit will go up in smoke too! That paragraph is junk, other than that the article was fine. Mueller must have been just fine with what Barr reported in those four pages, or he would have been in the press complaining by now and there isn't an MSM outlet that wouldn't report it. Just more dreaming! Hey I'm out here until tomorrow! Later!
  22. Talk about tribal!! You might want to look in the mirror!
  23. Well just like a true leftist you take your opinion and run with it. They are all liberal to me no matter what. So our opinions don't match, WOW!!! Why don't you prove with evidence that they are what you say they are. Heck your the one worried about it not me!
  24. I'll reply with this article: Now you have to read it. No matter what you say there are facts in it and some common sense. The video is of testimony today by AG Barr in congress from PBS! https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2019/04/10/ag-william-barr-yes-i-think-spying-did-occur-on-trump-campaign-video-and-transcript/
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