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Everything posted by MNBigRedNorth

  1. On many things yes, because most leftist articles follow they same format and just rehash old stuff (really nothing to see). Oh and by the way I said the left needs to open their eyes. You have asked me to show how what I was say was a fact and to show some proof, with some links, yet I see none from you showing what you are saying be fact! What are your sources. That is a tough thing to do for the left today or anyone because we are a divided nation all brought on by the extremely wealthy in their attempts to control us. They have no proof and only drummed up ideas that the MSM has pound so hard that people now think they are facts. I really feel for you folk that feel for this conspiracy by Obama's people to take down President Trump. I hear that Attorney General Barr has opened an investigation into Obama now and his dealings in this whole affair and also that he has opened an investigation into the FBI agents that started this whole thing. This thing is not going to end well for the left and their Treasonous act against a sitting POTUS!
  2. I look at what they left is saying. I also look from time to time at the Washington Post, who I allow to email their headlines, and I also have MSN as my home page on the computer. I see the crap, why do you think I get worked up about it. I also see things they say and they have no proof. Does CNN with their ribbon message on the bottom of the screen continually running trash that Trump Colluded with no facts backing it up, make it a fact. I don't think so and they did this for TWO YEARS! How wrong they have been, but people are still watching them, because they WON"T IT TO BE TRUE. Still doesn't make it at fact!
  3. Well those are some real bias deep in the woods leftist organization there. But that's what your looking for that's fine. That is my opinion, and take for that. I will say, I do not watch any Network news or shows at night. I will watch some Fox and Friends in the morning for 30-45 minutes and maybe once in a great while will listen to Rush (Obvious Opinion Based) but do like to hear his take on things, mostly because he and I think alike. So because of that, I don't feel this great urge to listen that much. One thing people don't realize is that most of the media today is owned by super huge corporations that want to effect the world to their benefit. Do a little research and look who owns the NY Times, The Washington Post, CNN, NBC, ABC. They all are looking to better position their parent company. All those networks lose money, what other reason do they have to own them.
  4. Yes the left does beat a ton of dead horse. Really not fair for the horse!
  5. Sorry, but he video link I provided for the election model was incorrect. Here view this. His model has been right since 1952 and predicted both of Obama's election wins. http://trendmacro.com/videos/trendmacros-2020-election-model
  6. Christ Wallace - Democrat https://heavy.com/news/2016/10/chris-wallace-political-views-opinions-party-registration-republican-or-democrat-donald-trump-hillary-clinton-debate-moderator/ Shep Smith - Democrat https://www.answers.com/Q/Is_Shepard_Smith_of_FOX_News_a_Democrat_or_Republican Brett Baier - Independent https://dailycaller.com/2014/06/24/bret-baier-i-dont-really-think-about-myself-as-a-political-thing/ So I'm not 100% right, but I knew he wasn't a Conservative Republican. My personal view of people who are independent says that if they are talking politics and they won't commit to one side other or the other, that they are liberal. No truly conservative person could take that stance.
  7. Well, I'll tell you I think CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSMBC, New York Times and Washington Post are ALL propaganda doing the dirty work of the DNC and Uni-party! So you believe what you want to believe and I'll do the same. You see I'm not afraid to tell you my sources since I trust them. You still haven't listed your 5 most trusted sites for me to see how you form your opinions!
  8. Because it is so obvious and the blindness that the left has to it is remarkable! But then again I have to remember who the left is and then I understand.
  9. The I only bring them up due to the hypocrisy that the left has displayed and the two sets of rules that they use!
  10. So in effect your asking the Attorney General to break the law and just turn it over, grand jury testimony and all. You know it's against the law for any grand jury testimony to be release and made public right? Does the law mean any thing? But then that doesn't fit the left's narrative, so to heck with the law, it doesn't apply. I have no problem what so ever with releasing the whole thing un-redacted. But then again the left knows it can't be released, so they come up with this, "he has to release it all" when they already know he can't, just make it look like he is hiding something. Nice try, but it's not working. Again people getting played by the politicians they chose to support. Also your little article your reference is nothing not already known and is just the recycling of an old story that never had any legs to begin with, all for the purpose of have something negative to direct the people who dwell on seeing our wonderful and great POTUS go down at a time when some very bad things will begin happening to the people who conspired to take down a duly elected President of the United States of America.
