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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Impose the same mandate that didn’t prevent the their wave anyways?? We would be better served to if it was a singular focus on vaccines and getting over peoples hesitancy.
  2. What??? All I said is which you know. Geesh.
  3. Impeachment wasn’t what I asked about, which I’m sure you know
  4. The only reason I asked the question is because if it’s generally the same variant, then it didn’t actually mutate because kd vaccines as India is not vaccinated
  5. I wonder why she didn’t charge him because she stated he broke state and federal law?
  6. Is our Delta variant different than the Delta variant that started in India?
  7. I don’t think African Americans supported Trump/GOP in great numbers.
  8. So you are describing anatomy and not really age. Age just played a role in who got vaccinated. Your larger point applies in that virus mutate to survive and replicate faster.
  9. I agree which is why I can’t figure out why you started it in the first place.
  10. Is that doctor saying 50% of all children will need to be in the ICU if infected? Or that 50% that go to ER will be admitted to ICU? Sorry, but Video won’t play for me.
  11. Well, maybe you weren’t following along but the backstory is @commando said he would hate to see Delta in a country without all the vaccinations. I gave him an example of what happened to a country that had Delta scream through its country. India has less than 10% fully vaccinated people. That’s what I was getting at. Hope that clears up your confusion. It will make parents give the vaccine a second look for their kids I believe.
  12. Oh, Looks like transmission fell as quickly as it rose. Similar to the UK also. Cases are still double the pre-Delta baseline however. I’m not in a position to declare it a disaster or not. Only can speak to the data that’s published.
  13. And it didn’t mirror what you were insinuating either because your second post spoke of viral transmission when I mentioned breathing in my first post. So ya, you kinda dismissed it as a source of viral transmission and it’s not Either way, glad your on board with the science of transmission.
  14. You agree now and no it’s no what you “essentially stated”. You said… I read the Lancet and it didn’t say anything about being uncomfortably close to someone’s face.
  15. Not sure what you mean or are asking, but I wouldn’t classify an outbreak of disease as good.
  16. It happened in India. I believe that population is around 8% fully vaccinated.
  17. That’s not very nice of you. West Coast manners I guess
  18. Ok…. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(20)30514-2/fulltext Infection control guidelines have stated that most respiratory virus transmission occurs from large infected droplets produced by coughing, sneezing, and breathing in close proximity to another person.
  19. Well that would be a new one to the scientific community.
  20. What a clown. I guess we can assume he will wear a mask forever in public now since he has no right to breathe on anyone
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