  11. I could ask you the same thing. I fact I will. Are you trolling me with your claims? Just because what I say doesn't match what FAKE News MSM says doesn't mean it's not true. But go ahead believe what you want! One thing I know is that MSM FAKE NEWS deceives people daily to fit the narrative of the day of which the talking points of the day are released at 4 AM each morning by the New York Times and Washington Post when they go to press. Until people accept the fact that they are being manipulated there will be this type of division which is exactly what the Uni-party/Deep state wants. Divided we as a nation and people are weaker and thus we are easier for them to control!
  12. What I brought up about Obama is not fallacy. It is factual and was seen by all. Sure Obama not POTUS now, (thank god that debacle is over) but he was and this event DID occur. Now as for your political beliefs, you are free to be who you are as we all are. Good luck with your journey in politics. Always remember to be careful what you write and say xomething political in nature, because doing so says something about your politics. So you have to be something. I'm curious if you would feel comfortable sharing some of your political beliefs and not necessarily about politicians.
  13. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2016/02/25/the-uniparty-vs-candidate-donald-trump/ https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2019/02/26/speaker-pelosi-leads-uniparty-toward-vote-revoking-presidential-border-emergency-declaration/ http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3401934/posts You can take any way you want, but this is what I'm talking about with the uniparty!
  14. So now people are convicting a president because they think it was possible. Tell that to Obama who told the Russians to tell Putin on a hot mic that he'd have more flexibility after his second election. What was he colluding with Putin about? Was it possible? No investigation! Wow! But I guess since it was Obama it was all okay!
  15. I will start off by asking you to do the same. I'm sure you know your alphabets. Here are some of mine: Tom Fitton with Judicial Watch judicialwatch.org Sara Carter Saraacarter.com Conservative Treehouse All Sundance articles Conservative https://theconservativetreehouse.com/ John Solomon - John Solomon Reports Most articles are on the Hill https://muckrack.com/john-solomon Alex Salvi - OAN One American News Network OANN.com Bad Blue Uncensored News Simular to Drudge Report www.BadBlue.com What Finger Another Drudge type site post article from outside sources. www.whatfinger.com Oh there are more. I also follow many things on twitter to many to list. I also read headlines from Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC to see what they are saying. Usually can't get by a sentence or two because of all the out and out lines they spew that they will never be called on and the koolaid drinkers take as facts. But you go ahead and stay with the sites that fit your needs. I look at many things and make my own judgement in the end as to what is believable and not! Common sense I call it! And if you think Trump won't get re-elected, go and listen to this video. www.trendmacro.com/videos/trendmacros-2020 And this is nonpartisan!
  16. All deepstate, Uniparty, old world order types that want nothing to do with President Trump and his willingness to give the power back to the people and away from Uniparty! I guess some people like the old world order uniparty to stay in control!
  17. Why would I do that? Here are a few more Democrats on Fox. Alan Dershowitz, Bob Beckle, Al Sharpton, Dennis Kucinich, and Julie Rogensky
  18. One little tidbit for you to ponder. Do you think the issues listed above have actually been investigated by the DOJ, or FBI or any other agency under Obama's own watch? I don't. Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch blocked everything they did from being investigated, and even allowed Hillary to walk on missing emails. But the items concerning Trump have been investigated by the DOJ prior to Trumps Presidency and while in office by a special prosecutor (Mueller and his 13-14 Clinton buddy lawyers working for him) that were all nice an cozy with all those involved with the FBI, DOJ, and CIA including Clapper and Brennan who were hold overs from the Obama Administration that hadn't been replaced yet. I might also ad the gun running of Fast and Furious under Eric Holder. So you're not comparing Apples to Apples, from the way I view it.
  19. Do you think there are some laws that effect what can and can not be release? Funny how laws work. When they benefit the left they are all for them and when they hinder the left, they need to go!! Just like this tax returns. They are his private documents and no one other than the IRS has a right to see them. It's comical how a couple of tweets get peoples hopes up, but people should realize they MSM folks are continuing their lies. I feel sorry for people that fall for the lies because it is their prayer for something/anything bad they can get on President Trump. I love the fact that he fights these lies each and every day. After almost 3 years, they still have nothing, but they know there is something out there. Give the country a break from all this insane drama and let the man govern as he was ELECTED to do!
  20. I guess I should be more clear, since things I write peoples get their imaginations going. Oh their are others on Fox that have a very liberal bias also. They just hired Donna Brazile past DNC Chair, they already have Sheppard Smith, Bret Baier, Chris Wallace and Juan Williams all Democrat liberals. You assume they are conservative, but they are not! Also not all Conservatives are good people and are just in it because they lust for power like those on the left that do the same. People need to get out of the old right/left paradigm. The right and left are playing the same game here and people refuse to open their eyes to it. I know I'm fighting an up hill battle with people when they can't see what the uniparty is. The right and the left (the Uniparty) loves the old way of doing things. They trade off power and the right always caves to left and the agenda moves farther and farther left. This is the swamp and it is the Uniparty Swamp that wants Trump gone, because he wants to return the power to the people from the swamp. Funny how today the latest polling shows President Trump with a 53% approval in-spite of what all the uniparty and MSM media conspiracy has done in their attempt to over thrown him. The swamp is losing. Do people really want to be part of the swamp? Now to get your question answered. l No not everything that comes from conservatives is right. Any sane person would agree with that what is right is at true mixture of Conservative, Middle and Liberal ideas. For instance I believe in helping people of need. This is a plank of liberalism and one I truly like. But I also believe in helping by giving a hand up so those people that need help can eventually help them self. This latter statement is one that just makes sense and is neither liberal or conservative. The truly liberal take would be to continually give the hand out, with no end in sight, thus controlling the person and hoping to get their vote for receiving the no questions asked handout. The conservative might say you get one month of help and by then you have to have a job because the help will be gone. I know you can't do that, because we are dealing with human beings and everyone is different. That would be a bad conservative idea!
  21. I do feel sorry for the left. They have been completely conditioned and tooled to believe just about anything their chosen masters say! I'm not fearful now, only when a leftist socialist is selling our country down the river!
  22. I am not a total fox lover at all. They are hiring far far to many leftist at a lighting rate. Shepherd Smith is a total tool for the left . I understand your not liking the evening line up, but you ave to understand the people watching this programming are main stream people mostly over 45 and have a lot life experiences to build their beliefs on. The CNN and MSMBC crowd is much younger in general and were mostly educated during a time of public schools doing their indoctrination of leftist ideology on the students. None of what I say about the demographic is an absolute, because I know not every person under or over 45 are completely one way or the other Also there are good teachers out there doing good things, but text books and school administrators also do a lot of indoctrination. I wouldn't trust the NEA past my front door and common core is a big joke My wife with 20 years of teaching experience agrees with me fully on that one. Those are mine and many people of my age groups feeling on matters. This was not taught to me by FOX, Breitbart or any other media outlet. They may have moved their news to what we feel, but neither they or Trump or anyone else made me/us to feel the way we do. That's one thing that the left just doesn't understand. You can blame all this stuff you think of us all you want on the media you hate, but your just dead wrong. One thing I do know the left hates it when they are wrong and will lie and cover up all they can to save face. Right now with more and more of the facts coming out on this conspiracy attempt by Obama left overs to over throw a legally elected sitting President, the left is in complete and udder melt down. I'm sorry you all fell for it! I feel for you! I think it might be a closer fact the Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist group. People like me were wondering what the left would be like when they lost, and the last two and half years has told us!
  23. Touche! I know their is no chance to change anyone's mind here. Most are past that point of no return. Sorry for you all!
  24. Well ya gotta love the credibility of of any MSM sites that are totally bought and paid for by the Deepstate/ Uniparty that continually lies and lies to people. People have choices in this world to distinguish what is right or wrong. It's just that a person first has to open their mind to the possibility they might be wrong! There has been a huge disservice going on by the MSM to our country and those that own these news agencies and publications should be held accountable for allowing it to happen. All they do is repeat their lies often enough that people make the lie a fact. Funny how the people that own them, do so at a loss because no one listens to them but the few that are still blinded by their ideology and want the lies to be facts!
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